Rural Friends Circle

Chapter 1428 Getting Angry

When the three of them heard Tang Feng's words, they couldn't help but gulped, and then they all became nervous and looked around the road for fear of the gorilla jumping out from somewhere.

The four of them arrived at the gorilla's nest. The gorilla was sleeping. Li Xiang looked at the gorilla and said, "The gorilla is still here. I wonder what happened to the old immortal in Tenglang Village."

"Look, his old arms and legs have probably been torn apart by gorillas." Er Mao said with a smile.

The four of them couldn't help laughing when they stopped to Ermao, and then Tang Feng said: "Today's task is for the three of you to take turns fighting the gorilla."

"Ah! We were so cruel to the gorilla yesterday, but he still beats him to death today!" Hong Lin said in disbelief.

"Don't worry, there were three of you yesterday, and today you're in a wheel-and-wheel battle, and I'm here, so there will definitely be no problem. Go ahead." After Tang Feng finished speaking, he waved his hand to the three of them. The three of them walked forward, and Hong Lin said: "There is a big risk today. We were so cruel to the gorilla yesterday. He will definitely be even more angry when he sees us today, so the first person to go up will definitely be We were attacked wildly, and the gorilla must have known that we were in a car

In round-robin battles, the further back you go, the harder it becomes. "

When Li Xiang and Er Mao heard Hong Lin's words, they both frowned, and then Li Xiang said, "I have a higher level of cultivation and stronger strength, so I will come first." Hong Lin and Er Mao nodded, and then Li Xiang stood up directly. , As soon as Li Xiang stood up, the gorilla's big eyes opened. Li Xiang took out the Vajra Talisman and the Divine Walking Talisman and stuck them on his body. When the gorilla saw Li Xiang, he stood up immediately. Yesterday, they beat it. And hit the ground

Fangdu was a relatively fragile part of its body, which caused it great pain. Even though it beat an old man, the anger still didn't come out.

The gorilla jumped out, and Li Xiang hurriedly ran to the side. The gorilla rushed towards Li Xiang, then jumped up and hit Li Xiang. But what Hong Lin and Er Mao didn't expect was that Li Xiang could easily avoid it. passed.

Li Xiang himself didn't expect that he could get through so easily. If this was done in the past, it would have been a lazy donkey roll to the side, but now, he actually dodged it with just one move, and he dodged it just right. , the gorilla's body just fell from in front of him.

Li Xiang hurriedly jumped to the side and distanced himself from the gorilla. Then he looked at Hong Lin and Er Mao hiding aside in surprise, only to find that both of them were looking at him with wide eyes. Li Xiang couldn't believe it, and at this time, the gorilla's big eyes were also a little confused. He used to beat him as if it was for fun. He could move his arms and legs casually, and these little shrimps would have to run around, but Today, I was dodged so easily


Then the gorilla did not believe in evil and attacked Li Xiang again, punching Li Xiang. Li Xiang was mentally prepared this time and easily dodged the punch, and then turned around and reached the gorilla. From behind, he kicked it in the butt.

The gorilla roared angrily, which was simply humiliating it. Then it went crazy and launched a crazy attack at Li Xiang. If Li Xiang had just hit it, it might not be so angry, but Li Xiang kicked it. Its butt directly angered it.

After the gorilla went crazy, Li Xiang felt that he was a little overwhelmed and stretched, but there was still no danger. After Li Xiang struggled with the gorilla for a while, he shouted loudly to Er Mao and Hong Lin: "Would you two come over and give it a try?" , it’s really no problem!”

Er Mao jumped out excitedly and shouted excitedly: "I'll come, I'll come! Come back quickly!"

When Li Xiang heard Er Mao's words, he immediately threw away the gorilla. Originally, his speed and the blessing of the divine walking talisman were only about the same as the gorilla, but now that he used the magical walking talisman, he actually killed the gorilla directly. Left behind.

When Er Mao saw that Li Xiang was so strong, he jumped down from a high place like the ape-man Tarzan. Er Mao took out the Divine Walking Talisman and the Diamond Talisman in the air, attached them to his body, and then kicked him. On the gorilla's face, he kicked the gorilla directly to the ground.

Because Li Xiang was in front, Er Mao didn't surprise them too much. When Er Mao saw that he had kicked away a gorilla that was several times bigger than him, he became even more excited and screamed "Ouch!" Rush towards the gorilla.

The gorilla stood up, roared angrily, and punched Ermao. Ermao didn't even dodge this time, but directly used his "small fist" to confront the gorilla's "big fist".

However, Er Mao was still too confident, and this punch directly knocked him away. Although he had become a lot stronger during this period and could deal with the gorilla, his strength was still much lower than that of the gorilla.

Er Mao felt some discomfort in his arm after punching him, and then shouted loudly: "Hong Lin, come down!"

When Hong Lin heard this, he put on the talisman and jumped down from the hillside. Er Mao quickly backed away. Hong Lin and the gorilla fought each other, and Er Mao ran back to the hillside.

Li Xiang hurriedly walked to Er Mao and asked nervously: "How are you? Are you okay?"

"It's okay, it must have been dislocated." Er Mao said with a grin.

Tang Feng wandered over at this time and saw Er Mao's expression. He gloated: "I knew you weren't too good!"

Ermao heard Tang Feng's words and said with a bitter face: "Who would have thought that the gorilla was so strong? I could kick it away with one kick, but who knew that I couldn't beat it!"

Tang Feng squatted down, held Ermao's arm, and held it up for him while saying: "You can kick it away because of the geographical advantage. You can definitely kick it away when you go down the hillside, but I really didn't expect you to fight with a gorilla! You are really capable!"

When Tang Feng said this, he directly twisted it with force, and only heard a "kaba" sound, and Ermao screamed.

"Its body is so big, you can imagine how strong it is with your butt. You still have the courage to fight with it, your brain must have been blown up by a fart!" Tang Feng became more and more angry as he thought about it, and he cursed directly.

Ermao and Li Xiang saw Tang Feng getting angry, and they didn't dare to speak. Tang Feng took a deep breath and calmed down. "If it weren't for the Vajra Talisman, you would have been beaten into a pulp just now!"

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