Rural Friends Circle

Chapter 228: The resort is ready to go

Accompanying Liu Siyuan, he walked around the reservoir for a long time, and the two of them exchanged opinions on the location of the next resort.

There are large areas of wasteland near the Tianjing Reservoir and the dam. Due to the soil quality, these lands are not suitable for growing crops, so they have always been deserted and no one is willing to plant them.

Although Tang Feng contracted more than a thousand acres of wasteland, this was only part of the thousands of acres of wasteland.

Since you are building a resort, you must be careful in choosing a location. It is best to choose a place close to the reservoir foreshore, and the nearby terrain should be relatively flat and open enough.

After a long search, we finally selected the wasteland east of the bay. However, there was no road there. Before starting work, a cement road had to be built to connect to the road at the farm gate.

"The contract we signed before is invalid from now on. Later, I will draw up a new contract. At that time, the resort will be divided 50-50 between the two of us." Liu Siyuan said after returning to the farm.

"50/50? What about your investor?" Tang Feng asked curiously.

He asked this, but he could guess something in his heart. It was probably because of Zhu Wenxiao's forced purchase of Qingyuan Villa this time that Liu Siyuan broke up with the big shot behind him, so Liu Siyuan just Will leave behind the person behind him and go it alone.

However, this is good, because one less unrelated person will hold shares. In the future, there will be one less person in the resort messing around, and when the dividends are distributed at the end of the year, the dividends will be even greater.

"I won't talk about him anymore. I feel aggrieved after saying that. Anyway, from now on, we won't even be friends anymore." Liu Siyuan sighed deeply. From his face, Tang Feng could read the deeply hidden emotion. sad.

"Okay, be happy. Look at this beautiful scenery. From now on, we will make a fortune here. It is not a dream to surpass Su Changhe and become the richest man in Pingyang." Tang Feng walked up and patted him on the shoulder. Said with a smile.

Liu Siyuan just smiled bitterly and nodded silently. It could be seen that he was not in a good mood.

"Let's go to the village committee."

The land occupied by the resort needs to be purchased directly, because there are no private fields in the wasteland here in the reservoir. You only need to contact the village committee, which saves a lot of trouble.

When Tang Feng took Liu Siyuan to the village committee and learned that they were going to buy the wasteland next to the reservoir to build a resort, Xing Jun and the old party secretary and several other village committee cadres became excited.

Because Tianjing Village is a bit far away from the city, there are almost no large factories moving into the village. The large areas of land in the village are so deserted. Now, Tang Feng has brought such a big financier to buy land and build in the village. Resort, how could they not attach great importance to it.

If in the past, Tang Feng brought such a big boss to the village to buy land, they might have doubted whether it was a scam, but now, they have no doubt at all.

The eldest son of Tang Laosan's family has made great achievements. He has invested several million and built a farm. He also knows many important people in the city. Even the captain of the city police station is a little afraid of him. The big people he brings Boss, how could he be a liar?

Tang Feng took out a box of soft Chinese from his pocket, gave one to everyone in the room, then lit one himself, and went straight into the corner.

Next, Liu Siyuan was arguing with the leader of the village committee, and he just watched from the side.

Because it is wasteland that no one wants, the price is naturally cheaper than ordinary farmland. The basic price fluctuates between 35,000 and 40,000 per mu. As for the final price, it still depends on how the two parties negotiate.

However, for now, Liu Siyuan wants to buy land, while the cadres of Tianjing Village Committee want to sell land, and the two parties can be said to hit it off.

"Thirty-five thousand per mu, this price cannot be more." Liu Siyuan smoked a cigarette and shouted at the top of his voice.

"Thirty-eight thousand per mu, no less." The old party secretary refused to show weakness and refused to let go of the price.

Even though the price difference between the two parties is only three thousand, you have to know that the land occupied to build the resort will never be less than one or two hundred acres. The difference is three thousand per mu, and two hundred acres of land is six hundred thousand.

Seeing the two sides stuck in a stalemate over these two numbers, Tang Feng finally couldn't sit still.

Although he has shares in the resort, he is from Tianjing Village after all. He was born and raised here. Now that he is rich, he always wants to provide some benefits to the village.

"Old Party Secretary, please wait a moment. I'll have a few words with Brother Liu." He put out his cigarette and stood up.

"Brother Liu, let's go out and talk." He said to Liu Siyuan and then left the room.

Liu Siyuan stood up and followed him out of the house.

When he arrived in the small courtyard outside, he pondered for a moment, turned around and said to Liu Siyuan: "Brother Liu, I plan to give a certain proportion of dividends to the village in my own name from now on."

"You can probably tell me the numbers. I feel confident." Liu Siyuan said without showing any surprise.

"Two percent of the resort's annual income." Tang Feng thought for a moment and gave an accurate figure.

"That's no problem. Don't deduct this money from your shares. From now on, this expenditure for the village will be listed separately." Liu Siyuan didn't even hesitate and agreed readily.

He is a smart man and knows that without the ingredients provided by Tang Feng, the resort he wants to build will be water without a source and a tree without roots. Not to mention making money, he is afraid that it will lose money.

This time, if Tang Feng had not been so righteous and taken this matter, in the end, I am afraid he would have been asked to leave the bureau. From now on, he would have to live on the little money from selling Qingyuan Villa.

Two percent of the shares may not seem like much, but think about how high the income of Qingyuan Villa is. It is no exaggeration to say that as long as there are no problems in the operation, with the many ingredients in Tang Feng's hands, the business of this resort will definitely be booming. By then, it will not be a problem to make 200 to 300 million a year. This two percent of the shares will be several million.

"Giving some shares to the village is actually a good thing. In the future, the villagers will not come to the resort to make trouble. If outsiders dare to make trouble, the villagers will not bypass them first." Tang Feng said with a smile.

Liu Siyuan smiled and nodded in agreement.

When Liu Siyuan agreed to the old secretary's asking price and proposed to give the village a certain amount of dividends, the several village cadres present were stunned for a moment. They looked at Tang Feng one by one, full of surprise.

What did Tang Feng say when he called Boss Liu out? When they came back, Boss Liu not only agreed to the price he proposed, but also generously distributed dividends to the village.

Liu Siyuan had made such a big concession, so Xing Jun and the old branch secretary would naturally not ask for more. The two sides finalized some details. Next, they went to the township to approve the procedures, measure the land, and sign the land sale contract.

As a hidden shareholder of the resort, Tang Feng became a hands-off boss after completing the matchmaking work, and Liu Siyuan was left to handle everything himself.

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