Rural Friends Circle

Chapter 168 God of Wealth Gold Coin

At night, I opened WeChat and received a system notification. The system rewarded 20 points of public morality. I thought, this should be the reward for helping Sister Yun.

In the kitchen, Qiao Jiaojiao was busy. After Hu Zi and Hu Yunji, who had been busy for an afternoon, took a cold shower and pulled the two guys from the same village together to drink beer and brag. The scene was a little out of control.

Because of the advanced sprayer, the efficiency of spraying the fairyland river water is terrifying. In just one afternoon, thousands of acres of wasteland were all sprayed with the fairyland river water. Next, we just have to wait for the fairyland river water to play its powerful effect.

"Hu Zi, remember what I told you about purchasing fruit tree seedlings? Tomorrow, you go home and discuss with your uncle. If we can't purchase it locally, go to the surrounding cities as soon as possible to purchase it." After Qiao Jiaojiao finished cooking, several people sat at the dining table, and Tang Feng said to Hu Zi.

Now, the wasteland has been reclaimed and sprayed with water from the fairyland river. Then it is time to sow seeds. Naturally, these newly reclaimed lands will not be used to grow ordinary crops.

The vegetable garden has now taken shape, and the vineyard has been built. Next, it will be the orchard and flower garden. In his plan, the area of ​​the orchard is equivalent to that of the vineyard, which is also 100 acres. It is not large, but it is definitely not small.

To build this 100-acre orchard, it takes a lot of fruit tree seedlings, and the local nursery may not be able to provide so many fruit tree seedlings, so it is still necessary to go to the surrounding cities to buy them.

Although Xing Beizi is old now, he is very experienced in this area. It is the most reassuring to leave things to him.

"Okay, I'll go home tomorrow." Hu Zi took a sip of beer and nodded in response.

After dinner, when Qiao Jiaojiao finished cleaning up, it was already past nine o'clock in the evening. Unfortunately, it suddenly rained outside.

"Sister-in-law, I'll take you home." Tang Feng found the car keys from the shack, stood up and said to Qiao Jiaojiao.

Qiao Jiaojiao hesitated for a moment. If there were no one else, she would definitely refuse Tang Feng, because she was really afraid to be alone with Tang Feng, but now Hu Zi and the others were beside her. If she refused Tang Feng, it would seem that she had something to hide.

After a little hesitation, she still did not refuse Tang Feng, nodded, and followed Tang Feng out of the shack.

The rain was not heavy, and the Raptor was driving on the road. Tang Feng looked at Qiao Jiaojiao sitting in the passenger seat from the corner of his eyes, and he felt indescribable in his heart.

When he was about to reach the national highway, he suddenly stopped the car.

Seeing that he suddenly stopped the car, Qiao Jiaojiao couldn't help but panic in her heart. Her beautiful eyes looked over, and her expression on her face was a little complicated.

"Jiaojiao, don't be like this all the time, okay?" Tang Feng turned around, staring at Qiao Jiaojiao tightly with his eyes, and said loudly.

Qiao Jiaojiao sat in the passenger seat, looking at the face so close to her, and hearing the intimate name, her heart seemed to be hit by something, and an indescribable pain surged up.

These days, she looked no different from the past, but who could know that she was just forcing a smile. Every night, she needed a long time to calm herself down and fall asleep.

And the person who caused all this was the little man in front of her.

"If I don't do this, what do you want me to do?" All the past things emerged in her mind again, and the pain and grievance surged up, and her eyes couldn't help but redden.

If she hadn't been married, she might have thrown herself into the arms of this man regardless of everything, and spent time with this little man she liked in her heart, but the reality was that she was already married.

"Don't force a smile like you do now, okay, I'll feel bad." Tang Feng took a deep breath, and said softly with that rare tenderness in his voice.

Qiao Jiaojiao was not the first woman he liked, but she was undoubtedly the first woman who left a deep mark in his heart. Even though the power of marriage had dissipated, the mark did not dissipate with it, but remained forever.

The tears could not be stopped after all, flowing out of those beautiful eyes, sliding down the fair cheeks.

Looking at the tears, Tang Feng still couldn't help it, stretched out his hand, touched the fair cheek with his fingers, and wiped away the tears.

Feeling the touch of the fingers on her cheek, the defense line in Qiao Jiaojiao's heart was almost broken. At this moment, she almost gave up and wanted to throw herself into the warm embrace.

The shadow of this man has been completely imprinted in her heart, and completely filled her entire mind. Every time she sleeps, he will appear in her dreams, making her dream.

Qiao Jiaojiao, Qiao Jiaojiao, you are a married woman, have you forgotten what you said? No matter how much you like him, you can't have any relationship with him, otherwise, you will be condemned by everyone.

The cry in her heart stabilized her loose psychological defense again. She resolutely reached out and moved the hand on her cheek away, and turned her face to the car window.

"Tang Feng, there is no possibility for us. Listen to me, there will be no good results for the two of us to be together. It will only hurt you." The choked voice sounded particularly haggard.

The haggard voice fell on Tang Feng's ears, like a thorn that stabbed into his heart, causing untold pain.

"Why do you always think about others? When will you be able to think about yourself? Are you going to stay with that scumbag for the rest of your life?" He roared in a low voice, filled with anger.

Qiao Jiaojiao sighed softly and shook her head: "Human life is arranged by God. Maybe this is my life."

Haha, God arranged it? Damn it, Earth Star was abandoned by the Immortal Realm thousands of years ago. Those gods in the Immortal Realm have long forgotten about the people here and left them to fend for themselves. How can we talk about their fate?

"How could you know that your destiny should be like this if you don't fight for it yourself?"

Qiao Jiaojiao turned around, looked at Tang Feng with her beautiful eyes full of thunder, smiled sadly, and said in a confused voice: "Fight for it? How can I fight for it? Do you mean that you want me to divorce Sun Xiangzi and then marry him?" you?"

"Am I the kind of heartless and unjust woman in your heart?"

Faced with Qiao Jiaojiao's questioning, Tang Feng fell into silence. Yes, even if she didn't care about other people's opinions, Qiao Jiaojiao's character and Sun Xiangzi, if she was still a good person, maybe she could bite the bullet. Divorced, but Sun Xiangzi has become what he is now, she will not abandon Sun Xiangzi.

"Then you promise me that as long as it's something I give you, you can't refuse it and accept it, okay?" In the end, Tang Feng compromised and stopped trying to persuade Qiao Jiaojiao.

This time, Qiao Jiaojiao did not refuse immediately. Her beautiful eyes kept looking at him for a long time. Finally, a faint smile appeared on her delicate face.

Seeing that Qiao Jiaojiao did not refuse, Tang Feng finally breathed a sigh of relief. He was most afraid that this woman would have a bad temper and reject him again.

Arriving at the door of Qiao Jiaojiao's house, Tang Feng watched Qiao Jiaojiao enter the yard, locked the door, and then drove back to the farm.

Get into the shack, take out your phone, enter the drift bottle mode, click to pick it up, and a golden gold coin will appear in the aperture.

"I accidentally discovered the God of Wealth gold coin that was lost by the God of Wealth. Thirty points of moral integrity are required to pick it up."

God of Wealth Gold Coin! It should be a good thing, he murmured in his mind, and spent thirty points of virtue to pick up the God of Wealth gold coin.

God of Wealth Gold Coin: The gold coin carried by the God of Wealth has magical effects because it is contaminated with the spirit of the God of Wealth. Carrying this gold coin will bring you incredible wealth within five days. Downloading requires fifty points of moral integrity.

After seeing the introduction of the God of Wealth Gold Coin, he was somewhat uninterested. Now he is considered a billionaire, and he no longer has the strong desire for money in the world that he had in the past.

Besides, so what if you have incredible wealth? Apart from gambling, the only other option is to buy lottery tickets. Gambling is illegal in China. As for lottery tickets, it is possible to win millions, but how many will you win? Tens of millions or hundreds of millions, that's just nonsense. Who doesn't understand the secret operation of lottery tickets.

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