Rural Friends Circle

Chapter 227: Hare


The shack where Tang Feng had lived for nearly two years finally collapsed under the excavator. The last memory of Tang Feng's miserable life also became a thing of the past with the collapse of this dilapidated house.

Soon, near the back mountain in the east, a larger chicken coop and a large pig house will be built here as the farm's livestock breeding area.

Since the spirit gathering array diagram was activated, the environment in the farm has been changing. The spiritual energy in the air has increased, and the presence of the fairyland river water in the soil has attracted many beasts in the mountains and forests.

So far, the number of firewood chickens in the back mountain has increased to nearly 100, and the number of wild boars in the simple pigpen has also increased to 10, and this does not include those piglets. If the piglets are included, there will be more than 20.

"Boss, our farm has a new guest again." Over in the vegetable garden, Dusting made a new discovery and shouted while waving his arms.

Tang Feng, who was strolling in the vineyard with Su Ying, followed the sound and rushed to the place where Du Ci and Hu Zi were. There was a hole on the ground there. He squatted down and could hear a subtle sound inside.

"Rabbits?" Tang Feng asked uncertainly after looking at the hole.

"Well, two adult hares and seven or eight small hares. I found them when I was strolling with Tosa. If I hadn't reacted quickly, the two adult hares would have been bitten to death by Tosa." Du Ci nodded and said with a smile.

For the wild animals that appear from time to time on the farm, Du Ci and his friends have long been accustomed to it, and they also know that as long as these animals arrive at the farm, they will be tempted by something and will settle here without exception.

Therefore, whenever they find new animals, they will try their best to protect them instead of hunting them in addition to being surprised.

"Wait a minute, gather the gods of war and tell them not to harm these rabbits. They will be considered our own family in the future." It is not a bad thing to have a few nests of rabbits on the farm, especially in winter, it can add a little vitality.

Perhaps they were frightened, both big and small rabbits hid in the things. Tang Feng and his team waited for a long time in the distance, but did not see the figures of these little guys.

"Tang Feng, when are we going to hunt in the mountains?" Su Ying looked at the mountains and forests in the distance and asked eagerly.

Tang Feng looked towards the back mountain. The endless mountains and forests could not be seen. There were many wild animals living in these mountains and forests, but at the same time, there were also some beasts that could endanger human life.

"Wait a few days later, when the weather is cool, we will go into the mountains."

Autumn is coming in a blink of an eye, and the weather is about to become cool. At that time, the grass is yellow and the animals are fat, which is the best time for hunting. The key is that many wild fruits and medicinal herbs in the mountains and forests are also ripe. Going into the mountains can have a lot of harvest.

While talking, Liu Siyuan's silver-gray BMW drove into the farm.

"I was just thinking about calling him, but he came first." Seeing the BMW, Tang Feng smiled and shook his head, and left the vegetable garden.

"Look at your rosy face, I guess your troubles have been solved." After Liu Siyuan got off the car, Tang Feng said with a smile when he saw his smiling face.

"Yes, it's a perfect solution. The entire Qingyuan Villa, plus the hotel under construction, are all packed together for 180 million. Hehe, from now on, brother, I will also be a billionaire." Liu Siyuan laughed heartlessly.

If calculated according to the current daily income of Qingyuan Villa, if you want to buy the entire Qingyuan Villa, you can't negotiate less than 300 million, not to mention that you have to add a hotel that has already laid a good foundation.

Of course, the premise for Qingyuan Villa to sell at such a high price is to maintain the current prosperous business, and the reason why Qingyuan Villa can have such a hot business is entirely because of the ingredients provided by Tang Feng.

Without the ingredients provided by Tang Feng, Qingyuan Villa would be instantly reduced to its original state. At that time, even if it was sold in a package, it would be a blessing to sell for 40 or 50 million.

It is precisely because of this understanding that Liu Siyuan was so excited when Qingyuan Villa was sold for 180 million.

"Zhu Wenxiao has bought Qingyuan Villa now. Next, he will definitely come to you to discuss the supply of ingredients. At that time, how should you deal with it? He is not an easy person to deal with." After the excitement, Liu Siyuan returned to calmness and said with a trace of worry.

Tang Feng shrugged his shoulders. To be honest, he really hadn't thought about how to deal with Zhu Wenxiao.

"Let him do whatever he wants." He spread his hands indifferently and said lightly.

"Are you really not afraid that he will use the power of the Zhu family to oppress you?" Liu Siyuan was silent for a while, and couldn't help asking again.

Use the power of the Zhu family to oppress me? Maybe he really dares to do so, but no matter how powerful the Zhu family is, it is just a family power on Earth. No matter how powerful they are, can they be stronger than the power of the fairy world!

Zhu Wenxiao had better be rational, otherwise, when the time comes, everyone will be irrational. As for who will cry later, we will wait and see.

"What is there to be afraid of? I am just a farmer. What can he do to me? Can he send someone to close my farm?" Tang Feng said with a smile and an indifferent expression.

Hearing his words, Liu Siyuan was stunned at first, then nodded with a wry smile. That's right, Tang Feng is just a farmer who raises livestock in the countryside. No matter how powerful the Zhu family is, what can they do to him?

Pingyang is a place where the emperor is far away, not to mention Tianjing Village, a remote place. No matter how powerful the Zhu family is, can they still reach out to this broken place?

After chatting for a while, Liu Siyuan's eyes finally fell on Su Ying not far away.

"I say, what is this young lady doing here?" After seeing Su Ying, Liu Siyuan came to Tang Feng and asked curiously.

"She lives with me now. Look, that RV is what she drove here." Tang Feng pointed at the RV not far away and said.

The daughter of Su Changhe's family came to live with Tang Feng! Doesn't Su Changhe care? He only has this one precious daughter, and he loves her to death on weekdays. Liu Siyuan was stunned for a moment and couldn't help muttering in his heart.

"By the way, do you know where she came from? To be more specific, do you know who her father is?"

Tang Feng smiled and said, "Su Changhe has only this one daughter, and he usually regards her as his lifeblood. Do you think that if Su Changhe hadn't agreed, would I dare to let Su Ying live with me?"

Su Ying came to live with Tang Feng, and it was Su Changhe's tacit consent! Why did Su Changhe suddenly change his character? This shouldn't be the case.

Wait, wait, when did Su Changhe know Tang Feng! When thinking of this, Liu Siyuan looked at Tang Feng with a slightly changed look.

"Okay, don't guess blindly. Su Ying had an accident not long ago, and I saved her. The reason why she came to live with me was to recuperate here." Seeing Liu Siyuan's eyes constantly rolling, Tang Feng hurriedly stopped him and said something casually.

Oh my god, you can see a doctor at any time, Liu Siyuan looked at Tang Feng and couldn't help but complain in his heart.

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