Rural Friends Circle

Chapter 1391: Book of Life and Death

What Tang Feng said is indeed correct. The news just came today that Yang Jian was injured in Beihai. But this is the only news. As for what Tang Feng said about a monster entering his body and almost being taken away from him, the King of Hell really didn't know that he was possessed by a monster. Only a few high-level officials in the immortal world know about this matter.

Dao, the information was not released at all.

After hearing Tang Feng's words, the King of Hell was silent for a while, and then sent a message.

"I understand what you said, but how can you, a mortal, help us in the immortal world? When the war between immortals and demons begins, can you still come to the heaven to help? Besides, you are only a mortal, let alone Sun Dasheng and the Third Prince. I guess you can’t even beat a fairy from heaven.”

Tang Feng didn't know what to say now. After all, he didn't have a new system yet, and he couldn't prove his ability, and he couldn't talk to the King about the system.

"I can use WeChat to send you some things that can help you defeat the devil."

The King of Hell frowned, is the world already so powerful now? Have you developed a weapon that can fight monsters?

"If I believe you and help you change the book of life and death based on your few words, then I am not worthy of being the King of Hell. Unless you can give me that thing now and let me see its power, then I can Help you change your destiny."

"I don't have it yet. Just give me a month, and I can give it to you."

The King of Hell smiled and then sent a message.

"Then you can come back to me when you can give me those things. I can't believe you because you are such a free hand."

"I may not even have a month left now! How can I give it to you!" It was because Feng Qian was sleeping next to her. If she hadn't been sleeping, Tang Feng would have started to curse directly.

"Hahaha, tell me your information and I will check for you how much time you have left."

"Tang Feng, male, from Pingyang, 27 years old this year."

"Wait a minute, I'll check it for you."

The King of Hell picked up the phone and walked out directly, and then directly arrived at the door of a locked room. There was also a man wearing an old-fashioned high hat sitting at the door, holding a pen in his hand. When he saw the King of Hell, he stood hurriedly. got up.

"King of Hell, why are you here?"

"Come to check something, Judge. Open the door for me."

This man was the judge. The judge nodded, then took out a bunch of keys, opened the door and walked in.

There is a quaint table in the room, and there is a book on the table, a very large book with three words written on it, Book of Life and Death! The King of Hell walked over and told the judge about Tang Feng's information. The judge took out his pen and wrote down Tang Feng's information on the first page. Then he took two steps back. After writing Tang Feng's name, he immediately disappeared, and then the book started to turn with a "clatter" of its own accord, coupled with the gloominess of hell

, looks a little creepy.

After flipping through the book of life and death for a long time, it finally stopped, but the result surprised the King of Hell and the judge, because the book was still on the first page, and Tang Feng's name just written also appeared on the first page.

"King of Hell, I didn't find it."

"Try again and write again."

After hearing what the King of Hell said, the judge wiped Tang Feng's name with his pen, and the words disappeared, and then wrote Tang Feng's message again. The Book of Life and Death was turned over again, and both the King of Hell and the Judge looked at the Book of Life and Death expectantly.

But this time, nothing was found in the Book of Life and Death, and Tang Feng's information once again appeared on the first page.

"Judge, what's going on?"

The judge didn't understand either and said nervously: "King of Hell, is there an error in the information you gave me? The book of life and death cannot be wrong."

The King of Hell took out his mobile phone and sent a message to Tang Feng.

"Check your information again to see if there are any errors."

Tang Feng looked at what he had just sent again and found that there were no mistakes, so he sent it with a shaking head expression.

The King of Hell frowned, and then asked the judge: "The information is correct, but why can't this person be found?"

"Well..., the information is correct, but it can't be found." The judge's brows also frowned, and then he suddenly remembered something. "King of Hell, the Book of Life and Death records all the humans, gods and ghosts in the world, but do you still remember who the last person who was not in the Book of Life and Death was?"

"Sun Wukong!" The King of Hell yelled out in surprise, and then hurriedly covered his mouth.

"King of Hell, where did you find this Tang Feng?" The judge walked to the side of King of Hell and asked in a low voice. The king of hell told the judge what happened, and then the judge frowned. After a while, the judge whispered: "King of hell, I feel that this Tang Feng is not simple. First of all, he said that he is a mortal, but how can he They may search your WeChat account and add you as a friend.

. Secondly, he said that he was about to die, but there was no information about him in the Book of Life and Death, which meant that he had jumped out of the Three Realms and was not among the Five Elements. It should be like Sun Wukong, who is not controlled by the laws of the world. "When the King of Hell heard this, he also had a sad look on his face. If it is really what the judge said, then this Tang Feng must be the next Sun Wukong, and he might turn the underworld upside down. The last time Sun Wukong caused trouble, the underworld was completely shaken. It took hundreds of years to calm down, but now it’s really

I can't stand the fuss.

"Then what should I do? He said he wanted me to give her a long life, but now his name is not in the book of life and death at all. Even if I want to change it for him against the rules of heaven, I can't!"

The judge thought for a while and then asked: "King of Hell, you said that he actively asked you to change the book of life and death for him?"

The King of Hell nodded, and then the judge laughed. The King of Hell saw him laughing and asked in confusion: "Why are you laughing?"

"King of Hell, since he asked you to change the Book of Life and Death, it means that he must not know that he is not in the Book of Life and Death, so we can just fool around."

"Fooled? How?" The King of Hell asked with a frown as he did not understand what the judge meant.

"We can't change the book of life and death, so we will give him your jade pendant and say that the changes have been completed. This is a gift for him. This will not only help him defend himself, but also make friends with him, even if we are wrong. "It's nothing to look for. The worst thing is to give it to him."

After hearing this, the King of Hell thought for a while, smiled and patted the judge on the shoulder, and said, "Your mind is getting brighter and brighter." "Hey, hey, it's all led by the King of Hell." The judge bent down and flattered. Speaking of.

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