Rural Friends Circle

Chapter 1538: Tricking You to Death

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"Xu Dong, get out of here! You are not welcome in our family!" Tao Ting's father became even more angry when he saw Xu Dong's appearance. If Tang Feng hadn't treated him yesterday, he might have been killed just now. Xu Dong was so angry that he fainted. Even now, Tao's father has straight veins on his forehead.


"Brother-in-law, don't say that! I'm doing this for you, okay? Five million, you will never make so much money in your lifetime. It just so happens that Tang Feng and Tao Ting are also in love. Now they get married and in the future It’s okay to get married!”

When Tao's father heard what Xu Dong said, he was about to take action, but was stopped by Tang Feng.

"Tang Feng, you can't listen to him. We don't want your money. Just be nice to Xiao Taozi." Tang Feng nodded, and then said to Xu Dong: "Uncle, I'll ask you to do your work. It is best to prepare it within a week. We will inform those who are coming to the wedding that we will prepare the wedding dress ourselves. I will transfer 10,000 yuan to you first and help you buy everything you need to buy, such as meat and vegetables. Ah, there are also tables, chairs, cabinets, and other decorations in this room. Please help me get them done first. After all, I am not familiar with the place and it is easy for me to get ripped off." Tang Feng said, He took out a dozen hundred dollar bills from his backpack and put them in

Xu Dong's hand. Xu Dong's eyes turned red when he saw the ten thousand yuan. When Tao Ting's aunt saw the ten thousand yuan, she grabbed it and stuffed it into her bag. She smiled and said, "Xiao Tang, you Don’t worry! I’ll leave this matter to my aunt, and I’ll make sure that everything is done right for you, and you won’t spend any money on it.

Waste of money! "

"Okay, since Xiao Tang has left the matter to us, it must be done well. Let's go and take care of it now!" After Xu Dong finished speaking, he smiled at Tao Ting's father and said: "Brother-in-law, you I found a good son-in-law!”

"Get out!" After Xu Dong's family left, Tao Ting's father sighed, lit up a cigarette, and started smoking. After half the cigarette was smoked, Tao's father directly picked up the cigarette on the ground. Then he threw the fruit out and said to Tang Feng when he came back: "Xiao Tang, you really don't deserve the ten thousand yuan."

It's time to give it, it's wasted! "

"Uncle, you went out with 10,000 yuan, but you got back even more!" Tang Feng said with deep meaning.

"Well, they must have gone home now. Don't think about what they bought you." Father Tao took a puff of cigarette, frowning, with a sad look on his face.

"Uncle, human greed is very scary." After Tang Feng said with a smile, he took Tao Ting back to her room. Tao's father carefully thought about what Tang Feng said, and then understood what he meant. , and then laughed out loud.

Tang Feng and Tao Ting returned to the room. Tang Feng asked in confusion: "What did Auntie mean when she asked us to go out just now? Did something happen before?" Tao Ting sighed. , found a more comfortable position in Tang Feng's arms, and then said: "After I went to college, I came back from vacation once, and I happened to see my uncle making trouble at my house, but when he saw me, he immediately He left and didn't come back for more than ten days. I thought he had stopped, but I didn't expect that he came again a month later, and brought a rich boss with him, saying that he would introduce me to someone and marry me off. Moreover, the people he introduced were all as old as my dad. When they came up, they called my dad father-in-law, and my dad drove them away.

, and fainted from anger. From then on, that person always found people to come to our house to cause trouble. It wasn’t until I became a superpower and joined the Nine Groups that I used some connections to control that person. "After listening to Tao Ting's words, Tang Feng smiled coldly. This kind of person should be taught a lesson. Tang Feng took out his mobile phone and said to Xiao C: "Little C, check this Xu Dong for me. , find out where he works, where he lives, what kind of car he drives, and the license plate number. I can check it all.

Check as carefully as you can, and don't let anything go. "

Xiao C nodded and then disappeared. Seeing Tang Feng like this, Tao Ting said worriedly: "Tang Feng, what are you going to do?"

"This kind of person must be taught a lesson even if he is not killed!"

It is said that Xu Dong and his wife got Tang Feng's money and after sending their daughter back, they felt something was wrong when they arrived at the mall. Although the ten thousand yuan was a lot of money, it was far from enough to buy the things Tang Feng said. , if you want to buy it, you can only put money into it yourself.

"Honey, what should I do? But if we spend 10,000 yuan to buy it, we should make up for it ourselves."

"You're stupid! Of course you have to make up for it yourself! The boy Tao Ting brought back is obviously a rich man. If you don't take advantage of this moment to make more mistakes, where will you find opportunities! We got in The more you have, the more you will come back, do you understand?”

Xu Dong thought about it carefully and realized that it was indeed the case. If they could buy it for just ten thousand yuan, then no matter how much they falsely reported the accounts, they wouldn't be able to make much more. But if they invested tens of thousands more, the amount of false accounts would be even greater. Much more.

The two hit it off immediately, and then they started shopping. All kinds of furniture, quilts, vegetables and meat were all selected from the best. Just one set of furniture cost more than 10,000 yuan. , including other things, the two of them spent more than 30,000 yuan.

When the two of them were making a large purchase, they were blinded by greed as Tang Feng said. They never thought about it. Tang Feng never made any promises to them, nor did he say that he would reimburse them for any expenses. It's all their own imagination. Little C quickly found out all the information about Uncle Tao Ting. Xu Dong himself resells coal here in Mohe, and can make a lot of money in winter. Moreover, his coal is also low-quality coal, only some of which are good. Used to show others, sold to others are good coal mixed with bad coal, earned

The money was all dirty money, and when Tang Feng saw it, he felt no guilt at all.

When Tang Feng saw this, he smiled and said to Tao Ting: "You don't object to me punishing your uncle, do you?"

"Just a small punishment. Don't be too harsh. After all, he is my uncle. Even if he does something wrong, he is still my mother's brother."

"Don't worry, I will take action at the critical moment."

Tang Feng said and took out his mobile phone and asked Xiao C to make a call. Xu Dong and his wife quickly purchased all the things. Furniture and cabinets were delivered directly from other stores. Xu Dong also packed a large truck with other things and returned to Tao Ting's house happily. .

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