Rural Friends Circle

Chapter 219: A Lot of Sevens

"I bet 100,000." Duan Lei rarely became the banker, so Tang Feng threw out 100,000 chips directly. He came here today to bankrupt Duan Lei. When can he make Duan Lei bleed? Naturally, when Duan Lei became the banker.

In this round, Duan Lei had a good luck. He was the first to get a card, and he got a five-small card. Although Tang Feng also played ten points, he was still eaten.

"If you win all in the first round, then you will definitely lose all in the second round. I bet 300,000." Tang Feng looked at Duan Lei and said with a sinister smile.

"That's right, that's right, I also bet 300,000." The Hebei man nodded in agreement.

"You are a bit unkind. After all, we have known each other for a game. How can you take advantage of others' misfortunes? That... I'll bet less, just 250,000." The man in the suit looked distressed for Duan Lei and said in a yin-yang tone.

Duan Lei was so angry that his nose was almost steaming. Three bastards, you guys can be proud now, wait, I will kill you without leaving any trace, and then you will cry.

After the dealer cut the cards, Duan Lei's previous player picked up the cards. The first player to pick up the cards was Duan Lei. Duan Lei sneered and carefully turned over his cards, and then he saw a red nine.

Nine points, and it was the dealer's nine points, which was definitely a big idea. As long as the luck was not too bad, he could always get two.

However, when Tang Feng scanned the bottom cards of the other three players through the floating mechanical beast, he almost vomited. Those three players all had ten points, three tens and one nine at the same time. I don’t know how the dealer shuffled the cards.

Of the five people at the gambling table, naturally, only Tang Feng asked for a card. His bottom card was a spade three. After he asked for a card, the dealer gave him a small king. Because he didn't get the chance, he continued to ask for a card. Then, the dealer actually gave him a red heart seven. The three cards added up to exactly half past ten, double the odds.

When several people showed their cards, the smile on Duan Lei's face froze, and the people watching around couldn't help laughing. This luck was really unlucky. He won everything in the first hand, and lost everything in the second hand. The key point was that he made 400,000 in the first hand, and had to lose 1.4 million in the second hand.

"Fuck him." Duan Lei finally couldn't help but burst out. He exchanged 1.5 million, and just like that, only 500,000 was left, and it was not enough to pay for the next hand.

"Don't move, wait for me." He stood up angrily, kicked the stool behind him to the side, and went to the front desk.

It was rare to meet a dealer with such bad luck, so everyone was naturally happy to watch him exchange chips.

"Brother, aren't you here with Duan Lei? Why do you two look like enemies instead of friends?" The man in a suit came over and asked Tang Feng with a smile.

"Who told you that people who come to the casino together must be friends? Maybe I won his money outside, and he was so angry that he dragged me here to find a place!" Tang Feng curled his lips and said with disdain.

Hearing his words, the man in the suit was stunned at first, and then burst out laughing.

"That guy has been unlucky these days, and he loses every time he gambles, but he still doesn't believe in evil. I see his posture today. If we don't drain his old money, no one can leave." The man in the suit said with a smile.

At this time, Duan Lei's eyes were red with loss. What he was thinking in his head was not only to win back the money he lost, but also to win all the money of several people at the table, especially to win all the money of Tang Feng, to relieve his hatred.

Duan Lei's hatred for Tang Feng was not without reason. First of all, Tang Feng and Lin Mengjia were so close that he was jealous. Then Tang Feng won more than one million yuan in the game of Zhajinhua. Now he came to the casino to play 10:30. He exchanged 2.5 million chips, and almost half of them went to Tang Feng.

When Duan Lei took the chips of 3 million and slammed them on the gambling table, more and more spectators gathered around the gambling table.

"Aren't you lucky? I want to see how much you can eat." Duan Lei roared with a ferocious face.

"Since you want to be a boy who spreads money, I have to fulfill your wish. That's all." Tang Feng smiled and pushed out a pile of chips in front of him with both hands. There were nearly a hundred chips.

The spectators around couldn't help but gasp. Playing 10:30, betting a million chips in one hand is still rare in Pingyang.

"Brother, you are awesome. I'm convinced. But I'm a person who knows when to stop. I won't go crazy with you. I guess his cards are big this time, so I'll only bet 50,000." The man in the suit threw out five chips.

The man from Hebei and the man opposite Tang Feng did not follow Tang Feng's big bets this time. The chips of the two people added up to only 200,000.

The man opposite Tang Feng picked up the cards. Coincidentally, the first card was Tang Feng's. Tang Feng pretended to look at his own hole cards. Because the floating mechanical beast was always in the dealer's hand, he actually knew everyone's hole cards before the cards were dealt.

His hole card was a seven, which was a bit embarrassing. Through the eyes of the mechanical beast, he saw the first card in the dealer's hand, which was a nine of spades. This time, it was even more embarrassing.

"No" Since he knew that he would be full to death if he asked for a card, he had to choose to stop playing.

Now, it's up to the two families below. The bottom cards of the two families below are both big cards. The Hebei man has an eight of hearts, and the man opposite him has a ten of diamonds. As long as the Hebei man doesn't want to play, he still has a little hope of winning.

When it was the time for the Hebei man to ask for a card, the Hebei man fell into deep thought. Eight points, not too big a point, made him a little embarrassed, considering whether to take it or not.

At this time, Tang Feng's heart was hanging.

Duan Lei's bottom card was the same as his, also seven, and the second card in the dealer's hand was a three of clubs, that is, once the Hebei man asked for a card, then Duan Lei would lose whether he wanted a card or not.

"You should talk, nagging." The Hebei man hesitated, and the man in the suit was impatient and yelled.

Hearing this yelling, the Hebei man simply put down the cards and shook his hand at the dealer: "I don't want it either."

After hearing what the Hebei man said, Tang Feng wanted to pounce on him, hug him and kiss him hard on the face.

"I don't want it either." The man sitting opposite Tang Feng was very straightforward and stopped playing.

Now, it was Duan Lei's turn to hesitate, because his bottom card was a seven, and the first three players didn't want it, which meant that their bottom cards were all seven at the lowest, and the probability of a seven was very small, so the dealer wouldn't deal out four sevens at the same time.

"Duan Lei, your card can't be a seven, right? Tsk tsk, this is embarrassing." Tang Feng lay on the table, looking at Duan Lei with a smirk on his face, and said with a sinister smile.

"It's either seven or eight, otherwise, when three players passed the cards, he couldn't be so hesitant. I think, don't take it, otherwise, you might be stuffed to death." The man sitting opposite Tang Feng said in a yin and yang tone.

"Yeah, I think I'd better not take it, it's possible that two of the first three players have sevens." The man in the suit looked completely gloating, and he was afraid that the world would not be in chaos.

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