Rural Friends Circle

Chapter 1438 Apology

Remember it in one second,

"Is it really a god? Then can I make a wish to him? My Xiaomei has been married for two years, but she still hasn't gotten pregnant. I wonder if he can give me a grandson."

"Mom, we should go to Guanyin."

"Is this god real or fake? He is not lying to us!"

"How could the village chief lie to you! I just don't know which god in the sky this god is."

"I didn't expect that I, who is half buried in the ground, could still see the gods. My life is not lived in vain!"

The village chief clapped his hands, and then said loudly: "Fellow villagers, we have offended the gods. When we apologize later, we must be more sincere."

The villagers below all echoed the voices. The village chief nodded, ignored Cheng Junjie on the side, and walked straight to the front.

"Village chief, what do you think they are talking about?" Ermao looked at the people of Tenglang Village and stopped, and said in a low voice.

"I don't know." The village chief shook his head, and then everyone stopped talking. Soon, the people of Tenglang Village arrived at the entrance of the village, and the village chief of Changlong Village went to meet them directly.

"Old Chengtou, are you taking the people of your village to move? Why are you all out!"

This time, the village chief of Tenglang Village did not argue with him, and said directly: "I am not here to quarrel with you, we are here to apologize to the gods."

Hearing the word "gods", the village chief of Changlong Village frowned, not understanding what he meant, and the people behind him began to discuss.

"Gods? In our village?"

"I don't know, but I am sure he has something to do with you." The village chief of Tenglang Village said confidently.

"You must be mistaken. There is no such thing as a fairy!" After the village chief of Changlong Village finished speaking, Hong Lin leaned over to his ear and whispered, "Grandpa, are they talking about Master Tang?"

The village chief of Changlong Village was stunned, then turned around in surprise. Hong Lin nodded at him, and then the village chief of Changlong Village asked, "What do you think the fairy looks like?"

"He looks to be in his twenties, a man, with short hair, and dressed strangely, different from us." After the village chief of Tenglang Village finished speaking, Ermao and the others were sure that he was talking about Tang Feng, because Tang Feng's clothes were different from theirs. They all wore clothes of the ancient style, while Tang Feng wore modern clothes, so it was obvious that they were different, and

they all had braids, and Tang Feng was the only one in the village with short hair.

"Why are you looking for him?" The village chief of Changlong Village asked with a frown.

"We need to apologize to him. I offended him with my people a few days ago, so today I brought the whole village to find the immortal and apologize to him." The village chief of Tenglang Village said with a sigh.

Hong Lin leaned over to his grandfather's ear and whispered, "Grandpa, what should we do? Should we call Master Tang out?"

The village chief thought about it, then nodded. Hong Lin flashed out of the crowd. The village chief of Tenglang Village saw Hong Lin's movements, which were fast and steady, and knew that the immortal must be in Changlong Village.

"Wait a minute, we will go and call the immortal for you."

Hong Lin ran directly to Tang Feng's new house. When he arrived at the gate and saw the closed door, Hong Lin opened the door and walked in. However, when he reached the door, the door was locked from the inside, and the curtains were still drawn. Hong Lin knocked on the door directly.

After Tang Feng fed Feng Qian in the morning, he saw her shy look in the quilt and couldn't help but get into the quilt again. The two of them tossed and turned for half a morning before falling asleep.

Tang Feng woke up immediately when he heard the knocking on the door outside. Feng Qian also woke up. Tang Feng sat up and shouted loudly: "Who is it?"

"Master Tang, I'm Hong Lin. I have something urgent to find you!"

Tang Feng frowned, and then shouted angrily: "Get lost! I'm still sleeping!" When Hong Lin heard Tang Feng's words, he knew he was going to blow up the temple.

Feng Qian pinched Tang Feng's arm, and then Tang Feng said helplessly: "Okay! You go to the gate and wait for me first. I'll go out after I get dressed!"

Hong Lin agreed, and then walked to the gate obediently, waiting for Tang Feng to come out.

Tang Feng sat up, and Feng Qian also put on her clothes, saying as she put on her clothes: "Why are you so irritable? Didn't Hong Lin say he had something urgent to talk to you about!"

Tang Feng said unhappily: "I just wanted to stay with you for a while. Besides, I was still sleeping, and he woke me up. I'm so tired today, it's normal to be in a bad mood after waking up."

Feng Qian blushed when she heard what Tang Feng said, and then hit Tang Feng, pouting and saying: "You're taking advantage of me! Go and see what's the urgent matter with Hong Lin!"

Tang Feng stood up, kissed Feng Qian on the lips, and walked out of the house. Feng Qian touched her lips, and couldn't help laughing.

Tang Feng came out and saw Hong Lin standing outside the gate. He walked up to him and asked with a frown, "What's the matter? If it's not urgent, I'll skin you alive!"

"Master Tang, it's really urgent. All the people from Tenglang Village are here. Let's go. I'll talk while we walk."

Tang Feng nodded, and as the two of them walked, Hong Lin said, "All the people from Tenglang Village are here, men, women, young and old, a large group. Their village chief said you are a god and they have to find you to apologize to you."

"Apologize to me? What do you want to apologize for? Did you make a mistake?" Tang Feng frowned and asked in confusion.

Hong Lin was also confused and shook his head in confusion. Tang Feng frowned and said, "Let's go and see what's going on."

The two arrived at the entrance of the village, and then Tang Feng saw the village chief of Tenglang Village standing at the entrance of the village with his arm hanging and a cane. Behind him was a group of men, women, old and young. They could be seen at a glance that they were from Tenglang Village.

Tang Feng walked over and came to the village chief. The village chief of Tenglang Village saw Tang Feng and shouted loudly to the villagers behind him: "Everyone, kneel down quickly, this is the immortal! Kneel down quickly and apologize to the immortal!"

Tang Feng was shocked when he heard it, and then the village chief of Tenglang Village threw away the cane directly, Cheng Junjie supported him and was about to kneel down, and the villagers behind him knelt down directly. Before Tang Feng could react, they had already knelt down. Tang Feng quickly used his spiritual power to help up the villagers of Tenglang Village. Before the village chief of Tenglang Village even knelt down, he was directly helped up by Tang Feng. The people of Tenglang Village only felt a force under their bodies, supporting them, and they stood up unconsciously. Moreover, this force was very stable, and their bodies did not shake at all.

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