Rural Friends Circle

Chapter 1347 Return to Group 9

Bi'an put down the blueprint in his hand, and then said to Tang Feng: "There is a problem, and it's not small."

"What problem, is it the material?"

"The material is one aspect, but the most important point is that the fastest car on earth is more than 1,200 kilometers per hour, but I saw on the blueprint that this car can reach 2,000 kilometers per hour. There is no such car in the world. Your blueprint is definitely not something on earth." Bi'an squinted at Tang Feng and frowned tightly.

"Who said it's not? I brought this blueprint back from the United States. They are preparing to manufacture this kind of car. You don't think there are aliens in this world!" Tang Feng said with a smile.

"Before I became a cultivator, I never thought there were cultivators in the world." Bi'an stared at Tang Feng, then took the blueprint and said, "If you don't tell me the source of this blueprint, I won't make it for you."

Tang Feng smiled, then said, "Didn't I say that I got this from the American Superman League."

"Impossible! Don't try to lie to me, the United States doesn't have this strength at all!" Bi'an threw down the blueprint, leaned on the sofa, and said with his eyes wide open.

Seeing him like this, Tang Feng also laughed, and then said, "I can take out so many storage gourds and so many spirit stones. Do you think I can't take out a blueprint for a car?"

When Bi'an heard what Tang Feng said, he was stunned for a moment, and then fell silent. After a while, Bi'an said, "The blueprint is here with me. I will notify you when the car is built."

Tang Feng smiled, then stood up and said, "Thank you." After Tang Feng finished speaking, he walked out directly.

Bi'an looked at the door, frowning tightly.

Tang Feng walked out of the room, and then saw Lao Kong, who was drunk. Lao Kong saw Tang Feng and said with a smile: "Tang Feng, why did you come out of Bi'an's room?"

"I had something to talk to him about, and we just finished talking. Why did you drink so much?" Tang Feng frowned and covered his nose.

"I had two drinks with old man Hua, and I'm going to sleep." After saying that, Lao Kong went straight into his dormitory. Everyone was doing their own things. Tang Feng went straight to the fifth floor and saw Xiaou still packing up the robots. Tang Feng walked to Xiaou's side and said with a smile: "Xiaou, where are you going to send these robots?"

When Xiaou saw Tang Feng, a helpless expression appeared on the screen on his face, and then he said: "These robots can be repaired. As long as I collect the parts, I can use my robot hand to repair them."

After Xiaou finished speaking, he continued to pack up the robots on the ground. Tang Feng thought for a while, and then asked: "Xiaou, what functions do you have?"

Xiaou had a frown on his face, and then after a while he said: "I know a lot of things."

Tang Feng asked again: "Can you crack a computer?"

"Cracking a computer is too simple. Is your computer locked? Do you need my help?"

"No, no, I'm just curious." Tang Feng said with a smile.

"Xiaou, what does Qiuniu like to do every day? Target number 016AbXsw Novel Network is looking forward to your return at any time

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