Rural Friends Circle

Chapter 271: Emergency

The car drove along Foshan Road. Because the weather was getting colder, the leaves on the roadside had turned yellow, which gave it a somewhat bleak and desolate feeling.

"By the way, Jing Tian, ​​where do you live?" Taking advantage of the fact that there were no cars in front, Tang Feng turned his head to look at Jing Tian in the passenger seat and asked.

"In the old district." Jing Tian smiled and replied softly.

Old district! What a coincidence.

Tang Feng smiled. The small building of the Fu family and the place where Lin Mengjia's family lived were the old districts of Pingyang City, and those who could live there were either rich or noble.

"It seems that I don't have to go the wrong way anymore." He said with a smile.

"Didn't you say that you were going to your parents' house? Your parents also live in the old district, right?" Jing Tian asked curiously.

"I just bought a house there, and my parents moved there two days ago." Tang Feng nodded and replied.

Jing Tian's beautiful eyes stayed on Tang Feng for a moment. She was a little curious about this silly classmate in the past. His parents were farmers in the countryside and had no background. He relied on himself and drove a luxury car worth more than two million in just a few years and bought a house in the old district.

"Jing Tian, ​​I heard that you are working in the court now?" Tang Feng asked casually, remembering that Zhou Tian had mentioned Jing Tian's career in the group.

"Well, I was admitted to Southwest University of Political Science and Law. After graduating from university, I went to work in our city court. It has been several years. What about you? I don't believe that you are just a small farmer." Jing Tian asked back with a smile.

Let me ask, in this land of China, which small farmer can drive a luxury car worth millions and buy a property worth millions in the old district of Pingyang without encountering demolition at home?

"Actually, I'm really a farmer. Zhou Tian and Wang Xin have both been to my farm, but I don't grow ordinary crops." Tang Feng smiled and spread his hands, and replied with a smile.

"Farm? But as far as I know, in China, especially in our Jin Province, small farms can't make any money at all. As for large farms, they can make money, but it seems that there are no large farms with an area of ​​more than 10,000 acres in our Pingyang area." Jing Tian thought for a while and looked at Tang Feng and said.

"What you said is indeed correct, but I said that I don't grow ordinary crops." Tang Feng said with a smile while driving the road ahead.

"Really? Then I'm very curious, what kind of crops do you grow that can allow you to not only drive a luxury car worth millions in just a few years, but also buy a house in the old district." Jing Tian sat sideways in the co-pilot seat, looking at Tang Feng with her beautiful eyes, with a hint of curiosity in her eyes.

"You should have eaten the first-class fairy fish and first-class fresh lotus root, right? What do you think of these ingredients?" Tang Feng did not answer her directly, but asked her a question in return.

After hearing Tang Feng's question, Jing Tian was stunned for a moment, and then, as if she thought of something, her beautiful eyes glowed with a bright light.

She was a smart woman. When she was in Qingyuan Villa, Tang Feng was familiar with the hotel waiter. Later, the new owner of Qingyuan Villa asked the manager to give them a free meal. She roughly knew the reason.

"First-class fairy fish and first-class fresh lotus root, as well as those top-quality ingredients, are all produced in your farm?" Jing Tian looked at Tang Feng with surprise and asked.

Tang Feng smiled and shrugged his shoulders.

Jing Tian sat there, looking at Tang Feng with her beautiful eyes. She could never imagine that the top-quality ingredients that conquered the entire upper circle of Pingyang City were actually from this man.

Thinking back to high school, this man was still the plain-looking, silly country boy who would blush when he saw himself, but in just a few years, this man has changed dramatically.

If he hadn't admitted it himself, no one would have imagined that the first-class fairy fish and first-class fresh lotus roots were actually specially supplied by him.

After the car entered the old district, Tang Feng slowed down the speed of the car. Finally, under the guidance of Jing Tian, ​​he stopped outside a relatively new small building. Here, it was only half a street away from their small building. It only took a few minutes to walk.

When the car stopped, Jing Tian unbuckled her seat belt, opened the door, and got out of the car.

Tang Feng also unbuckled his seat belt and got out of the car. The two walked around to the front of the car and stood face to face.

"Come in and sit for a while." Jing Tian said to Tang Feng with a gentle smile on her face.

At this time, she realized that the suit on the man in front of her was the same as the suit on her brother, but the only difference was that the trademark on the man's suit was deliberately cut off. Obviously, he didn't want to attract the attention of outsiders.

"Today, I won't go in. Let's go another day. Anyway, our two families are next to each other. That's my home." Tang Feng smiled and shook his head, then turned around and pointed at the small building at the end of the street.

When Jing Tian followed Tang Feng's finger and looked over there, her eyes finally fell on the quaint little building, and she was stunned again. Isn't that the Fu family's small building!

The three standing committee members of the Fu family are very famous in the whole Pingyang City. In the old district, who doesn't know the Fu family? Not long ago, the Fu family sold their property and left Pingyang. Everyone was guessing who bought the Fu family's small building, but they never thought that the person who bought the Fu family's small building would be their high school classmate.

"Okay then." Jing Tian smiled sweetly.

Tang Feng turned around and prepared to get in the car. At this time, the window upstairs opened and a middle-aged woman leaned out.

"Tiantian, your grandpa is sick again, hurry upstairs."

Hearing this urgent call, Tang Feng stopped and turned around. Seeing Jing Tian hurriedly running into his small building, he thought for a while, then took a step and followed into the small building.

In the bedroom upstairs, a middle-aged couple was pacing anxiously beside the bed. On the bed, a white-haired old man was lying with a pale face.

"Dad, did you call the hospital?" After Jing Tian entered the bedroom, she walked quickly to the bed, took the old man's hand, and asked.

"Well, I have called your aunt. She is now rushing here with the ambulance." The middle-aged man in extraordinary clothes nodded, his face full of anxiety.

"Grandpa... Grandpa." Jing Tian grabbed the old man's hand and called in his ear, but the old man never responded.

Tang Feng stood by, looking at the old man on the bed. He suddenly realized that he could see the old man's condition just by looking with his naked eyes. Not only could he see the old man's condition, but he also had an idea of ​​how to treat him urgently.

After a moment of surprise, he finally figured it out after thinking about the experience of the medical saint he got last night.

How could a top doctor not know how to look, smell, ask and feel? I'm afraid that he can see the disease of this world clearly with just one glance.

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