Rural Friends Circle

Chapter 1429 Groom's Outfit

"If it hadn't been for the Diamond Talisman, you would have been beaten to a pulp by its punch just now!"

After Tang Feng finished speaking, Er Mao lowered his head. Seeing him like this, Tang Feng said again: "Okay, with this lesson, you should not make such mistakes in the future."

When the two of them saw that Tang Feng was no longer angry, Li Xiang asked: "Master Tang, why are we so strong today? We can actually tie with the gorilla!"

Tang Feng smiled and then said, "Have you seen any changes in your body these days?"

Hearing Tang Feng's question, Li Xiang frowned, and then said, "When I practice every night, I feel a heat flowing through my body along with my spiritual power."

"Me too, and the heat seems to be getting less and less. I couldn't feel it last night." Er Mao also raised his head at this time and said. Tang Feng nodded, and then said: "The heat in your body is the food you eat that I cooked." When the two of them heard Tang Feng's words, their eyes widened in surprise, and then Tang Feng looked at him with his hands behind his back. Hong Lin, who was fighting the gorilla, said again: "The meals I cook for you are all medicated meals. There are many elixirs in them. After you eat them, your bodies must move to digest the power of these medicines. That's why I cook them every day." I bring you here to exercise with this gorilla, so that when you practice at night, you can absorb all the medicinal power into your body.

Why have you become so strong today? It's because a course of treatment has passed and you should have absorbed all the medicine, so you suddenly became so strong today. "

When the two of them heard Tang Feng's words, they couldn't help but give Tang Feng a thumbs up. Li Xiang said with admiration: "Master Tang, you are so amazing. You can integrate medical skills into your cooking skills and let us know it." With his cultivation, he has become so strong now.”

Tang Feng waved his hand, and then said: "This has something to do with yourselves. If you don't practice, no matter how much medicinal food you take, it will be useless." Li Xiang and the three of them fought with the gorilla for a while, but Tang Feng refused to let them After using the talisman seal, Li Xiang was the first to go. This time without the talisman seal, Li Xiang faced the crazy gorilla with even more effort. From time to time, he had to use a lazy donkey to roll to avoid the gorilla's attack. Hong Lin and Ermao

Compared to him, it's a little worse. If you can't last for a few minutes, you have to leave the game, otherwise you will definitely be beaten by the gorilla.

At noon, the three of them took a break to eat. While eating, Ermao asked: "Master Tang, should we go find the people in Tenglang Village and cause them some trouble?"

"What a heck! We made them look like that yesterday. I guess they will have to recuperate at home before the game and won't come out again." Li Xiang said, rolling his eyes.

"Don't worry, they will definitely come out, otherwise what will happen to the meat they used for dowry?" Hong Lin said with a smile.

"Yes, you will be fighting this gorilla here for the past few days. I will be hunting nearby. If you meet people from Tenglang Village, I will ask you to make trouble together." Tang Feng held the chicken leg in his mouth, and then took it A pager came out.

"This is a pager. If you need anything while I'm away, use this to call me."

Er Mao took it and then looked at the buttons on it, not daring to touch it for fear of damaging the pager.

"Master Tang, how is this used?"

Tang Feng took out another pager and taught the three of them how to use it. The three of them started playing. Hong Lin didn't take it away from them, so he sat helplessly aside.

"Master Tang, are all things outside like this? Let me see what kind of machine you are using..."

"Cell phone!"

"Yes, yes, it's a mobile phone. It seems to be more powerful than this. I see Anna having fun playing with Coco." Hong Lin looked at Tang Feng, his eyes slowly turning longing.

"The things outside are very good. There are things even better than this. Why, do you want to go out and have a look?" Tang Feng asked with a smile.

Hong Lin glanced at Li Xiang and Ermao who were having fun, nodded slightly, and Tang Feng said with a smile: "Then you come with me."

Hong Lin was startled, and then asked hurriedly: "Are you leaving?"

"Of course, I still have things to do and I have to leave. The time is probably when your game is over. The village chief said that he will hold a wedding for me and Xiaoqian with you. I guess we will leave after the wedding. Why? Like? Do you want to come with us?"

When Hong Lin heard Tang Feng's words, he raised his head and squinted at the sun in the sky.

"Let's see and then talk."

The four of them stayed in the mountain for another afternoon before going back. The four of them were all exhausted. Tang Feng returned to Anna's house and was stunned as soon as he entered the house.

Because Feng Qian inside the room was wearing a bright red bridal dress with a phoenix embroidered on it, a phoenix crown on her head, and light makeup on her face. She looked like a classical beauty, and Tang Feng was stunned.

Feng Qian didn't see him and was facing Grandma Anna. Grandma Anna saw Tang Feng and said with a smile: "Don't let me see it. Let your future husband see it."

Feng Qian was stunned for a moment, then turned around. When she saw Tang Feng's appearance, Feng Qian's face immediately turned red, and then Feng Qian lowered her head.

"Master! Is Master good-looking?" Anna jumped out from behind Feng Qian and pulled Feng Qian to the front of Tang Feng.

Tang Feng was speechless and could only keep nodding. Feng Qian raised her head and couldn't help laughing when she saw Tang Feng like this.

"Look at how stupid you are!"

Tang Feng came back to his senses, and then quickly poured a glass of water and drank it, not even daring to look at Feng Qian.

"Where did you get the clothes?"

Feng Qian smiled and said: "My grandma gave it to me. Is it beautiful? Grandma said I should wear this on the wedding day."

"Beautiful, too beautiful."

After Tang Feng finished speaking, Feng Qian took out another piece of clothing, turned Tang Feng around, and said with a smile: "This is your clothes, take a look. Grandma said if it doesn't fit, we will ask the villagers to help modify it."

Tang Feng saw that it was also a bright red groom's suit with a dragon tattoo on it, which looked luxurious and imposing.

Tang Feng took the clothes, and then went outside to change into them. The clothes fit him well, and there was also a red dome hat. Tang Feng put it on and looked like a literary youth.

Tang Feng walked into the house, and when Grandma Anna saw him, she smiled and said, "A talented man and a beautiful woman, what a perfect match!"

Feng Qian smiled and said, "Thank you, Grandma!" Grandma Anna said happily, "You are just like my own children. I am happy that you are getting married."

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