Rural Friends Circle

Chapter 169: Transaction with the Heavenly Lord of Teaching

In the following days, in addition to chatting with Yang Chan every day, Tang Feng stayed at the farm all the time. In his spare time, he learned to drive a speedboat from Dust.

Strangely enough, driving a speedboat was originally a bit difficult, but after he got started, he learned it after only learning it once, and then it took him half a day to drive it almost smoother than Dust.

He didn't think that he was a very smart genius, otherwise, he wouldn't have scored so low in the college entrance examination. The reason why he was able to learn to drive a speedboat so quickly was probably related to his practice of the Origin Demon Text.

With the opening of the three gates of the Earth Realm, the wonders of this realm have gradually emerged. Not only has the physical fitness become much stronger, but the reaction speed of the brain has also been significantly enhanced.

Sometimes, he browses some things, and as long as he reads them once, he can actually remember all of them, and he will not forget them for a long time.

After experiencing the wonders of the three gates, he became more and more yearning to open the four and five gates of the Earth Realm.

However, he was not a reckless person, and did not use the fragments of water-repellent beads to sneak into the reservoir. He did not want to bury himself in the mysterious demon clan ruins because of his momentary impulse.

At noon, a number from Jinyang called. After the call was connected, the other party explained his identity. Tang Feng could no longer sit still and hurried to the city.

At the warehouse that had been rented in advance, he saw those high-rail trucks, on which were fixed various amusement facilities and matching diesel generators.

This temporary warehouse used to be a winery. It closed down the year before last. It was abandoned for a while. Tang Feng also found the owner of the winery through Liu Siyuan and bought it directly.

He often had to trade with the fairy world in the future, and there would inevitably be some large things. If these things were transported to the farm, it would inevitably be something that happened to people after a long time.

With this winery as a warehouse, he only needed to find an honest person to watch the warehouse and do some tricks, so that it would not attract the attention of those who were interested.

Of course, the reason why he spent five million to buy this bankrupt winery was not just to use it as a warehouse. Although the winery was bankrupt, the brewing equipment and facilities inside were still intact. If he wanted to get involved in the brewing industry, he only needed to recruit experienced workers to make the factory run again.

Because there was no one in the winery, Tang Feng did not move these amusement equipment into the large warehouse of the winery, but directly put them in the open space outside.

After paying the balance, the seller left with satisfaction, and only Tang Feng was left in the abandoned winery.

Looking at the brand new amusement facilities in front of him, Tang Feng's mouth corners rose. He could imagine that when these equipment started to operate in the fairy world, they would definitely hook the souls of those fairy children who had never seen the world.

He took out his mobile phone, logged into WeChat, and directly contacted the Heavenly Lord of Teaching.

"Daoyou, I have already refined all the objects you need. Shall I send them to you now?"

The Nine Heavens Fairy Island in the Heavenly Palace is a floating fairy island, and at this moment, the Heavenly Master of Teaching is having a headache here. Not long ago, a dozen fairy children teamed up to turn the Heavenly Palace Fairy Garden upside down. Looking around, it was a mess.

When Tang Feng's voice appeared in the consciousness of the Heavenly Master of Teaching, the Heavenly Master who was having a headache finally glowed with spirit.

This Taoist Wu Shi is a trustworthy person. It has only been a few days, and all the objects have been refined.

"Thank you, Daoyou."

Soon, through the node in the consciousness, one by one, the objects flew out and appeared in front of him out of thin air. His reaction was also fast enough. With a wave of his hand, all the objects were wrapped in fairy air and floated in the air one by one.

When he saw these colorful and unique amusement equipment, his eyes lit up again.

All the amusement equipment had been installed in advance. They only needed to be connected to the power supply to operate. As for how to connect the power supply and how to use the diesel generator, Tang Feng had asked the buyer to shoot a video.

After he sent all the equipment and facilities to Jiaohua Tianzun, he also sent those videos. Then, these videos appeared in Jiaohua Tianzun's consciousness in the form of virtual images.

The powerful consciousness only needed to scan and remember everything in it. Jiaohua Tianzun already knew how to connect the power supply and how to use the diesel engine.

The magic of the gods was not something that mortals could understand. Jiaohua Tianzun waved his hand, and the messy fairy garden was instantly cleared. Then countless boulders flew from a distance and were evenly laid on the ground. In a short time, a huge stone platform appeared here.

Those amusement facilities floating in the air slowly fell down and landed regularly in different places on the platform. As for the diesel generator, it just fell in the center.

The palm of the Heavenly Master of Teaching waved again, and the lid of the oil barrel filled with diesel flew up, and a stream of diesel turned into a water dragon and flew into the diesel engine.

Soon, the music of the mortal world sounded on the fairy island in the fairy world, and with this different music, the amusement facilities started to operate.

Pirate ship, bumper car, roller coaster, carousel, rotating water spray car, more than ten kinds of large-scale amusement facilities, driven by diesel engines, are rotating.

Looking at these imaginative toys, Jiaohua Tianzun finally showed a happy smile on his face. Now, he has completely believed what Wu Shi Daoren said. This amusement park is indeed enough to attract the souls of those fairy children.

"Daoyou, I thank you here. I hope you don't think the five hundred merits are too little." Seeing that there is finally a way to solve the problem of fairy children, Jiaohua Tianzun also became generous and gave five hundred merits at once.

Jiaohua Tianzun gives you five hundred merits.

After seeing this system prompt, Tang Feng smiled so hard that he couldn't close his mouth. He exchanged millions of earthly toys for eight hundred merits. He made a lot of money in this deal.

"Fellow Daoist, although this amusement park can attract fairy children, anything will become boring after playing for a long time. In addition to this amusement park, we need to prepare everything else." After finally meeting such a rich man, Tang Feng naturally wanted to promote things on Earth and earn more public virtue.

Amusement parks, cartoons, electronic games, comic books, these are all children's favorites, and I believe that the fairy children in the fairy world will also like them.

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