Rural Friends Circle

Chapter 479 Parents Worse Than Beasts

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Tang Feng had never thought that there was such a thing: when a person died, his body would be divided countless times, and his internal organs would be taken out again and again.

Seeing Tang Feng's appearance, Qin Xiaoman said with a little respect: "Although they can't speak, although they have left, they use their bodies to let students master the most basic knowledge of the human body. For these people, we are full of respect from the bottom of our hearts. They are the most selfless teachers of students."

"Are these people all voluntarily donating their bodies?" Tang Feng was silent for a while and asked.

Qin Xiaoman nodded and said very affirmatively: "That's natural. The donation of the body requires the person to sign the volunteer form in person."

Tang Feng shook his head slowly: "No."

He understood the truth of what Qin Xiaoman said, and he also knew how important the bodies donated by these people played in the development of medicine. Although he didn't know all this before, when he heard Qin Xiaoman talk about it, he also felt respect in his heart.

However, as a person who knows that there are ghosts and gods in this world, when he saw the heavy resentment in Pingyang Medical College and heard the crying coming from the dissection room, he had a little doubt in his heart.

"It can't be wrong." Director Zhang said quickly: "If the person himself doesn't want to, then no one dares to dispose of their bodies casually. In our school, there are two cadaver teachers who signed before they died."

Tang Feng reached out his hand again, lifted the thick curtains, and looked at the building filled with black fog behind him. He still shook his head: "It's really wrong. If it is voluntary, then the donor accepted this fact before he died, and he was willing. It is impossible for them to have such a big resentment after death."

"Ah?" Director Zhang was stunned.

As a university teacher, especially a teacher in a medical school, he is a staunch atheist. Suddenly hearing Tang Feng talk about resentment after death, he was completely confused.

Not only him, but other teachers couldn't help whispering and looking at Tang Feng as if he was a mental patient.

Lin Mengjia couldn't help but approach Tang Feng, stretched out her hand to hold his arm, and whispered: "What did you see? Is it a ghost?" When she said the last two words, her voice was trembling.

Although her voice was very low, it was still clearly heard by everyone in the quiet conference room.

Director Zhang's face suddenly became very embarrassed, and he stammered: "Boss Lin, are you kidding?"

The whispers of others became louder and louder, so loud that Lin Mengjia and Tang Feng could almost hear them clearly.

"I didn't see it," Tang Feng's voice was very low, his eyes fell on the window on the third floor, "but I heard it, crying, the crying of a little girl, in that room."

The discussion stopped abruptly, replaced by stunned expressions on everyone's faces.

Tang Feng looked at Director Zhang: "Did the little girl donate her body?"

"Little, little girl, no, no... no little girl." Director Zhang shook his head repeatedly, but his face turned red and white, very ugly, "We only have an elderly man and a middle-aged woman here."

"Yes." Qin Xiaoman suddenly said: "Some time ago, Shenzhen University donated a batch of teaching materials to us, including the body of a little girl."

Tang Feng's eyes turned to Qin Xiaoman: "Did the little girl also volunteer?"

Qin Xiaoman hesitated and shook her head: "It was donated by her parents."

"Then she herself didn't want to?"

Qin Xiaoman looked very embarrassed, and for a long time , then answered: "She was already dead at that time, I'm afraid no one can know her own thoughts."

"Then I can tell you that she didn't want to! Very unwilling!" Tang Feng's voice was full of anger and sadness, "Being a cadaver teacher is indeed a noble and great thing, but the premise is that this is the will of the person. Going against one's will, letting one's own daughter suffer such great pain after death, and having such strong resentment, such parents are simply worse than beasts!"

Listening to Tang Feng's slightly roaring voice, Lin Mengjia, who had been silent all the time, suddenly looked at Qin Xiaoman, and asked with surprise in her voice: "Is it Wu Jingjing?"

Qin Xiaoman nodded and said "hmm".

"Actually, it was her!" Lin Mengjia seemed even more shocked after getting a positive answer.

"Do you know this little girl?" This time, it was Tang Feng's turn to be surprised. From what Lin Mengjia said, it seemed that she knew her.

Lin Mengjia shook her head: "I don't know her, but she was very famous on the Internet some time ago. Don't you know her at all? She's the Wu Jingjing who was all over the WeChat Moments!"

"The little girl with a terminal illness? The one that was widely rumored because her parents committed fraudulent donations?" After hearing what Lin Mengjia said, Tang Feng also had some impression.

It has been more than a year since this incident. At that time, Tang Feng was still a poor farmer. He didn't have any big-name friends in his WeChat Moments. They were all classmates and friends who were as poor as him. They loved to post some chicken soup articles to comfort themselves, and they were also very keen to repost some hot topics on the Internet.

At that time, there was a little girl named Wu Jingjing, who was about five or six years old. She had a terminal illness and was receiving treatment in Shenjiang City Hospital. Her father wrote a tearful and touching article, saying that the little girl needed huge medical expenses to treat the disease and sought social help. After this article was widely circulated in the circle of friends, many kind-hearted people generously donated money and helped her wholeheartedly.

When Tang Feng saw it, he also felt that the little girl was too pitiful and wanted to help her, but he was also a clay Buddha crossing the river and couldn't save himself, so he only donated 200 yuan to show his kindness.

But what was unexpected was that in just two days, things suddenly turned around. Wu Jingjing's parents were revealed to be very rich and had three houses in Shenjiang City, where every inch of land is worth money and housing prices are high. What's more infuriating is that the billing receipts issued by Shenjiang City Hospital show that Wu Jingjing's treatment costs are not as high as those mentioned in the article, and medical insurance has covered most of them.

At that time, Tang Feng was so angry that he threw his phone, but later he felt sorry for it and hurriedly picked it up. Fortunately, it fell on the ground and was not seriously damaged except for some mud.

Although he was angry, Tang Feng could only sigh that he, a poor loser without a house, had to help the child of a rich man with three houses to treat his illness. After that, he never cared about this matter again.

Now it seems that Wu Jingjing has passed away and

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