Rural Friends Circle

Chapter 167 Li Hongshun is finished

"Uncle, aunt, you are here." Dust came out of nowhere, came up and said politely.

This guy, when did he become so polite and steady? Looking at Dust standing there straight, Tang Feng couldn't help but complain in his heart.

"Jiang Tao, you promised me that day that you would accompany me for a drink, why did you disappear in the end?" Tang Lao San looked at Dust and said with a smile.

"There was something urgent at the farm that day. After I finished the work, it was late, so I didn't go there again." Dust touched his head, smiled embarrassedly, and responded.

When this guy spoke, his eyes secretly glanced at Tang Cuicui. The eyes of the two met in the air. In just a moment, the two people moved their eyes away tacitly.

"Jiang Tao, I heard from Xiao Feng that you can drive a speedboat?" Tang Lao San looked around, glanced at his eldest daughter, and then glanced at Dust, and asked with a smile.

"I learned it when I was in the army. Uncle and aunt, how about I drive a speedboat and take you for a ride?" Today's Stinger was very serious, very serious, so serious that Tang Feng was a little uncomfortable.

"Is it too hot at this point?" Qin Yueying looked at the sun. It was the hottest time of the day, so she couldn't help asking.

"Mom, our speedboat is worth a million after all. It not only has air conditioning, but also a place to sleep. Anyway, there is nothing to do, so let Jiang Tao take you for a ride." Tang Feng said with a smile.

After Stinger took his parents, sister, and two little guys to the bay, Tang Feng returned to the shack and downloaded the remaining fairyland river water from the treasure bag.

Although he had reclaimed more than a thousand acres of wasteland, the soil quality of these lands was very poor. If he wanted to engage in planting on these lands, he must first change the soil quality.

In this mortal world, even the United States, which has the most advanced agricultural technology, has not yet developed the technology to change the soil quality.

It is precisely because of this that the village rented him more than 1,000 acres of wasteland at such a low price.

He has also experimented with the magical effect of the fairyland river water. It is very effective for plants in the mortal world, and it does have the effect of improving soil quality.

After downloading the fairyland river water, it was put into several buckets. Next, the fairyland river water will be sprayed evenly on all the wasteland through the sprayer.

There are several men in the farm now. In addition to him, Du Ci, Hu Zi and Hu Yunji, the two young men from the village were also kept by him, so he didn't need to do the spraying of river water himself.

When Hu Zi got up from his lunch break, he told Hu Zi about the matter and quietly went to the other side of the valley.

There was Hei Zi watching over the valley, so even wild beasts would not dare to set foot there. In terms of safety, it was absolutely guaranteed. He picked a few bunches of spiritual grapes from the vines, hit some dates, and inspected the area. After confirming that there was no problem, he left the valley.

Not long after returning to the shack, his parents came back, but only Du Ci and his elder sister, as well as the two little girls, were missing. After asking, he found out that the two little girls were wild and crazy and refused to come back, so Du Ci had to take them to the reservoir for a ride again.

It was good that Du Ci, the foodie, didn't come back, so that he wouldn't pay attention to my spiritual grapes again. Seeing that Du Ci didn't come back, Tang Feng was happy.

Yesterday, he picked a few bunches of spiritual grapes from the valley and brought two bunches to Grandpa Lin. He lost two bunches in the shack and was discovered by Du Ci. He swept them away. Fortunately, he had a conscience and didn't take them all by himself, so Hu Zi and Hu Yunji also benefited from it.

You know, those are grapes grown from the spiritual grape seeds of the fairy world. There is a spiritual energy inside. After mortals eat them, there are many benefits, and the effect is even better for martial artists.

Although Dust was not a martial artist, as a soldier king in the super special forces, he had also learned military qigong. Although these so-called qigong in the mortal world were not up to standard, they at least condensed the great wisdom of the ancestors and cultivated to a high level, and their strength was not weak. As such a master, Dust soon realized the wonder of the grapes after eating them.

"Mom and Dad, come and try these grapes." The grapes were picked just now, and they were not washed with water. In Tang Feng's opinion, growing in the spirit gathering array, these spiritual grapes were cleaner than anything else. It would be bad to wash them with mortal water.

At first, Tang Lao San and his wife did not care too much, just thinking they were ordinary grapes. After receiving them, they each picked a grape and put it in their mouths, and then, the two of them couldn't help but narrow their eyes.

"Xiao Feng, did you grow these grapes yourself? Why are they so delicious?" It took Tang Lao San a long time to come back from the delicious taste, and he looked at Tang Feng with surprise and asked.

Looking at his father with a surprised face, Tang Feng smiled. This spiritual grape is more than just delicious. The spiritual energy contained in it has too many benefits for mortals. If ordinary people eat it for a long time, they can be free from illness and disaster.

These days, my father drinks the medicinal wine soaked with Ganoderma lucidum every day and gradually recovers from his injuries. If he eats this spiritual grape again, I am afraid that after a long time, his body will be stronger than many strong guys.

Not only his father, but also his mother eats the fish, lotus roots and vegetables produced here every day. The white hair on her head has gradually decreased, and her spirit and spirit look much better. The health of parents is the best news for children.

"Mom and Dad, this grape is a very rare variety. The flesh is not only delicious, but also has many benefits for people. It's a pity that I only have five plants here, and the yield is pitifully small. In the future, I will send some to you regularly, and you can keep them for yourself."

Hearing Tang Feng say that this grape is good for the body, his parents are concerned about this grape. After experiencing the torture of the disease for many years, they now pay more attention to health than anyone else.

Not long after Du Ci drove his parents away from the farm, Xing Jun called. It was a simple call without much conversation, and then hung up.

Just last night, Li Hongshun lost 700,000 yuan in a local underground casino, and this 700,000 yuan was almost all borrowed from loan sharks.

Seven hundred thousand, for a rural family, is an astronomical figure, not to mention that it is a loan shark. Li Hongshun is completely finished.

Tang Feng leaned back in the rocking chair, looking at the roof above, and he was a little absent-minded. He secretly asked himself in his heart, is it right or wrong for him to do this?

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