Rural Friends Circle

Chapter 1573 Winning Beautifully

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"Really?" The stupid man asked with a frown in disbelief. "Then do you think there is anyone in this world who will let you grow a new arm?" Prisoner Niu said, throwing out an arm. The whole arm was like meat, but the clothes were the same as Bixi's. You can tell at a glance that they are Bixi's clothes. Bi Xi saw the silly look in his eyes and trembled on purpose

Shaking his arms.

The stupid man nodded hurriedly and ran back as if he had obtained a scripture. Then he ignored Karel at all, picked up Halosa who fell on the ground, turned around and ran away. Karel was treating Harosa's injuries, but the stupid guy rushed over, picked up Harosa and ran away. Everyone was confused and didn't understand what was going on. Karel glared at Tang Feng fiercely, and then ran out directly. The other Knights of the Round Table also followed.

Go, the game is over. The Mad Dragon Team has won six of the seven games, so there is no need to continue the competition. After the Knights of the Round Table left, everyone in the Mad Dragon Squad burst into laughter. Jiao Tu directly covered his stomach and said: "Bixi, I didn't expect you to look quite honest, and you are really decent when you lie. , and Qi Niu actually helped you deceive people! Hahahahaha, the point is that stupid one!

The big guy still believed it! "

Bixi shrugged and said nothing, while Prisoner Niu said, "I didn't do anything. I just took out Bixi's arm and showed him one look. There's nothing I can do if he believes me." Silly guy Carrying Halosa back to the Nine Hotel, he went directly into his room. Looking at Halosa's almost grown arms, the stupid man gritted his teeth, then took out a fruit knife and cut it raw. After removing his newly healed arm, Harosa, who was already unconscious, was directly

The pain woke me up.

Seeing the stupid man holding a bloody fruit knife, Halosa yelled: "Grete! What the hell are you doing!"

"Harosa, just be patient, your arms will grow back!" Gretel directly suppressed Harosa, preventing him from struggling on the bed.

"You're such a fucking idiot! They're lying to you! There's no way someone's arms can grow!"

"It's true! Bixi's arm was knocked useless by Green, but it has grown out now. He told me that your arm will grow back soon!" Grete still responded to Bixi and Qi Niu's lies. Convinced, Halosa couldn't move even with the pressure on Halosa's body. "Grete, get the fuck down!" Karel kicked the door open and slapped Grete aside. Seeing Harosa's bloody wound, Karel again He was speechless for a while, then pointed directly at Gretel and said: "Pull him out! Don't

Let me see him! "

Two people came up from behind Karel, pulling Grete who was yelling out.

"King Arthur! You believe me! Halosa's arm will grow back!"

Karel sighed helplessly, gave Harosa a pill, and then began to help Harosa heal her injuries.

"King Arthur, I want to kill him! I can't swallow this breath!" Halosa said through gritted teeth.

"Don't think about revenge, we will leave in a moment, and we will abandon the next game."

Harosa was stunned when he heard this, and then became furious.

"He crippled my arm! Let's just leave like this! How could I just endure it! I will be a fucking cripple from now on!"

"Stop talking, I will take you away in a moment." Karel also saw that the momentum of China's rise can no longer be suppressed, so no matter what you do, it is in vain, a waste of time, and a waste of your own strength. That's it. In one game, the strongest player on his side lost an arm, and Tang Feng didn't show it at all.

The real strength, there is Suanni, is even more powerful and unfathomable. So staying here any longer is just a waste of time. There is no need at all. If Halosa goes to seek revenge again, he will definitely be the one who dies. No one will be buried with him, and he might even be buried with him. The entire Knights of the Round Table jumped in. Harosa saw Karel like this

Resolutely, he stopped talking.

After the game between Dongfang and England, it was already afternoon. The next day was the game between Polar Bear and Japan, so each country returned to their rooms after watching the game.

"Caryl is a loser! The Knights of the Round Table are all losers! They only fucking won one out of seven games! They didn't reveal the strength of the Mad Dragon Team at all!"

Miyamoto Huang returned to his room and started throwing the table. At this time, a figure slowly appeared from the wall, but the shadow seemed to grow on the wall and did not reveal his body at all.

"Colin, you don't want to play in tomorrow's game against the Justice Giant. When the final against the Mad Dragon Squad comes, you can play again and kill Tang Feng for me."

"Tao Master, I want to try to assassinate Tang Feng." After Colin said this, Miyamoto Huang's heart was shaken, but he still shook his head and said: "Forget it, I want to rely on your The strength is enough to kill Tang Feng on the field, there is no need to take risks, just go back and rest." After Miyamoto Huang finished speaking, he waved his hand, and the figure on the wall became more and more visible.

It became fainter and fainter, and finally disappeared. Miyamoto Huang pursed his lips, and then returned to his bedroom.

"I really didn't expect that Tang Feng has grown so much in this year." Blake returned to the room and sat on the sofa, frowning.

"Have I improved little this year? Master, don't worry, I will definitely kill him!" Mark brought over two cups of coffee and said confidently.

Blake took the coffee with a smile, and nodded with satisfaction when he heard Mark's words. He has also seen Mark's growth in the past year, and his speed is completely that of a peerless genius.

"Mark, if you can kill Tang Feng, I will personally host the wedding for you two when I bring Vera back."

"Thank you, Master!" Mark stood up excitedly. Tang Feng and his group returned to the room, and they were all very happy. That stupid big guy Grete was so easy to fool, and they believed everything he said. They were happy all the way. They won six of the seven games, which can be said to be a complete crushing. The remaining Japanese Sakura Road will be dealt with by the Justice Giant.

It can be said that the final opponent in the finals is the American Super League. And with Tang Feng and Suanni as the two pillars, it is difficult to lose even if you want to! "Okay, you won so happily today. I'll pay for your trip later. You can go anywhere!" the man said happily, slapping the table.

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