Rural Dad

Chapter 165

The examination room was very quiet.

All the participating students were solving the questions silently.

There was only the rustling sound of the pen and paper.

Liu Yong kept staring at Xingxing, because he was afraid that Xingxing would be naughty in the examination room and affect the order of the competition.

But to his surprise, Xingxing seemed to be doing the questions with his head down, and kept writing on the test paper.

This surprised Liu Yong very much.

It gave him a ridiculous idea.

Could this child really solve these questions?

Then he felt that his idea was a fantasy. How could a five-year-old child solve questions that were difficult for sixth-grade students?

He really wanted to go over and see what Xingxing was writing.

But he was afraid that if he went over rashly, Xingxing, who was originally well-behaved, would do something that would affect the order of the competition.

After all, children are inherently unstable.

Their behavior is easily affected by the outside world.

It's good for him to be quiet now. Liu Yong doesn't want to do anything that will affect Xingxing's mood.

Half an hour later, Xingxing, who had been writing on the test paper, stopped writing and began to sit in a daze.

Liu Yong guessed that Xingxing should have been drawing on the test paper just now, otherwise why would he stop writing after half an hour.

That's good, as long as he doesn't make trouble.

He has begun to like Xingxing. This child is at least more obedient than the troublemaker in his family.

Time passed, and the bell rang.

All participating students stopped writing.

After putting the test paper on the table, they left in an orderly manner.

There are special teachers to collect the test papers one by one.

The results of the preliminary round will be sent to the mobile phones of the students' parents by text message before 6 pm.

Students who pass the preliminary round will come to the semi-finals on time tomorrow morning after receiving the text message.

The results of the semi-finals are the same.

Only the results of the finals will be announced in person at school, because there will be an award ceremony.

A large group of participating students walked out of the school gate.

Yang Ao and Xingxing were among them.

"Sister!" Yang Ao saw his sister waiting for him with open arms from a distance, so he opened his arms and ran out quickly to give her a hug.

Yang Xue bypassed him and hugged Xingxing: "Little Xingxing, how do you feel?"

Yang Ao stood there with his arms open.

Oh, so embarrassing!

He ignored the teasing eyes around him, opened his arms and stretched them upwards, and used stretching to cover up his embarrassment: "Oh, I'm exhausted from doing the questions."

Why am I always the one who gets hurt!

"It feels okay, it's very simple, I finished it in half an hour." Xingxing said disdainfully.

Yang Xue kissed him on the face: "Xingxing is great, let's go, auntie will take you to eat delicious food."

"Guoguo wants to go too." Guoguo said quickly.

Yang Xue smiled: "Let's go together."

Zhao Han hugged Guoguo, she hugged Xingxing, and walked towards the car with laughter, and Yang Ao followed silently.

"Sister, I feel like I'm a little redundant now." Yang Ao looked like he had lost all hope in life.

"Silly brother, don't say that." Yang Xue smiled back and said gently, "You've always been redundant, not just today."

Yang Ao rolled his eyes: "Sister, even mocking me is so gentle, I'm almost moved to tears."

"How did you do in the exam?" Zhao Han asked.

Yang Ao immediately became excited: "I feel pretty good, anyway, I finished all the questions."

"I had this feeling every time I took an exam when I was in school, and when the papers were handed out, I found that the feeling was unreliable." Zhao Han patted his shoulder.

Yang Ao was anxious: "I'm different from you..."

"Yes, you're worse than me."

"Brother-in-law, I got full marks in math!"

"But you got 10 points in all other subjects."

"Brother-in-law, can we still have a pleasant chat?"

"What's wrong? I'm quite happy!"


In the office.

Liu Yong, the director of the primary school department, was marking the papers that had just been collected with a group of teachers.

"This competition is a gathering of elites. Some people from our primary school also participated. I just don't know if anyone got full marks." A female teacher said.

Liu Yong shook his head: "It's unlikely. The test questions this time are quite difficult. There are many questions on the paper that even junior high school students may not be able to solve."

"Director Liu, the five-year-old child in your examination room didn't make trouble, did he?" another teacher asked.

Liu Yong smiled: "That child is very well behaved. He should have doodled for half an hour and was in a daze the rest of the time. Whoever you mark will find a messy test paper, it must be his."


Suddenly, a teacher exclaimed.

"What's wrong?"

In an instant, everyone looked at him.

The teacher swallowed his saliva, his face full of dissatisfaction.Ke Zhixin: "Here, there is a perfect scorer."


"How can a primary school student get a perfect score on this test paper! Let me take a look, let me take a look."

Everyone was shocked and gathered around.

When they saw the neat test paper and the correct handwriting, everyone immediately felt a good impression.

This handwriting made them feel very comfortable.

"Zhao Xing? Isn't this the five-year-old kindergarten kid?" A female teacher said in shock.

They all had a deep impression of Xingxing.

The others then looked at the student's name.

"How is it possible! A five-year-old child can't even recognize all these characters, let alone whether he can do these questions."

"That's right, it's even more impossible to write this handwriting."

"It should be the same name and surname. We have a genius in Tongzhou. Which school is it from?"

Everyone talked about it for a while, and no one thought that this test paper was done by a five-year-old child.

Everyone thought it was just a coincidence that the two had the same name and surname.

"I checked the test number, this paper belongs to the five-year-old child." A male teacher sitting behind the computer suddenly said quietly.

The office was suddenly so quiet that you could hear a pin drop.

Then it suddenly exploded.

"How is this possible! Is there a mistake?"

"Yes, how could a five-year-old child solve these questions and write so well?"

"There must be something wrong with the computer program."

Liu Yong immediately said: "Check it again."

After countless checks, even specially adjusting the surveillance, it was proved that the full-score test paper in their hands was taken by a five-year-old child.

For a moment, everyone looked at each other.

Liu Yong was in a trance, muttering to himself: "No wonder he was writing in the first half an hour and was in a daze in the second half. It turns out that he finished the questions in half an hour."

Everyone took a breath again.

"This... this is too monstrous! Is he really only five years old? There is no one like him before and there will be no one like him after!"

"No wonder his parents let him participate in the competition. It turns out that he really has this ability. It's too scary."

"Genius! A real genius! He is so smart at the age of five. What will he be like in the future?"

Liu Yong recovered and said, suppressing the shock and excitement in his heart: "This news is not allowed to be spread for the time being, lest some school smells the wind and snatches it from us. This kind of genius should be our No. 1 Middle School!"

Every school is competing for high-quality students.

Not to mention a monster like Xingxing.

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