Rural Friends Circle

Chapter 1459: Amazing Tang Feng

Anna washed her face and was now next to Feng Qian. She whispered: "Dad is so capable. Mom will be happy in the future."

Feng Qian wiped her face with a towel, then pinched Anna's cheek and said with a smile: "You will also enjoy happiness in the future!"

Feng Qian brought Anna to Tang Feng. Tang Feng had already prepared the food for the two of them. Feng Qian and Anna sat down with a smile. Then Feng Qian smiled and said: "Tang Feng, Anna is here too." We have to find a school for her when she is old enough to go to school." Tang Feng glanced at Anna and nodded. Anna is now six years old, and seven is the age to go to school, which means there is still half a year left, and Anna is still young. To get the household registration book, after all, Anna definitely needs an identity when she goes out from the mountains, but for Tang Feng, these are not important at all.

It's not a problem. As long as he shows the nine sets of documents, the mayor will give him three points of respect, let alone applying for a household registration and finding a school.

"Don't worry, I'll take care of it as soon as we get out and let Anna and Yaya Yaya be together."

"Mom, what is school?" Anna asked in confusion.

"A school is a classroom, a place where you learn knowledge. There are many children there with you, who can study and play together." Feng Qian explained with a smile.

"Great, I just like playing with my friends." Anna said happily.

"Xiaoqian, after you go back, you teach Anna some basic knowledge. I'm afraid that she won't be able to keep up with their progress when she goes to school. After all, a lot of things are taught in kindergartens now."

Feng Qian nodded, and then the three of them started to eat. After eating, Tang Feng tidied up. Feng Qian and Anna also returned to the tent to tidy up their things. After tidying up, Tang Feng waved his hand and the things were put away. Inside the Xianyun bracelet, the three of them started on their way again. Anna walked a mountain by herself. Tang Feng wanted to hug her, but she didn't agree and just climbed a mountain by herself. When Tang Feng saw her like this, he became even more satisfied with this girl. After climbing over a mountain, Tang Feng and two people stopped to rest. Tang Feng took out a

The three of them ate some food while resting.

"Tang Feng, how far can we go out? And where is this place?" Feng Qian ate and then asked in confusion.

"This is a mountainous area in Guizhou. We have to climb over two mountains and a large jungle before we can see people." Tang Feng looked at his watch, then sighed, and said again: "We may have to It takes two or three days to get out."

"It's all because the two of us are not cultivators. If we were cultivators, it might be faster." Feng Qian also sighed.

"Dad, you will teach me how to practice in a moment." Anna raised her hands at this time, like a primary school student.

Tang Feng looked at the time. It was already past three in the afternoon. Tang Feng thought for a moment, then said with a smile: "Let's go, let's walk for a while, and then we will set up a tent and rest today."

Tang Feng said, immediately picked up Anna, and then looked at Feng Qian with a smile. Feng Qian understood what was going on and jumped on Tang Feng's back. Tang Feng immediately started running faster.

Although there were two people on Tang Feng, the speed was as fast as an ordinary car. This was because Tang Feng did not use his full strength. Tang Feng actually wanted to test his limits, so he stopped immediately, took out a cloth belt, and tied up Anna and Feng Qian.

"Sit tight, we're going to speed up!" Tang Feng rushed out immediately. Feng Qian and Anna both screamed. Tang Feng's ears were almost deafened by the shouting. Anna and Feng Qian felt as if there were knives on their faces. It was like blowing, and my ears were filled with the sound of whistling wind. Tang Feng ran extremely fast. Tang Feng felt like he was an S-level speed user.

It may not be as fast as him. Even if he is an ordinary spiritual cultivator, if he competes with Tang Feng in speed, Tang Feng can beat him by several blocks.

Tang Feng was like flying. The three of them walked for a day before crossing a mountain. After running for two hours, Tang Feng ran directly to the top of another mountain. Feng Qian and Anna jumped from Tang Feng's body. Coming down, it still felt a little unreal.

Feng Qian got off Tang Feng's back, her legs were a little weak. Then Feng Qian looked down and said in surprise: "Tang Feng, you...are you still human? This is too fast!"

Tang Feng had a black line on his head, and then he lay down next to Feng Qian's ear and whispered: "Don't you know if I am?"

Feng Qian was still in shock, but when she heard Tang Feng's words, her face immediately turned red. Then she glanced at Anna, who was still looking at the scenery down the mountain, and pinched Tang Feng hard.

"Anna is still here, please be honest!"

Tang Feng rubbed the place where he was pinched, and then grinned and said, "I didn't do anything!"

"Dad, can you run so fast after becoming a cultivator?" Anna's eyes were shining, and she asked with some anticipation. Tang Feng smiled and shook his head, "What I want to teach you is different from what I learned, so you won't be so fast." When Tang Feng said it, Anna was a little disappointed, and then Tang Feng comforted her and said, "Although you It won’t be that fast, but you can save people if you learn medical skills in the future. Saving people is not better than running fast.

? "

Ana thought for a while, then nodded happily. Tang Feng smiled and touched her head, and then said to the two of them: "You two have a rest for a while. I will put up the tent and put on the fire. We will rest here today. After dinner, I will teach Anna how to practice.”

Feng Qian nodded, and then Tang Feng took out the tent, and the two of them got into the tent. Then Tang Feng nailed the tent with nails, took out two quilts and threw them into the tent, and Tang Feng started to make a fire and cook.

Tang Feng quickly prepared dinner. After the three of them had dinner, they went straight into the tent, but Tang Feng still did not forget to throw the plate that released the pressure of the spirit beast outside.

Feng Qian lay on one side in the tent, and Tang Feng sat behind Anna, and then Tang Feng said: "Close your eyes and carefully feel the running route of the spiritual power in your body."

Anna nodded, and then closed her eyes. Tang Feng pointed his finger at Anna's back, and then closed his eyes, and carefully ran the route of the exercise in Anna's body. Feng Qian watched and sat up curiously.

"Dad, I feel a heat in my body."

"Don't talk, feel it carefully, that's the spiritual power." Anna heard Tang Feng's words and stopped talking. She carefully felt the spiritual power in her body. Soon Tang Feng finished a circle, but he didn't stop, but continued to run a circle.

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