Rural Friends Circle

Chapter 1390: King of Hell

Tang Feng didn't fall asleep for a long time. After Feng Qian fell asleep, he sat up, took out his mobile phone, found the WeChat account of the King of Hell, looked at the avatar of the King of Hell, and then clicked on it. A line of words appeared in front of the screen. .

Do you want to add Yama as a friend?

Tang Feng thought for a while, then clicked yes, and then a box popped up on his phone.

You have successfully sent the friend request, please wait for the other party to agree.

Seeing this, Tang Feng pressed the power button on his phone, and the whole room was dark again. Tang Feng hugged Feng Qian and didn't know what he was thinking. The only thing he wanted to do now was to live. Only by living could he do more things.

Soon, Tang Feng's phone vibrated, and Tang Feng hurriedly picked it up and took a look.

The King of Hell has approved your friend application. You are now friends. Come and chat!

Tang Feng clutched his cell phone and looked at the avatar of the King of Hell. He didn't know what to say. After all, what he was doing was not a simple matter. If he was discovered, it would be against the law of heaven, and he couldn't exchange it for anything good. Come back!

"Hello, which immortal are you? Do I know you?"

When Tang Feng was in a daze, his phone vibrated. Tang Feng was startled. Then he picked it up and took a look, and saw that the King of Hell took the initiative to send him a message. Tang Feng was stunned for a long time, not knowing what to say.

The King of Hell on the other side also looked puzzled. After agreeing to this person's friend application, he took a look at his friend circle, but it was empty, with nothing in it, and he didn't speak, so he could only speak first. .

"How can I tell you! Let me ask you a question first, are you really the King of Hell?"

The King of Hell was stunned for a moment when he saw Tang Feng's reply, and then he couldn't help laughing. It seemed that this immortal family was a little confused, and he didn't even know that he was the King of Hell.

"Of course, I am really the King of Hell. What about you, which immortal family are you?"

The King of Hell also looked puzzled. The passage to heaven had been closed for who knows how long. There could be no one who had just ascended. Moreover, all the immortals in the immortal world knew him, so it was impossible for him to ask such a question.

"I'm not a fairy, I'm an ordinary person."

As soon as the King of Hell saw this sentence, a cold sweat broke out on his back, and then he sent a message.

"Stop joking. This kind of joke is not allowed. Which immortal family are you? Tell me."

"I'm not joking, I'm really an ordinary person." Tang Feng just wanted to tell the King of Hell truthfully, and he didn't pretend to be an immortal anymore. He just told the King of Hell directly, and then told him about his own affairs. If he If he doesn't agree, then he will directly tell him his conditions and give him something. If this doesn't work, then Tang Feng will also

I can only give up.

There was more cold sweat on the back of the King of Hell, not only on his back, but also on his forehead. Ordinary people add friends to the gods in the heaven. This is going to cause big trouble!

When the King of Hell saw the message sent by Tang Feng, his first reaction was to find the Jade Emperor. He didn't know how to deal with such a big matter. After all, this kind of situation had never happened before.

"King of Hell, I came to you because I have something to ask of you, so I hope you can listen to me first before going to the Jade Emperor."

The King of Hell couldn't help but frowned when he saw the message sent by Tang Feng.

"Then tell me, what do you want from me?"

"I want you to die!"

When the King of Hell saw this, he was shocked again, and then sent a message without thinking.

"Impossible! No one has ever touched the Book of Life and Death since Sun Wukong made a big fuss, and the Book of Life and Death is a serious crime that violates the laws of heaven!"

Tang Feng sighed helplessly when he saw this sentence. The King of Hell also felt that his words were a bit fierce, so he sent another message.

"Who are you going to give a life and death certificate to? Your family? Or yourself?"

"Me." The King of Hell sighed, and then comforted Tang Feng and said, "Young man, as the saying goes, life and death are destiny, wealth is in heaven, life, old age, illness and death are also the laws of the world, so you should give up this idea, can you Adding it to my WeChat shows that you and I are also destined. Please tell me your name.

Tell me and I will arrange a good home for you in your next life. "

When Tang Feng saw what the King of Hell said, he could only try again to see if he could exchange it with something else.

"King of Hell, I have many things in the world that I can trade with you. Please give me some extra life, even if it's just one year!"

"Impossible! No matter what you give me, I will never help you!"

"King of Hell, please think about it again. I can really exchange it with you for other things, no matter what you want!" Tang Feng was a little anxious. If this method didn't work, then his hope was really slim.

"Needless to say, I will never help you. Well, if you want to find a good family in the next life, just give me your name. I will not tell the Jade Emperor about this. I am still busy, so just So be it."

After the King of Hell sent this message, he turned off his phone and sat at his desk. He didn't know what he was thinking. Suddenly, the phone of the King of Hell vibrated again, and then the screen lit up.

"Do you know the current situation in heaven?"

When the King of Hell saw this sentence, he frowned, then turned off the screen and held the phone tightly.

Could it be that he was talking about the devil world? But how could he, a mortal, know that? The King of Hell stood up and kept pacing in the office. Tang Feng was about to confess to the King of Hell. If he didn't do this, the King of Hell would definitely not change his destiny, but he couldn't die now. Not to mention Li Jing and Qiao Jiaojiao, even in the heaven, if he died, the prophecy If it comes true, then whether it is the current earth or the heaven, it will

Become a living hell.

Tang Feng sent the message, but the King of Hell didn't reply for a long time. Tang Feng gritted his teeth and then sent another message.

"The demon world is about to start. There will definitely be a war in the future, and I can help you."

When the King of Hell saw this news, his brows furrowed even more tightly. How could he, a mortal, know about this and be so confident that he could help the immortal world.

"All the immortals in the immortal world are very powerful and don't need your help." "A while ago, Sun Wukong and Nezha were injured. Today, Yang Jian was also possessed by someone from the demon world. If Taishang Laojun hadn't arrived in time, Come on, Yang Jian may have been taken away. Isn't this enough proof? You must know what the fighting power of the three of them is in the immortal world, so you'd better think about it before talking." After Tang Feng finished speaking, the King of Hell fell silent. .

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