Rural Friends Circle

Chapter 1539: Too Bad

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Xu Dong and his wife quickly purchased all the things. Furniture and cabinets were delivered directly from other stores. Xu Dong also packed a large truck with other things and returned to Tao Ting's house happily. , the two of them were excited when they thought that a large sum of money would come into their account soon.


Xu Dong's wife came back first in the furniture delivery car. As soon as she got off the car, she directed the employees of the furniture store to start moving furniture into the house. Tao's father and Tao's mother heard the sound and ran out, as did Tang Feng and Tao Ting. Likewise, he wanted to see how good the "more than 20,000" pieces of furniture were.

"Be careful when moving. It's more than 20,000 yuan, you can afford to pay!"

…"Two more people will go and help move all the old furniture out of the house."

"Hey, hey, you two, be careful! Are you trying to scare me to death? You won't do anything lightly or harshly! I'll definitely file a complaint against you when I get back!"

"Brother-in-law, hurry up and follow me into the house and throw away all the old antiques in your house. These new furniture are great."

When Xu Dong's wife saw Tao's father and Tao's mother coming out, she enthusiastically came to their side, and then hugged Tao Ting's mother intimately. Tang Feng could even see Tao's mother trembling slightly.

"Sister, it would be great if I bought this set of furniture. It cost..."

"It cost twenty-five thousand eight thousand!" Tang Feng came over and took over Aunt Tao Ting's words with a smile. Aunt Tao Ting was stunned for a moment and thought to herself, how does he know the price I want to say? But she didn't panic at all, and said with a smile: "No, they gave me a small change, twenty-five thousand."

Tao Ting's mother was shocked when she heard that this set of furniture cost 25,000 yuan. Then she said to Tang Feng: "Xiao Tang, why don't we return it? This good thing is in our house." It’s not worth it, so I might as well exchange the money back and feel at ease holding it in my hand!” “Sister! I bought these at Big Furniture Mall. You can’t just return them, so just use them.” Feng and little Taozi’s thoughts!” Tao Ting’s aunt rushed to speak before Tang Feng could speak. She could earn more than 10,000 yuan from Tang Feng just from this set of furniture. How could she let Tao

Ting's mother retreated.

"Auntie, take it. Auntie also put a lot of thought into it." Tang Feng also smiled and started to help carry the furniture in.

Tao Ting's aunt thought to herself, not only did it take a lot of thought, but it also spent a lot of money! When Tao Ting's mother saw that Tang Feng had already started to help, she stopped talking and called on the furniture store employees to help move things. Tang Feng moved the furniture into the house and saw Tao Ting's father. The two looked at each other and couldn't help but laugh. Tao Ting's father even raised his eyebrows at Tang Feng.

Thumbs up. Tang Feng smiled and said nothing, and then the two of them began to work. While the two were busy working, Tao Ting's uncle also came back in a large truck. The truck was loaded with all kinds of vegetables, fruits, meat, wedding candies and other things, and the things he bought were all very good.

Xi, although Tang Feng had seen the two of them making purchases on the surveillance camera, seeing it with his own eyes was still a different feeling. He could only sigh, greed makes people crazy!

"Tang Feng, come over and take a look. The vegetables here are all the freshest, and the fish and meat are also the best. Candies cost two hundred yuan a box. I bought a hundred boxes of these! It cost more than 40,000 yuan in total, how about it? Is it okay to eat it?”

"It's passable! Not bad, uncle, let's find a few villagers to help unload these things." Tao Ting's father agreed, then ran out, and soon brought back a few neighbors and villagers, and then a few people started As they got busy in the car, even Tang Feng and Tao Ting's uncles started moving, and the car was quickly emptied by a few people. Tang Feng took out a few boxes of candy and some fresh pork and gave them to the villagers who came to help. At first, a few people refused to accept them, but after the persuasion of Tang Feng, Tao Fu and Xu Dong, they still Accepting these things made them even more satisfied with Tang Feng. They kept praising Tao Fu for finding a good son-in-law. However, what surprised them the most was not this, but the change of Xu Dong. In the past, when Xu Dong came here, he was always showing off. He was very high-spirited and didn't care about them at all, but today he was extremely enthusiastic. Even Tao Ting's family was very enthusiastic, especially Tao Ting's aunt, who came here before

He had never even lowered his head, but now he was holding Tao Ting's mother aside and chatting about home affairs.

They weren't stupid either, until this incident was definitely related to the new son-in-law from Lao Tao's family, but they also knew what to do, so they didn't say much and returned to their home with the things Tang Feng gave them.

Tao Ting's uncle bought back a cart of vegetables, which the Tao family couldn't eat at all. Then Tang Feng asked Tao Ting to go out. Soon Tao Ting brought back a farm cart, and Tang Feng faced Xu Dong. Said: "Uncle, do me a favor and carry all these vegetables into the car."

Xu Dong was stunned for a moment, and then said in confusion: "What are you doing moving the car? Aren't we going to find a few chefs to cook together?"

"Help me get into the car first!"

Tang Feng glared, and Xu Dong said no more. Anyway, he bought the things, and it would be fine if he did as he said. No matter how he did it, he would have to pay him in the end. When Xu Dong thought of this, he immediately He hummed and began to move the vegetables.

Tao Ting's father saw this and wanted to go over and help, but Tang Feng pulled his sleeve and glanced into the room. Tao Ting's father nodded and walked into the room silently. Tang Feng also acted as if he hadn't seen her. He hugged Tao Ting and made love to her, and started to cry out in disgust. Xu Dong worked by himself for a long time, and found that he was the only one working anymore. He wanted to find two people for help, but when he turned around, he saw Tang Feng and Tao Ting hugging each other. There was no one left. Xu Dong gritted his teeth. Then he started working on his own, Tang Feng was his big gold

Lord, they are flirting right now. If you disturb him at this time and ask him to come over and help carry the food, he will definitely not be willing to do it. If he gets angry, he will spend the money to find someone to go to.

Tang Feng and Tao Ting hugged each other. Tao Ting saw Xu Dong humming and working on the side. She leaned in Tang Feng's ear and said with a smile: "You are so bad. If he knows that these dishes are He will definitely go crazy if he has to share it with the people in the village. "There will be more cruel things later. Just wait. After he finishes carrying these vegetables, we will start to distribute the food from house to house. Let's keep some meat. Give away the rest."

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