Rural Friends Circle

Chapter 478: Catheter Teacher

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general teacher

Tang Feng's mouth suddenly opened wide.

If he hadn't barely held back, he might have screamed.

Tang Feng looked at Lin Mengjia with sad eyes, but Lin Mengjia seemed as if nothing had happened. She didn't even look at Tang Feng. She still looked like she was listening to the report attentively, and kept nodding her head as if she agreed.

It was as if the person who just reached out and pinched Tang Feng's leg severely under the table was not her.

There is nothing more poisonous than a woman’s heart! Tang Feng shook his head helplessly. It turns out that when a woman is jealous, she can do anything. Even a wealthy lady like Lin Mengjia, who always seems very sensible, can do such a thing.

Tang Feng sighed and felt that he really couldn't continue in this position. Otherwise, Lin Mengjia might abuse him if he was unhappy!

With this thought in his mind, Tang Feng stood up and walked towards the window behind him.

Because the projection was being projected, the curtains in the conference room were drawn down, tightly blocking the light outside the window.

Tang Feng felt a little stuffy, so he stretched out his hand and pulled up a corner of the curtain, wanting to take a look outside for some fresh air. However, after taking a look, his eyes couldn't help but widen.

Outside this window, facing another teaching building, it is six stories high and looks half-new but not old.

What surprised Tang Feng was naturally not this building, but the black mist-like resentment that was pouring out from inside.

The black mist was rolling, as if boiling hot water was steaming out, one after another. The black color was so thick that it almost covered the sky and blocked everything, making Tang Feng feel sick when he looked at it.

It seems that the source of this resentment is here!

Tang Feng watched silently, then reached out and took out his mobile phone, opened WeChat, and turned on the sky-viewing mirror.

As the camera zoomed in, Tang Feng seemed to have walked into the building.

It's afternoon now, and there are many students coming and going.

Although in Tang Feng's eyes, the place was so dark and foggy that he couldn't see his fingers, but in the eyes of others, it was no different from an ordinary sunny winter afternoon.

Tang Feng looked over one by one and found that these students were obviously more resentful than students from other places. Everyone had an unhappy look on their face. No one was smiling and they all seemed to be sulking. .

They have been so deeply affected by resentment that their bodies have even begun to radiate resentment. Tang Feng thought this in his mind, and then began to observe the geographical environment of the building.

Tang Feng had an idea, whether there was something wrong with the feng shui of Pingyang Medical College that led to the emergence of this inexplicable resentment. Since the source of resentment is in this building, the feng shui problem should also appear here.

However, Tang Feng looked around and found that everything was normal.

"This is strange." Tang Feng couldn't help but murmur to himself, "The feng shui is normal and there are no harmful ghosts. Why is there such a big resentment? Something is wrong."

Tang Feng continued to observe and found that there was nothing unusual on the first floor, so he followed the stairs towards the second floor.

The second floor is also normal.

Next is the third floor.

Yes, it’s the third floor!

When Tang Feng was observing on the third floor, the feeling of depression became more and more serious. In his ears, there seemed to be the sound of Ruowuowu crying.

The voice was very small and weak, sounding like a child.

Crying sounds and black mist all poured out from the same door.

Tang Feng wanted to get closer to have a look, but the black mist seemed to have infinite power and rushed towards him, blocking his progress. And the cries became more miserable and sorrowful, making Tang Feng's heart tremble.

The black mist spread quickly, enveloping his entire body, and incomparable sadness and despair suddenly spread in his heart.

"Ah——" Tang Feng couldn't help but take a step back and cried out.

"Tang Feng, what's wrong with you!"

What rang in his ears was Lin Mengjia's anxious voice.

Tang Feng struggled to turn his head. He felt that his body was a little stiff, as if he had been in this position motionless for several hours. And when he came back to his senses, he realized that he was still standing at the window, and Lin Mengjia was behind him, looking at him with concern.

"I, what's wrong with me?" Tang Feng also looked confused.

"You have been standing here looking out, and suddenly you screamed." Lin Mengjia's voice was anxious, and it was obvious that her concern for Tang Feng came from the bottom of her heart.

"How long have I been standing?"

"About ten minutes." Lin Mengjia approached Tang Feng and lowered her voice: "Did you see something again?"

Lin Mengjia knew that there was something wrong with Pingyang Medical College. When she saw Tang Feng like this, the tension and panic that had just subsided resurfaced in her heart. She no longer wanted to be jealous or angry with Tang Feng. The only thing she was worried about was His safety.

Tang Feng nodded, but did not answer Lin Mengjia's words. Instead, he looked at Director Zhang, raised his voice, and asked: "On the third floor of the building at the back, go up the stairs and turn left to the second room. Where is it?"

Director Zhang couldn't help but be stunned.

Just now, the male teacher was giving a report, and Tang Feng inexplicably left his seat and went to the window. Director Zhang thought he was tired of sitting and walked around to take a break, but he didn't expect him to stand at the window and look out, and suddenly, he screamed again.

If it weren't for Lin Mengjia's face, Director Zhang almost suspected that Tang Feng had a mental problem.

Now Tang Feng asked this question without any reason, which made Director Zhang even more confused.

Qin Xiaoman was standing behind Lin Mengjia and was also looking at Tang Feng with concern. When she heard him ask this, she immediately answered: "That's the third anatomy classroom." After a pause, she added: "Our school has four anatomy classrooms, each with different functions, for students from different departments to take anatomy classes. The one you are talking about is the third anatomy room, which is the basic medical anatomy room, and there is a cadaver teacher inside."

"Cadaver teacher?" Hearing this term, Tang Feng obviously didn't understand it, and continued to look at Qin Xiaoman with an inquiring look, waiting for her explanation.

"It means the donor who donates his body for students to learn anatomy."

A strange expression appeared on Tang Feng's face.

In a medical school, this is a common thing, but for Tang Feng, this term is a bit shocking. Although Tang Feng has killed people, he can now control the life and death of ordinary people.

But Tang Feng respects life, and in this respect, he is no different from ordinary people.

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