Rural Friends Circle

Chapter 487 Tianlong Building

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When Tang Feng brought Lin Mengjia to Pingyang Square, the sky had already darkened.

The days in winter are very short. Although it is only after four o'clock in the afternoon, the sunlight has begun to deflect, and it happens to catch up with the evening rush hour. Although Pingyang is not a big place, during off-duty hours, the city center is also jam-packed, almost One step at a time.

Lin Mengjia couldn't help but sigh helplessly: "No matter how good the car is, if it encounters such a traffic jam, isn't it just like a car worth tens of thousands of dollars, stuck here?"

Hearing Lin Mengjia's casual remarks, Tang Feng remembered what he had said to Yuan Lang about buying a plane. Although the decision at the time was to buy a big plane, now it seems that he should buy a small helicopter, which is more convenient to use. convenient.

After all, large planes need to go to the airport before they can take off, and they can only fly a little further away. If they are going from the farm to the city, they are of no use at all. And I usually don't have many opportunities to travel far away. On the contrary, I am often stuck in the city. If there is a helicopter, you can go directly from the farm to Pingyang. As for the take-off and landing position in Pingyang - Tang Feng raised his head slightly and looked towards the Tianlong Building that could be seen not far away, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth. smile.

"What are you thinking about?" Lin Mengjia asked curiously.

She knew Tang Feng very well, and when she saw him showing such an expression, she knew he must be planning something.

Tang Feng pointed at Tianlong Building with his finger: "I'm wondering what the top floor of the building looks like."

"The top floor is the office being renovated for you. You can see it later." Lin Mengjia was a little confused.

"No, I mean, the roof." Tang Feng smiled mysteriously and pointed to the sky.

"The platform on the roof?" Lin Mengjia was even more puzzled. "It's no different from the platforms of all buildings. It is equipped with some outdoor antennas, water tanks, and electrical equipment. Why do you ask?"

"There must be a lot of free space, right?"

"Of course, Tianlong Building covers a large area, and the rooftop is naturally very open. Don't you want to do something on it? This is impossible, it is very windy. Because Tianlong Building is the tallest building, there is no obstruction around it. , the wind blew very hard, and the facilities placed on the rooftop were all large fixed facilities." Lin Mengjia looked at Tang Feng and explained to him.

Tang Feng nodded: "I know this, but there is no hindrance."

"What on earth do you want to do?"

Tang Feng shook his head inexplicably and said with a slight smile: "You will know when the time comes."

"It's still a lie." Lin Mengjia sneered, "If you have the ability, never tell me."

As the two people talked, Tang Feng's car finally approached the Tianlong Building with the traffic. He drove off the main driveway and drove into the entrance of the Tianlong Building's underground parking lot.

There is an internal elevator that goes directly to the top floor from the parking lot. It is usually directly used by the high-rise buildings of Shenglong International. When entering, fingerprint recognition is required. Lin Mengjia's fingerprints were already recorded in it. After pressing it, the elevator door opened.

"Now this elevator only allows my fingerprint recognition to go to the top floor. Everyone else's have been erased." When the two entered the elevator, Lin Mengjia did not forget to remind Tang Feng, "Wait a minute and let the person in charge enter your fingerprints, otherwise you When you come by yourself, you can only use the ordinary elevator.”

The elevator reaches the twenty-eighth floor directly and the door opens.

The corridor facing it is very spacious, covered with thick red carpets, and several oil paintings are hung on the walls on both sides, with simple and bright colors. Tang Feng didn't know much about these, but judging from the appearance of those paintings, they were not the works of classical masters, but the work of young painters.

Seeing Tang Feng looking at those oil paintings, Lin Mengjia said: "These paintings are the works of a young French painter. Although he is not very famous yet, I think he has great potential. These works are low-key and elegant, in line with the style of Tianlong Building It’s very proportionate and has a lot of room for appreciation.”

Tang Feng nodded and said with a smile: "If you think it's good, it must be right."

Lin Mengjia pursed her lips and smiled, quickened her pace, and pointed to the room doors on both sides: "This one is a conference room, and I asked someone to change it into a gym; that one is a reception room, which is still retained. There are several other offices. I asked people to change it into a guest room and a private bar. In short, this floor is completely your personal space and no one is allowed to enter without permission. "

Tang Feng was so impressed by Lin Mengjia's great skill and swiftness. After all, the contract she signed with Zheng Fulai just yesterday has already drastically changed the entire top floor of Tianlong Building.

"All the door locks here also use fingerprint recognition. However, in order to ensure more security, I plan to add iris and face recognition." Lin Mengjia was obviously very satisfied with his settings. When he told the story, he smiled, "This The entire floor is controlled by a computer, which can automatically adjust the temperature, humidity, and brightness.”

“I don’t need to turn on and off the lights myself, everything is controlled by the computer?”

"Yes, you can enter your favorite settings. When you walk in, the computer will follow your movements and match the corresponding data for you. Wait a minute, I will ask the person in charge to come over and set it up for you. "

"No need, I can do it myself." Tang Feng smiled slightly and already started to order Tangdou'er to set up.

Tangdouer existed in his brain, so she knew his preferences and habits very well. She didn't even need him to make specific requests. In less than two seconds, she had already done everything on her own and reported to him: "Master, the settings are complete."

Although she didn't know how Tang Feng set it up, Lin Mengjia was already used to his great powers, so she didn't find it strange. She continued, "Every corner of the entire floor is monitored by cameras 24 hours a day without blind spots. Yes, every corner. This is for safety reasons, and there is no other meaning at all." Lin Mengjia saw Tang Feng looking at her and added with a smile.

Tang Feng naturally understood the meaning of Lin Mengjia's ambiguous smile in seconds, and then he broke out in a cold sweat.

He remembered that Lin Mengjia said that there was a suite lounge in the office, and it was obvious that it was also monitored at any time. If he brought a girl back to make love, I'm afraid Lin Mengjia would see the live broadcast.

She said there was no other meaning. This little woman, didn't he understand her thoughts?

Tang Feng looked at Lin Mengjia with a smile on his face: "I felt quite safe. I would feel insecure if I was under surveillance 24 hours a day!"

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