Rural Friends Circle

Chapter 1,437 God?

Chapter 1437: Immortal?

Remember in one second,

The village chief of Tenglang Village stopped when he heard Chen Er and Chen San, then turned around and gritted his teeth and said, "Where are they two now?"

The mayor of Changlong Village said with a smile: "Don't worry, the two of them are just slightly injured. You can see them on the day of the competition. Okay, that's it. I'll leave first." The mayor of Changlong Village waved his hand. He walked off the bridge with his hands behind his back.

After getting off the bridge, he suddenly remembered something, then turned around and said with a smile: "By the way, don't forget about the dowry. Our village's dowry has been prepared. If we lose, we will definitely give it to you." Send it over, don't be a fool!" After the mayor of Changlong Village finished speaking, he laughed and left without waiting for him to speak. The village chief of Tenglang Village was so angry that his teeth were itching, but he was also helpless. In front of their village After several days, he didn't see a single prey. Although he suspected that it was the people from Changlong Village who were responsible, there was no evidence at all and he could only

If he could bear this breath, it would now depend on whether his grandson could lead his men to hunt the prey today.

The village chief of Tenglang Village sighed, and then reluctantly walked off the bridge on crutches.

Li Xiang and the other three looked at each other. They couldn't hear anything because they were too far away, but when they saw the head of their own village laughing and leaving, and the expression of the head of Tenglang Village, they knew that this conversation must be The head of his own village had the upper hand.

The three of them looked at each other and then left directly. After the village chief of Tenglang Village returned home, he lay on the bed. Because he was injured, he still had to rest. He frowned, wondering why the head of Changlong Village was so confident. In previous years, Tenglang Village had won the most. Every time at this time, the head of Changlong Village would always have a sad face when he came, but today he was uncharacteristically. , being aggressive everywhere and looking like he has a chance to win.


Is it because of that person?

The village chief of Tenglang Village thought of Tang Feng, who had robbed them of their things. He was holding a strange thing in his hand, and he didn't know what he did. The heads of the black bear and antelope exploded, and they seemed to be very powerful. Strong.

That person was not from the mountain, he must have come from outside. Could it be related to the black cloud in Changlong Village that day?

When the village chief of Tenglang Village thought of this, beads of sweat broke out on his forehead. Could it be that a god descended to earth! Let the beast explode its head casually, how could a mortal have such a method!

When the village chief of Tenglang Village thought of this, he ran out of the house and shouted outside: "Old lady, hurry up and ask Er Gouzi to call Junjie and the others back! Hurry up! Something big has happened!"

Seeing how anxious he was, the village chief's wife ran out without taking off her apron. Two hours later, Cheng Junjie came back with the men who went hunting. As soon as they caught two rabbits, they were called back. Cheng Junjie As soon as I arrived at the door of my home, I saw all the villagers standing outside their homes.

Cheng Junjie frowned and squeezed in. After seeing his grandfather, he asked in confusion: "Grandpa, what's going on? Why did you call all the folks back?"

"Don't ask so many questions. I'll talk to you as we walk." After the village chief finished speaking, he waved his hands to the people outside the gate and shouted loudly: "Follow me, folks!"

The village chief said and walked directly ahead. Cheng Junjie followed him and supported him, and then asked in confusion: "Grandpa, what are we going to do?"

The village chief of Tenglang Village sighed, and then whispered: "We are in big trouble this time. I will take you to apologize to others!"

After he said these words, he lowered his head and walked quietly. Cheng Junjie wanted to ask, but seeing his grandfather like this, he could only remain silent.

The villagers behind him didn't understand what was going on. They followed the village chief in confusion, and then they all started whispering. Cheng Junjie heard the voice from behind and shouted loudly to the back: "Stop talking and be honest!" Everyone fell silent when they heard Cheng Junjie's words. In the past, Cheng Junjie's grandfather would have seen He will definitely teach him a lesson when he is like this, but now, he only thinks about how to get along with

Tang Feng apologized, not caring about such things at all.

After walking for half an hour, everyone arrived near the village of Changlong Village. After someone in the village saw it, they hurried to the village chief's house.

"Village chief, the people from Tenglang Village are here. They are all here. They are a huge group of people. They don't know what they are going to do. They have already arrived near the village."

After hearing this, the village chief of Changlong Village frowned, and then said to Hong Lin: "Call all the cultivators in the village and wait at the entrance of the village."

Hong Lin nodded, and then ran out directly. The village chief thought for a while, and then said to the people who came: "Go and tell Master Tang about this."

The man agreed and then ran out. The village chief frowned, put on his clothes and walked out. He went directly to the entrance of the village and saw everyone in Tenglang Village. Soon, everyone in Changlong Village also came out. Li Xiang, Hong Lin, and Er Mao stood behind the village chief.

Er Mao looked at the people who came, and then guessed: "They shouldn't be here to fight, otherwise their old people and children shouldn't be here!"

Hong Lin frowned and said, "Even if it's not a fight, it's definitely a big deal."

The village chief asked: "Where is Master Tang? Have you told him what happened?"

At this time, the man who was looking for Tang Feng ran over and said breathlessly: "Village chief, Master Tang doesn't seem to have gotten up yet. I called outside the door for a long time and he didn't come out. I went to Anna's house. , Anna said Master Tang didn’t go back.”

"Village Chief, why don't I go?" Li Xiang whispered from behind.

The village chief frowned, then waved his hand and said, "No, let's see what they are going to do before we talk." The village chief of Tenglang Village saw the people from Changlong Village, then stopped and faced The person behind said: "I brought you here today just to take you to apologize to a god. A few days ago, we offended a god, so I was teased like this by him, and then it was also because of this.

I offended him. We went hunting a few days ago and didn't catch anything. In order to allow our village to continue to survive, I can only bring you to admit our mistake to the gods. "

After the village chief of Tenglang Village finished speaking, Cheng Junjie beside him couldn't help but said: "Grandpa, what are you talking about! How can that person be a god!" Changlong Village and Tenglang Village live deep in the mountains. I still believe in ghosts and gods, so as soon as the village chief said it, the villagers immediately exploded and talked about it, unable to believe that the gods actually appeared.

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