Rural Friends Circle

Chapter 1,460: The King of Soldiers in the Jungle

Anna stopped talking after hearing Tang Feng's words, and seriously felt the spiritual power in her body. Soon Tang Feng completed a circle, but he did not stop, but continued to run a circle. Ωヤkanjige free download 梎亅䶶哾 reading network メWwW. .kà Because he was afraid that Anna wouldn’t remember it, he ran it once again. After Tang Feng controlled the spiritual power for two rounds, some spiritual whirlpools appeared in the tent. However, in Feng Qian’s opinion, it was the tent. Suddenly bursts of breeze appeared inside. When Tang Feng saw the whirlpool of spiritual power, he knew

Dao Anna has successfully become a spiritual practitioner.

Tang Feng retracted his fingers and then opened his eyes, but Anna still closed her eyes and practiced with her five hearts pointing to the sky. Feng Qian saw Tang Feng open his eyes and was about to speak when Tang Feng made a silence. Feng Qian covered her mouth as she made a loud sound.

Tang Feng waved his hand to signal her to sleep. Feng Qian nodded, and then Tang Feng lay next to Feng Qian. Feng Qian snuggled into Tang Feng's arms and whispered in Tang Feng's arms: " How is Anna?"

"With my help, of course Anna succeeded!" Tang Feng said with a smile.

The two chatted quietly for a while, and then fell asleep. Anna sat aside and began to practice. With Tang Feng helping her open up her meridians, and then helping her practice, Anna could be said to have entered the spiritual cultivator's world without any hindrance. ranks.

The next morning, Tang Feng and Feng Qian woke up and prepared meals. Anna hadn't woken up yet and was still practicing.

Feng Qian opened the tent, looked at Anna who was still practicing with her eyes closed, and asked nervously: "Tang Feng, is Anna okay? Why isn't she awake yet?"

"Don't worry, not only will nothing happen, but the longer she takes to practice for the first time, the higher she can reach in the future."

Feng Qian was relieved when she heard Tang Feng's words, and then the two of them slowly waited for Anna. During this period, Feng Qian took a bath with Tang Feng's help.

It wasn't until after one o'clock in the afternoon that Anna woke up. Tang Feng and Feng Qian saw Anna open her eyes and hurriedly came over and asked: "Anna, how do you feel?"

Anna danced happily, then hugged Tang Feng's neck and kissed Tang Feng on the face.

"Dad, my skills have reached the second level, and my cultivation has improved a lot."

Tang Feng said with a smile: "You are now in the second level of the human realm. Yes, you are very powerful." Tang Feng said and gave Anna a thumbs up.

Anna laughed happily when she heard Tang Feng's compliment, and then Feng Qian said: "Okay, stop chatting, hurry up and eat, we have to rush after eating."

The three of them got out of the tent and ate the food cooked by Tang Feng. Then Tang Feng put away the tent and pot, picked up Anna again, and ran with Feng Qian on his back. After running for four hours, Tang Feng Feng ran directly to the top of another mountain. Tang Feng set up the tent again, and then Anna didn't even eat, so she went directly into the tent to practice. Feng Qian lay on Tang Feng's back for several hours, so she wasn't hungry at all and didn't need to After eating, Tang Feng set up a fire, and then chatted with Feng Qian.

After chatting for a while, the two got into the tent.

The two slept one night, and early the next morning, the three of them packed up and walked down the mountain. At the foot of the mountain was a jungle. Tang Feng and the others had already seen it on the way down, but Tang Feng discovered something different. place.

Tang Feng stopped, then carried Feng Qian and Anna to a big tree. Tang Feng put the plate that released the pressure of the spirit beast in Feng Qian's arms, and then said: "You two Stay here for now, I’ll go down and take a look, and I’ll be back soon.”

"Tang Feng, what happened?" Feng Qian pulled Tang Feng and asked nervously.

"It's nothing. I'll go down and take a look and come back." Tang Feng patted Feng Qian's hand and said with a smile, and then walked directly down the mountain. After three clicks, Feng Qian could no longer see Tang Feng's shadow. .

Anna saw Feng Qian's worried look, grabbed Feng Qian's hand, and whispered: "Mom, don't worry, dad is so powerful, nothing will happen to him."

Feng Qian nodded, then hugged Anna and sat on the branch.

When Tang Feng was on the mountain, he saw this endless jungle, but Tang Feng also saw some other things. In order to avoid unnecessary danger, Tang Feng prepared to come down and take a look first. Tang Feng spotted a place, and then rushed towards that place. It took only more than ten minutes for Tang Feng to arrive near that place. Tang Feng lay down in the grass, looked carefully, and found that this was A team of special forces, only five people, kept walking through the jungle,

Tang Feng followed them. They were all ordinary people, so they didn't notice Tang Feng's existence at all.

Tang Feng followed them calmly. After following for a while, he didn't notice what they were going to do. Tang Feng was afraid that Feng Qian and Anna would be worried if the time was too long, so Tang Feng took out a rope and directly He rushed towards the special forces team.

The five team members were tied up by Tang Feng without even reacting, and all five of them were tied to a rope. After Tang Feng tied up the five people, he pressed a few buttons on the dial of his watch. down, directly blocking the signal nearby.

No one was caught at the same time, and they didn't even react. The leader of the team was a lean man in his thirties. The moment he was caught, he wanted to contact the base, but the communication equipment came There was a "bah, bah, bah" sound, and the green light turned into a red light. The team leader's heart sank. The opponent was obviously prepared, and it was definitely not the other team they were practicing with, because the other team was about the same strength as them, and it was impossible to directly control them without showing their faces. There are five of them, and looking at Tang Feng's dress, they don't

He looked like a special soldier, but there was something particularly advanced about Tang Feng.

"Who are you? Why are you here?" Tang Feng tied the five people to a big tree as thick as one person's waist, and then began to interrogate the five people.

"Little brother, we should ask this, where are you from? Why do you want to arrest us?" The captain of the special forces looked at Tang Feng and asked in a low voice.

"Shut up! You are in my hands now. You'd better be honest. What do you answer when I ask? If I don't ask, just shut up. Do you want to move?" Tang Feng pretended to be vicious and threatened Wu. people said. "Okay, just ask, we will definitely tell you everything we know."

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