Rural Friends Circle

Chapter 1348: Endless Spear


Tang Feng frowned as he looked at the black ointment, then took out a small bottle of water and dripped a drop into the ointment, and the ointment turned transparent.

Seeing the transparent ointment, Tang Feng nodded with satisfaction, then put it in a bottle, put it into a seven-star gourd, and then put the other wrapped medicines in it.

Tang Feng walked out of the Nine Group Base, walked to the side of the car he had just driven back, opened the window and threw the gourd in, and then took out his mobile phone.

"Xiaou, you can drive the car away."

Tang Feng went to the side again and saw that the Maserati started up directly, and then drove towards the road that Tang Feng came back. This car is remotely controlled and driven automatically by Xiaou, and is a collaboration between Bi'an and Qiuniu.

Tang Feng smiled and called Suanni.

"The medicine for you has been put in the car and sent back. I put it in the storage gourd. The gourd is also given to you. The method of use is very simple. You can ask Pixiu and the others. There is a bottle of ointment in it. Apply it three times a day, morning, noon and evening. Take the rest of the medicine packs and take one pack a day. Use a casserole to boil three bowls of water into one bowl. Do you understand?"

After Tang Feng finished speaking, there was no sound on the other end of the phone for a long time. Tang Feng thought it was hung up. He picked it up and took a look. Then he saw that it was not hung up. Tang Feng said: "If there is nothing else, I will hang up."

"Thank you." Three words came over the phone, and then there was a "beep" sound of hanging up the phone.

Tang Feng smiled, then put away the phone and returned to the base. Tang Feng sat on the bed, thinking about what he should learn. Tang Feng and Bixi fought, and then realized how powerless he was when facing the master of the heaven realm.

Tang Feng didn't know any swordsmanship or knife skills. When fighting against an enemy, he used fists and feet. However, when facing a swordsman like Bixi, he could break his defense with a sword with a spiritual sword. He was suppressed everywhere and couldn't fight back at all.

So Tang Feng wanted to learn some moves that could be used with weapons, so that he wouldn't be suppressed so seriously when fighting against the enemy, at least he wouldn't be powerless to fight back.

Tang Feng thought about it, took out his mobile phone, found Taishang Laojun, and prepared to ask him for some practice moves.

"Laojun, are you there? I have something to ask you."

Tang Feng had just sent a message, and Taishang Laojun replied with a message.

"What do you want to ask me? Tell me."

"Laojun, I want to learn some gun skills. I don't know if you have any books on this. Can you lend it to me for a few days?" Tang Feng said a little embarrassedly.

Taishang Laojun didn't reply to Tang Feng, but sent a red envelope directly.

Ding! You received "Silver Dragon Five Styles" from your friend Taishang Laojun. Do you want to download it?


After Tang Feng finished speaking, a silver light appeared on his hand. When the light disappeared, a book appeared in Tang Feng's hand.

"You got it, this is the best book on spearmanship I have. I don't have any better books if you want one."

When Tang Feng saw the book, he clapped his hands in surprise, and then said to Taishang Laojun: "Laojun, now I have the book, but I still lack a handy weapon. You also know that I haven't reached the heavenly realm yet, and I can't turn my spiritual power into a weapon, so you see..."

After Tang Feng finished speaking, he received another red envelope.

Ding! You received the Wu Ya Gun sent by your friend Taishang Laojun. Do you want to download it?


After Tang Feng finished speaking, a light flew out of the mobile phone again and gathered in Tang Feng's hand. The light disappeared, and then Tang Feng felt his hand sink, and a shiny spear appeared in Tang Feng's hand.

"Tang Feng, this gun is the pinnacle of spiritual weapons. Use it well. Also, when will you give me the cigarettes, alcohol, sugar and tea you promised me!"

When Tang Feng saw this message, he put the book and Wu Ya gun into the Xianyun bracelet, and then said to Taishang Laojun while running: "Laojun, don't worry, I will send it to you right away."

Tang Feng ran to the big supermarket in the Nine Group Base, walked to the cigarette, alcohol, sugar and tea area, and said to the waiter: "I want all of these, go swipe the card! There is no password!" Tang Feng took out a card and handed it to the waiter, then took the Xianyun bracelet and put all the things away in an instant. The waiter was stunned.

Tang Feng saw his look and said: "You can slowly settle the bill first. After swiping the card, please send it to 510 in Building 3 for me. Thank you!"

After Tang Feng finished speaking, he ran back to his dormitory, took out all the things, and started to send red envelopes with his mobile phone. Taishang Laojun saw the things sent by Tang Feng and nodded with satisfaction.

After Tang Feng sent all the things, he wiped the sweat from his forehead and sent a message to Taishang Laojun.

"Laojun, I have bought everything I can buy, and this is all I have."

"That's all! It's not enough!"

"Laojun, I will buy more for you in a few days, you use it first." Tang Feng hurriedly sent a message.

"Okay, I'll wait for you, don't forget this time!"

"Okay, okay, I will definitely not forget!"

Tang Feng put away his mobile phone, then took out the "Silver Dragon Five Styles" and the Wu Ya Gun. This gun is a little more than two meters long and all black, like an ordinary iron rod, but it must be at least 150 kilograms, and it feels heavy to hold. Tang Feng has trained his body, and if it is a lighter weapon, it will definitely not be very easy to hold, so this gun just fits Tang Feng's feeling.

The gun was a little over two meters long, and the gun head was also black, without any other patterns, just pure black. The gun tip was diamond-shaped, the most common gun with a high ridge, thin blade and pointed head.

Tang Feng injected spiritual power into the gun, and the gun body did not change much, it was still black, but Tang Feng could feel that the gun seemed to have merged with himself. Tang Feng bit his finger directly and dropped a drop of blood on the Wu Ya gun.

The Wu Ya gun flashed with light, and then suddenly disappeared, but Tang Feng felt a blood connection when he grabbed the Wu Ya gun. Tang Feng stood up, injected spiritual power, and waved it lightly. A black light flew out and directly split the gun in Tang Feng's bedroom into two halves.

Tang Feng swallowed his saliva, then took out his mobile phone and called Yan Di, saying that his room was accidentally damaged when he was practicing, and asked her to find a decoration team to repair it again.

Yan Di readily agreed. Tang Feng smacked his lips and said to himself, "It seems that I can't practice shooting in the house anymore."

Tang Feng walked out directly, looked around, and found a good place, but he couldn't get in, so he found the battalion instructor at the shooting range.

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