Rural Friends Circle

Chapter 1439: Money Delivered to Your Door

Remember in one second,

Tang Feng helped everyone up, and then asked: "What on earth is going on? Why do you need to apologize to me?"

The village chief of Tenglang Village bowed respectfully, and then said: "Master Immortal..."

"Wait a minute, who told you that I am an immortal?" Tang Feng waved his hand and asked hurriedly.

The village chief of Tenglang Village was stunned for a moment, and then said: "Master Immortal..."

"Wait a minute, I'm not a god. I have a name. My name is Tang Feng. You can call me Master Tang like them."

After listening to Tang Feng's words, the village chief of Tenglang Village thought for a while, and then said: "Master Tang, actually I don't know if you are a god, but because of the black clouds above Changlong Village that day, and because you can be so From a distance, you can blow the heads of black bears and antelopes, they’re not gods or something!”

When Tang Feng heard this, he couldn't help but laugh. Li Xiang and the three people behind him also laughed. When the village chief of Tenglang Village saw them laughing, he asked in confusion: "Why are you laughing?"

"Village Chief Cheng, right? I can tell you that there really are gods in this world, but! I'm not one!"

After Tang Feng finished speaking, the village chief of Tenglang Village said: "Impossible, then how did you make the heads of black bears and antelopes explode?"

Tang Feng took out the God of War, and then aimed at a large rock in the distance. Tang Feng pulled the trigger, and a bullet hit the stone, which shattered directly.

"That's it. I'm an outsider. This is just a weapon. Even you can use it. Do you understand this time?"

The village chief of Tenglang Village couldn't believe it, but then nodded helplessly. Seeing him like this, Tang Feng said with a smile: "I am not a god, you have admitted your mistake."

"By the way, what about that black cloud? I can see it clearly, with lightning and thunder, and it's only above Changlong Village. How do you explain this?" The village chief of Tenglang Village frowned again and asked.

"This...I don't know either." Tang Feng spread his hands and shrugged.

The village chief of Tenglang Village asked again: "Then why didn't we catch a single prey in the past few days? If you hadn't told those wild beasts, how could they have avoided us?"

Tang Feng smiled, then turned to Hong Lin and said, "You tell them, I'll leave first." Tang Feng patted Hong Lin on the shoulder and left directly.

When Tang Feng returned to his new house, Feng Qian had already made the bed. After seeing Tang Feng, Feng Qian smiled and said, "What does Hong Lin want from you?"

"It's nothing, it's just that someone is sick. I'll give him a doctor." Tang Feng said, he couldn't help but laugh.

Feng Qian hugged Tang Feng's arm, and then said: "Let's go to grandma's house. We didn't go back last night, and they must be anxious this morning."

Tang Feng nodded, and the two of them walked towards Anna's house. When they arrived at Anna's house, Anna was struggling to chop wood. Tang Feng saw it and hurriedly took it over.

Anna saw the two of them and said happily: "Master and Master, you are back!"

Tang Feng nodded, then took the wood from An's hand and started to chop it. Feng Qian took Anna's hand and said with a smile: "Let your master chop the wood, let's go in."

Anna raised her head and looked at Feng Qian, and then said thoughtfully: "Master, I feel like you are different."

Feng Qian blushed for a moment, and then said, "What's the difference? Let's go in and see grandma."

When Tang Feng heard Anna's words, he laughed directly. Feng Qian glared at him, and then said angrily: "Chop your firewood!"

Feng Qian took Anna into the house. When Grandma Anna saw Feng Qian, she could see the changes in her at a glance. She was someone who had been there before, and she was so old. How could she not see that Feng Qian had become a wife? , but she didn’t point it out.

"Xiaoqian, how is the house? Are you getting used to it?"

"It's good. The folks have all taken care of it." Feng Qian sat down and said with a smile.

Grandma Anna smiled again and said: "The competition will be the day after tomorrow, and you will get married the day after tomorrow. Do you have anything to say?"

"I want to marry him, I do!" Feng Qian said, with a happy expression on her face. Grandma Anna saw her look, said nothing, and laughed.

...After Qiao Jiaojiao organized the press conference, all media were covered with reports about the Angel Foundation. Mayor Lin also called Qiao Jiaojiao. Qiao Jiaojiao and Mayor Lin met. Mayor Lin The director directly promised that no matter what happened, he would always have the green light. If you have any problems, just come to him.

Secretary Wang, there is no need to consult him for instructions. With the support of Mayor Lin, the Angel Foundation received funding from some entrepreneurs. The first one was Zhang Liying's father Zhang Xiong. Zhang Xiong directly donated 500 million. Qiao Jiaojiao was happy for three or four days. The media also reported it, and Zhang Group once again received praise from the society.


"Xiaoying, uncle has donated 500 million, will there be any problems with the Zhang Group?" Qiao Jiaojiao looked at the data in the computer and asked with some worry.

"Don't worry, my dad is sure. If there is a problem, he will definitely not donate so much." Zhang Liying said while holding cucumber slices on her face.

Qiao Jiaojiao nodded, and then Zhang Liying said: "Sister Jiaojiao, do you want to try it? The cucumbers in the farm are much better than the cucumbers on the market. It feels cool when you apply it, and it feels very comfortable on the skin. ”

Qiao Jiaojiao turned off the computer, and then smiled and said: "Then you give it a try!" Qiao Jiaojiao lay on the sofa, and then Zhang Liying began to apply cucumber slices to him.

"How is it?"

"Comfortable." Qiao Jiaojiao closed her eyes and said.

At this time, Qiao Jiaojiao's cell phone rang. Zhang Liying picked it up and took a look. Then she saw that it was Hu Yang's number. Zhang Liying said: "Sister Jiaojiao, it's Hu Yang."

Qiao Jiaojiao sat up, then took the cucumber slices away, picked up the phone and answered it, and then turned on the hands-free mode, and listened to it with Zhang Liying.

"Hu Yang, what's up?"

"Jiaojiao, my father and I have discussed and are planning to donate to your foundation, so we want to meet you to talk."

Qiao Jiaojiao raised her head and looked at Zhang Liying, Zhang Lixin nodded, and then Qiao Jiaojiao said: "Okay, let's have a meal together at Tianxiang Pavilion tomorrow at noon, and then discuss it in detail, what do you think?"

"Okay, then it's settled, see you there!" "Okay, bye." Qiao Jiaojiao hung up the phone, and Zhang Liying smiled and said: "More money is coming to our door."

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