Rural Friends Circle

Chapter 272: Saving People

The old man has a serious heart disease. Now, his myocardium is ischemic and the situation is very bad. The life force in his already frail body is rapidly dissipating. If he continues to wait like this, he may die before the ambulance arrives.

"Jingtian, your grandpa is in a very bad condition now. If he is not treated urgently, he may not be able to hold on until the ambulance arrives." He walked to the bed, looked at Jingtian, and said in a deep voice.

Jingtian, who was sitting there, raised her head, and her beautiful eyes looked at him with a hint of confusion.

Over there, Jingtian's parents finally noticed Tang Feng at this time. Both of them looked at Tang Feng with doubtful and scrutinizing eyes.

"Tiantian, who is this?" Jingtian's mother looked at Tang Feng and asked Jingtian.

"Mom, this is my high school classmate, Tang Feng." Jingtian was anxious and did not notice the strangeness in her parents' eyes. She simply introduced.

"I know what you said, but my grandfather has a heart disease. He has been given oxygen and emergency medicine. We have no other choice but to wait." Then, Jing Tian looked at Tang Feng and said.

"Let me try." Tang Feng said, and put his right hand into his pocket. When he took his hand out again, there was a small porcelain bottle in his hand.

This porcelain bottle was naturally taken out of the Xianyun bracelet. It contained water from the fairyland river, and a little bit of fairyland weeds was added to it.

He leaned over and gently tapped the old man's Ren Zhong acupoint with his finger. The old man's mouth opened automatically, and he quickly put the fairyland river water and fairyland weeds in the porcelain bottle into the old man's mouth.

Then, he tapped the old man's throat with his finger again, and the old man's mouth closed automatically, but as his throat moved, the fairyland river water mixed with the fairyland weeds flowed into his body through the esophagus.

These are the most basic pulse-taking techniques in the medical experience of the medical saint. After Tang Feng obtained this knowledge, although his techniques were a little rusty, his theoretical knowledge was very rich, especially the identification of acupuncture points around the body, which did not even require the naked eye.

Jing Tian's family of three either stood or sat, staring at Tang Feng without blinking, especially Jing Tian, ​​whose head was a little dazed. Until now, she still couldn't figure out what Tang Feng wanted to do.

First aid, is there such a first aid for heart patients in this world!

In her limited medical knowledge, she had never seen a first aid for heart patients like Tang Feng, and she didn't know what Tang Feng poured into her grandfather's mouth.

But now, looking at her grandfather who was gradually losing consciousness, she could only pin her hopes on Tang Feng.

Having been with her grandfather for so many years, she knew how dangerous it was after a heart attack relapsed. At the same time, she also knew how bad it would be if the patient fell into a coma and lost consciousness after a heart attack relapsed. It can be said that falling into a coma after a heart attack relapse means that one foot has stepped into the gates of hell.

In her eyes, Tang Feng opened Grandpa's clothes, and his slender fingers pressed firmly on Grandpa's left chest, and then, the three fingers pressed on three parts respectively, rotating counterclockwise regularly.

Jing Tian naturally couldn't see the mystery of Tang Feng's fingers. If she was an old Chinese doctor who was proficient in acupuncture points on the human body, she might be able to see that the three places where Tang Feng's three fingers pressed were three acupuncture points closely related to the heart, and they were also very hidden.

Heart pulse extension, this is an easy-to-use and relatively effective pulse robbery technique for heart disease that Tang Feng found in the vast medical knowledge. There is a prerequisite for performing this emergency technique, that is, you must build a Taoist foundation and have spiritual energy.

Coincidentally, he successfully built a Taoist foundation with the help of the Taoist foundation pill last night, and had his own spiritual energy, so he could barely use this pulse robbery technique.

The first time he tried to mobilize the spiritual energy in his body, the wonderful feeling made Tang Feng a little unable to stop, but the spiritual energy in his body was pitifully thin, and he couldn't hold on for long, and it was a bit difficult.

The spiritual energy flowed into the three acupuncture points through three fingers. Under the Jiemai technique of the heart meridian extension, the energy in the acupuncture points was activated, and then flowed into the heart. With the influx of these acupuncture point energy, the heart seemed to be injected with a stream of living water, and the beating rhythm accelerated.

After a few minutes, the old man's pale face gradually became a little bloody. After opening his mouth, he burped a few times and opened his closed eyes.

Tang Feng, who had been paying attention to the old man, saw the old man wake up and carefully moved his fingers away.

" woke up." Seeing grandpa wake up, Jing Tian was so excited that she almost cried. Her parents also surrounded him. Tang Feng stood up and retreated to the back to rest.

Although this heart meridian extension technique is magical, it consumes a lot of spiritual energy. In just a few minutes, his little spiritual energy has been consumed, and he is lazy.

"Young man, today, it is really thanks to you. If it weren't for you, I don't know how bad things would be." After confirming that his father was fine, Jing Tian's father stood up, walked over, shook Tang Feng's hand, and said with gratitude.

"Uncle, it's just a small effort, it's nothing." Tang Feng wiped off the sweat and forced a smile.

"Young man, which hospital do you work in our city? I'm not sure, I know your dean." Jing Tian's father thought Tang Feng was a doctor, so he asked casually.

"Uncle, you misunderstood, I'm not a doctor." Tang Feng said with a smile.

Hearing his answer, Jing Tian's father was obviously stunned.

"Oh, that's right, I saw that the methods you used to rescue my old man just now didn't look like Western medicine's emergency treatment."

While he was talking, the sound of an ambulance siren came from outside the building, and soon, hurried footsteps came, and a short-haired woman in a white coat trotted into the bedroom.

Tang Feng glanced at the female doctor. She was not much different from him in age, and her facial features were a bit similar to Jing Tian, ​​but the whole person gave people a free and elegant temperament, which was very eye-catching.

"Sister-in-law, didn't you say on the phone that Dad was in a coma?" After the female doctor entered the bedroom and saw the old man on the bed, she frowned and asked Jing Tian's mother.

"Aunt, grandpa was unconscious just now. He woke up after Tang Feng gave him first aid." Jing Tian sat up and spoke.

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