Rural Friends Circle

Chapter 273: Low Profile

Jing Guan, that is, Jing Tian's sister-in-law, this woman is the same age as Jing Tian, ​​but she is Jing Tian's aunt.

At this time, Jing Guan turned his head with doubts and looked at the young man next to his eldest brother. This man of the same age should be the Tang Feng mentioned by Jing Tian.

As the attending physician of cardiac surgery, she has a deep understanding of heart disease. How could she not know how dangerous the situation is when a heart patient falls into a coma? In this case, without special medicine, ordinary first aid methods alone will not help at all.

Look at her father again. There is a normal luster in his eyes and blood on his face. How can he look like a heart patient who has just been awakened by first aid!

Could it be that my sister-in-law lied on the phone! She deliberately exaggerated her father's condition! She suspected so in her heart, but after thinking about it, she rejected this guess. There is no need for my sister-in-law to do this.

"Yes, our dad is in a coma again, just like the year before last. Fortunately, Tang Feng helped. Otherwise, it would have been dangerous." Jing Tian's father said with some fear.

Hearing his elder brother's words, Jing Guan became more and more confused. If Jing Tian and her daughter might have lied to him, his elder brother was definitely not the kind of person who liked to exaggerate. Could it be that Tang Feng really saved his father?

She looked at Tang Feng again, and then took the electronic blood pressure monitor to measure his father's heart rate and blood pressure. Both the heart rate and blood pressure were normal, without any signs of illness.

At this moment, Jing Guan became more and more confused. Judging from his father's slightly wet hair and weak appearance, his father had obviously just had an attack. He only wasted less than ten minutes from the hospital to home. But in such a short time, his father not only woke up, but all his vital signs returned to normal. This is totally unscientific.

Not to mention that there are no good special medicines and instruments at home, even in the best hospital, it is impossible to recover so quickly.

She looked at Tang Feng again. What did this man do to her father?

After making sure that Mr. Jing's condition was stable, Jing Tian's father Jing Haoran led Tang Feng out of the bedroom and the two sat down in the living room.

"Xiao Tang, what do you do?" Jing Haoran made tea and filled the teacup in front of Tang Feng with tea, then asked casually.

"It can be considered as breeding. I contracted some land in our village and built a small farm." Tang Feng put his hands on his legs and answered politely.

"Oh, that's good too." Jing Haoran said, as if he was a little disappointed with Tang Feng's career.

"Xiao Tang, come, drink tea, drink tea."

Tang Feng also noticed the disappointment that flashed across Jing Haoran's face. Although he was a little puzzled in his heart, he didn't think much about it. He picked up the teacup with Jing Haoran and took a sip of tea.

Not long after, Jing Guan and Jing Tian's mother came down from upstairs.

"Is our dad okay? Don't we really need to go to the hospital?" Jing Haoran looked at his sister and asked.

"Dad's vital signs are all normal. Even if he went to the hospital, the results of the examination would still be the same. Besides, I took him to Beijing for a follow-up examination last week." Jing Guan shook his head and sat down next to Tang Feng on the sofa while speaking.

"Tang Feng, right? I heard from Tiantian that you only used your fingers to press several places on my dad's chest repeatedly, and my dad woke up. Oh, by the way, before that, you also gave my dad a potion. I'm very curious about what potion you gave my dad, which has such a magical effect."

Tang Feng turned his head and looked at the curious beautiful doctor in a white coat beside him. He had a headache for the directness and curiosity of this beautiful doctor.

"I gave Mr. Jing a potion made from herbs I collected from the mountains. My father's health is not good, so I always carry this potion with me. I didn't expect it to come in handy today." He made up a lie without thinking too much.

"Can you let me see the potion you made?" Jing Guan asked with a slight smile on her face, her beautiful eyes staring at Tang Feng.

Curiosity kills the cat. It seems that this woman is really a curious person. But you are not my relative, why should I show you my precious things? Tang Feng complained in his heart.

"I'm sorry, the potion I just gave to Mr. Jing is my last bottle of potion. Moreover, the herbs used to make this potion are very precious. I collected them all from the deep mountains, and I don't have any left."

"Is that so? That's a pity." Jing Guan looked at Tang Feng deeply. She naturally didn't believe what Tang Feng said. In her opinion, the reason why Tang Feng rejected her so decisively was that he didn't want her to discover his secret, and his secret was the magical potion.

Being able to wake up a comatose heart patient in such a short time and restore his life index to normal, there is absolutely no drug that can do it in the present day, but the potion prepared by this man himself did it.

If, if this potion is made into a real heart disease medicine, it will benefit the world. At that time, there will not be so many people who die because of heart attacks and cannot be effectively treated.

Thinking of this, Jing Guan's heartbeat accelerated.

After Tang Feng sat for a while at Jing Tian's house, he said goodbye and left. Jing Tian's parents personally sent him out. When they saw the Mercedes-Benz S600 parked outside, the couple was stunned for a moment.

When they saw Tang Feng driving away, and finally stopped in front of the Fu family's small building not far away, the couple was stunned again.

"Tiantian, what does your classmate do at home?" Jing Haoran couldn't help but asked Jing Tian next to him.

"Didn't he say that he is a farmer?" Jing Tian smiled lightly and responded casually.

"Have you ever seen a farmer driving a Mercedes-Benz S600? Have you ever seen a farmer who can afford the Fu family's small building?" Jing Haoran was not willing to believe his daughter's words, and muttered in his mouth.

"He is indeed a farmer, but not an ordinary farmer. Others grow crops, but he raises first-class fairy fish and first-class fresh lotus roots." Jing Tian curled her lips and said with a smile.

"You mean, the first-class fairy fish and first-class fresh lotus roots in Qingyuan Villa are all raised by him!" Jing Haoran's eyes lit up and he shouted in surprise.

"Maybe." Jing Tian shrugged his shoulders and stuck out his tongue.

"I said, look at this young man, he doesn't look like an ordinary person, how could he be an ordinary small farmer? His family is next to ours, we are neighbors. When we find time, let's go visit his parents." Jing Tian's mother turned her head and looked at her husband, smiling.

When Jing Haoran heard what his wife said, he was stunned at first, then thought of something, and nodded repeatedly with a smile.

Jing Guan stood by, her beautiful eyes looking at the current Tang family building from a distance, and she didn't know what she was thinking in her heart.

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