Rural Friends Circle

Chapter 1572 Don’t worry

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But it was also because of this that Tang Feng also knew about Halosa's superpower.

Harosa's power is air?

The first time it is used to squeeze one's body is to control the density of the air, while the second transparent ball officially squeezes a large amount of air into a first space and emits a powerful explosive force. It can be said to be an air cannon.

After understanding Harosa's special ability, Tang Feng was ready to take action. After all, it was not his habit to be beaten passively. Tang Feng made a move, and a gun appeared in his hand. It was not the Wuya Gun, but the bright silver gun customized by Suanni. Lu Bai reasoned, so he took out the gun. Tang Feng grabbed the tail of the gun and stabbed him with one shot.

To Halosa.

No one noticed his shot. Instead, they were very curious about where he took out the long gun. They definitely didn't believe that such a long gun was a foldable high-tech product. They clearly watched Tang Feng take it out. Yes, how could it be a folding gun?

"Kai, is he a space superpower?" In the lounge of the Russian Justice Giant, Larry saw Tang Feng suddenly take out a spear and asked Kai next to him. Kai is currently one of the most powerful superpowers in the world. His superpowers are also spatial superpowers. Moreover, in his research on spatial superpowers, if he were to be ranked second, no one would dare to call him second.

One, so it’s right to ask him.

Kai shook his head, and then replied: "Probably not. Although those with space powers can open up their own space, there was no space fluctuation at all just now, so it shouldn't be a space power."

"Then... how did he do it?" Larry asked in confusion as he looked at Tang Feng, who was holding a spear and dancing like a tiger.

Kai was silent for a while, and then said with some uncertainty: "Maybe it's a storage tool. If we look again, there should be some clues." As soon as Tang Feng got the bright silver gun, his whole temperament was different. Well, when he didn't hold the gun, Tang Feng was restrained and talked like an ordinary person. But as soon as he grabbed the gun, his whole body was full of vigor, like a spear soaring into the sky, with an indestructible momentum. No

Exposed consciously. Harosa felt Tang Feng's changes, and the vigilance in his heart also skyrocketed. Then he continued to use air to affect Tang Feng's activities. Although the effect was minimal, it was still better than nothing. Then he continued to condense air cannons to suppress Tang Feng. Feng, but the air cannon seems to have consumed a lot of money on him, dozens of

His forehead was already sweating with just one air cannon, but Tang Feng didn't have much energy to use. Harosa was also very depressed. Originally, he thought that his opponent would be the second strongest player in the Mad Dragon Team, Yaju. If he faced Yaju, he was 80% sure that he could win. Even if Yaju was a master of body training, he would definitely not be able to defeat him. His air power, the thick air, could completely control him and prevent him from moving, but what he encountered was a freak like Tang Feng, who was far beyond Yaizhen physically, so his air power was of no use at all. Moreover, Tang Feng's body is extremely flexible. All the air cannons have been dodged. Now the arena has been hit by air cannons.

It was bumpy, but Tang Feng still looked like he was fine.

"No, if he continues like this, he will kill him, and his spear is also very sharp. It can directly break the air cannon!" Harosa thought of this, and the air cannon stopped. As he muttered something, Tang Feng stopped and watched what he could do. Suddenly, Tang Feng felt that the air around him was getting thinner and thinner, and even breathing was a little difficult. Seeing this, Tang Feng took a deep breath and took a long breath.

With a roar, he threw the bright silver gun directly towards Harosa.

As soon as the bright silver gun came out, there was a sound of breaking through the air. Harosa quickly pressed the density of the air in front of him. The bright silver gun stopped in front of him. The tip of Harosa's nose was sweating. , as soon as Harosa was distracted, the pressure on Tang Feng was reduced a lot.

Tang Feng stopped when he saw the bright silver gun, and with a move of his hand, another gun appeared, but it was not the Wuya Gun, but the God of War!

Harosa saw the God of War in Tang Feng's hand, and felt a strong sense of crisis in his heart. Tang Feng smiled evilly and whispered: "The shot just now can stop it, try this!"

Bang! A milky white light ball the size of a finger flew out from the muzzle of the God of War. Halosa could not avoid it at all. He could only use his supernatural power to shield the air in front of him and reduce the speed and power of the spiritual bullet as much as possible. However, How can it be so easy to block the bullets of the God of War, although haha

Lothar tried his best to compress the air in front of him, but the God of War's bullet still hit his arm. With a flash of white light, Halosa lay on the ground covering the wound. The sky was filled with red blood mist. And Halosa's arm had long since disappeared.

Tang Feng smiled, then walked to Harosa's side, picked up the bright silver gun, and whispered: "If you want to kill me, you have to be prepared. I won't kill you today, but next time, you will die! "

Halosa gritted his teeth and stared at Tang Feng. Tang Feng walked off the ring carrying a bright silver gun, holding the God of War and whistling. When Karel saw that the person he regarded as the future successor of King Arthur had lost an arm, he slapped the table and stood up. The table turned into powder in an instant, and then appeared on the ring in a flash, Harosa Covering his wound, he gritted his teeth when he saw Karel.

To: "King Arthur, I want to kill him! I must kill him!" Karel nodded, and then saw the people from the Mad Dragon Team walking out of the lounge, especially the naked one. Bi Xi, who was holding his arm, was even more surprised. Just now, Green slapped his arm softly with one move, but now it's healed! And it seems to be white, right?


The stupid guy who competed with Jiao Tu had the best relationship with Halosa. When he saw that Halosa had broken an arm, and then saw that Bixi's arm was healed, he rushed directly to the Kuanglong team and stopped them. Mad Dragon Squad.

"Bixi, can you tell me how your arm healed? If someone cured you, please tell me who he is!" Bixi was stunned for a moment, then sighed helplessly and said : "I didn't expect you and Harosa to have such a good relationship. Since you asked, let me tell you. In fact, cultivators of our level can repair their bodies when they are damaged. I just discovered this today. , so Harosa’s injury doesn’t matter, it will heal on its own soon, but you must not let his wound heal, otherwise it will not grow back.”

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