Rural Friends Circle

Chapter 220 The Real Upstart

"Brother, you are going to make me miserable. If he doesn't want to play cards, he will eat up all my seven points. I bet one million in this round." Tang Feng said with a sad face, looking at the Hebei man.

"Tsk, do you think I'm an idiot? I've never seen a man who bet one million and passed the card with a seven as the bottom card." The Hebei man glanced at him with disdain and said with a pout.

Others also nodded in agreement with the Hebei man's words.

"Duan Lei, anyway, they didn't bet a few dollars. You can eat my family and make hundreds of thousands. Don't be embarrassed there." Seeing that others didn't believe him, Tang Feng looked at Duan Lei who was still hesitating there and said with a smile.

"Do you think I'm an idiot too? I would believe your nonsense. Dealer, deal the cards." Duan Lei, who was still hesitating, snorted coldly after hearing his words, and finally asked for the cards.

As the dealer placed the nine of spades in front of Duan Lei, Duan Lei was stunned for a moment, and then, the expression on his handsome face became distorted, and there was a raging fire in his eyes, as if he wanted to kill someone.

"The dealer must be full to death, so I'm relieved, and I don't want it either." The man in the suit exhaled, patted his chest repeatedly, and turned over his hole card, which was a seven of spades.

The Hebei man and the slightly ugly man both showed their hole cards, one ten points, and the other eight points. In the end, only Tang Feng and Duan Lei were left.

Since Tang Feng didn't want a card, the smallest hole card was also a seven points. Now, it depends on whether Duan Lei is really full to death. Everyone's eyes are focused on Duan Lei, waiting for Duan Lei to show his cards.

Feeling the eyes around him, Duan Lei was furious. He picked up the hole card angrily and threw it hard on the table. Sure enough, it was a seven points. Duan Lei was really full to death.

"Huh, I was scared to death, I was really scared to death, I never thought that I could make money with these seven points." Tang Feng looked scared, patting his chest repeatedly, and while speaking, he revealed his bottom card.

When the eye-catching red seven appeared on the gambling table, the gambling table was in an uproar.



"Oh my god."

"What a great guy."

With a bet of one million, the first player looked at the cards, and the bottom card was a seven, and he passed the card. This is really amazing.

Duan Lei sat there blankly, looking at the red seven in front of Tang Feng, his chest was boiling with anger, he felt that he was about to vomit blood because of anger, he could not imagine that Tang Feng's bottom card was actually a seven.

"Brother, you are really awesome." The man in the suit raised his thumb high, and couldn't help laughing while speaking.

Looking at Tang Feng with a sinister smile on his face, and then seeing the other three laughing fireworks, Duan Lei's chest was about to explode with anger.

The casino staff standing next to him came forward to help Tang Feng count the chips. After careful counting, he pushed out a total of 98 chips, which means that Duan Lei will pay him 980,000 in this round.

Adding the chips of the other three people, the 3 million that Duan Lei exchanged was instantly reduced by half, leaving only more than 1 million.

"Damn it, come again." Duan Lei's eyes were completely red, and he roared in his throat.

In the next round, Duan Lei had a kill, but unfortunately, Tang Feng and the other four only bet a total of more than 100,000 this time. However, it was a rare kill, Duan Lei's face was much better, and the whole person was in high spirits.

However, the next round completely brought him back to the abyss. Based on the theorem that the dealer must pay after winning all the cards, Tang Feng bet a large chip again this time, a full 800,000, and the three men, the man in the suit and the man in Hebei, also bet 300,000 each, and the chips on the table instantly reached 1.7 million.

After the cards were dealt, the man in Hebei and the man sitting next to him were directly overwhelmed, and the chips were sent to Duan Lei. Duan Lei, who had a ten-point bottom card, was sure that he could win again in this round, but then, the man in the suit and Tang Feng each played a ten-and-a-half, which completely broke his heart.

Two ten-and-a-half, the odds doubled, Tang Feng bet 800,000, the man in the suit bet 300,000, and counting the 600,000 paid by the two men in Hebei, Duan Lei had to pay another 1.6 million.

All ten-point bottom cards were killed, this luck can no longer be described as bad.

However, Duan Lei had already lost four or five million at this time, so how could he give up? Seeing that the chips in front of him were running out, he roared and wanted to exchange chips again.

"Duan Lei, your luck today is really bad. How about this, let's stop here today." After winning millions from Duan Lei in a row, Tang Feng felt a little soft-hearted and persuaded Duan Lei.

"Yes, Duan Lei, that's enough." Lin Mengjia also frowned and persuaded Duan Lei.

However, it would have been better if they didn't speak. This time, it angered Duan Lei even more. Duan Lei was furious, turned around, glared at Tang Feng fiercely, and roared: "Why, you want to leave after winning the money?"

Okay, I'm just being mean, it's just like what the man in the suit said just now, if I don't win all of Duan Lei's assets today, don't even think about leaving.

"Shen Yong, you guys keep an eye on them. No one here can leave. I'm going to exchange the chips." After saying that, Duan Lei left in a hurry.

"The most feared thing in a casino is losing money. Such people only think about winning back the money they lost, but they don't know that the more they think about winning, the more they lose, and finally they lose everything." The man in the suit said with a heavy sigh without his previous smile.

When Duan Lei came back again, his hands were empty, but there was one more person beside him, a young man in his thirties. Judging from his clothes, this person was obviously rich or noble.

"Mengjia, who is this person?" Tang Feng turned his head and asked Lin Mengjia in a low voice.

"Who else could it be? Some super upstart, whose family made several hundred million by coal integration and was idle all day long." Lin Mengjia glanced at the young man and said with disdain.

There is abundant coal underground in Pingyang. In recent years, there are many people who have made a fortune by relying on the media, and there are many local tyrants who have become billionaires.

"Seeing you guys are having fun, how about I join in?" Yang Peng pulled a bench over and sat down next to Duan Lei.

"Young Master Yang's luck has been amazing recently. I'm afraid I'll lose money if I play with you. I'll stop here and you guys play." The ugly man sitting opposite Tang Feng laughed, collected the chips in front of him, and announced his withdrawal.

"I'm lucky today, let's play for a while." The man in the suit and the man from Hebei did not leave.

Tang Feng stretched and said with a smile: "It's getting late, you guys play, I'm going to find a place to eat."

"What, buddy, you want to leave after winning?" Yang Peng narrowed his eyes, looked at Tang Feng, and said coldly.

Damn, it seems that this guy is coming for me, I said it, Duan Lei looked at me with an obviously unfriendly look, after hearing what Yang Peng said, Tang Feng paused and looked up at him.

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