Rural Friends Circle

Chapter 488: Qushui Liushang

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Lin Mengjia tilted her head and looked at Tang Feng's somewhat embarrassed look. After a while, she burst out laughing: "I'm just teasing you, let's see how nervous you are! Are you afraid that I will see something wrong?" What to watch? Those monitoring systems must be set according to your own ideas.”

Tang Feng breathed a sigh of relief. He didn't care about the surveillance. As long as he gave an order, the jelly beans could be destroyed immediately. He was just worried that Lin Mengjia would be unhappy if he did so.

While Lin Mengjia was talking, Tang Feng suddenly heard someone speaking from an open door at the end of the corridor: "A little higher on the left, a little higher... Yes, that's it, perfect! Xiao Wang , you must be careful not to make any mistakes, and don't let Brother Tang find out anything wrong when he sees it. Okay, let's make some changes here. It must be perfect! Love it here!”

The person speaking was clearly Zheng Guagua. There was a bit of eagerness in the voice, and there was also a faint excitement, as if he was doing something extremely important, and he was afraid that Tang Feng would be dissatisfied.

Tang Feng looked at Lin Mengjia. Lin Mengjia shook her head and smiled helplessly: "This guy must be a guest supervisor. However, you are also very capable. You can take him back so easily and let him do your job obediently." "

Tang Feng shrugged his shoulders proudly: "Personal charm affects both men and women, what can be done!"

Regarding Zheng Guagua, Tang Feng now sees clearly that he is actually not a treacherous person, but he has been spoiled since he was a child, so he wants to tell the truth at all times. He must get the things he likes, the people he likes must belong to him, and he must take revenge on things that make him unhappy.

This feeling made Tang Feng feel more like a naughty child. A good way to deal with a naughty child is to be more naughty than him, so naughty that he will cry without tears. This is what Tang Feng is doing now, using very terrible methods to deal with him, making him have bad luck again and again, and then helping him when his life is worse than death.

In Zheng Guagua's opinion, he had met someone stronger than him and he was convinced, so this naughty kid was surrendered with all his heart.

"How shameless." Lin Mengjia said "poof", then quickened her pace and walked towards the room.

Tang Feng knew without Lin Mengjia's introduction that it must be Zheng Fulai's office before he came. Now workers are renovating it and turning it into his office.

Thinking that this office, which represented the supreme power of Shenglong International, already belonged to him, Tang Feng felt a little excited and couldn't wait to see what it was like inside. He involuntarily quickened his pace and followed Lin Mengjia closely. , walked in.

Although Tang Feng had already thought that this office would be very luxurious, when he stood at the door, he was still stunned for a moment, and he couldn't help thinking: These rich people are really luxurious!

This office is a hundred square meters wide. The one facing the door is naturally a floor-to-ceiling bulletproof glass window. Tang Feng knows that it is the top glass wall of Tianlong Building that can be seen from the outside. Black curtains hung on the floor-to-ceiling windows, half lowered. Although he didn't know what kind of fabric it was, Tang Feng knew without thinking that it must be valuable.

The floor of the office is covered with carpets, which are pure white and very soft to the feet. If it were placed somewhere else, this rug would probably be placed under the bed in the bedroom. But here, it is spread all over the ground without hesitation.

On the right side of the entrance is the reception area, which is equipped with coffee tables, sofas, wine cabinets, tea sets, etc. Tang Feng didn't know what Zheng Fulai's taste was before, but he only saw that what Lin Mengjia had set up for him at this time was Classical and simple style furniture, antique and simple in color, makes people look very comfortable.

Inside, there are huge desks and chairs, and bookcases that take up the entire wall.

The wall on the same side as the door leaves a blank area, not without decoration, but a huge projection wall that can project various themes according to preferences and moods.

At this time, Zheng Guagua was leading two men who looked like workers, placing some decorations and paintings on the wall.

Although these things are expensive, they are also things that should be generally available in the office. What really made Tang Feng smack his lips was the huge fish tank on the entire wall on the left hand side.

It's more of an aquarium than a fish tank.

Tang Feng didn't know how big it was inside, but based on the length of the wall outside the corridor, he estimated that the area inside the aquarium should be about the same as this office.

There are some colorful tropical fish swimming in the aquarium, and the ground is covered with a layer of pure white sand, with some conches, shellfish, starfish, and corals scattered on it. At a glance, it makes you feel like you are diving.

"Mengjia, Brother Tang, you are here!" Zheng Guagua, who was instructing the workers to decorate, saw the two people and hurriedly came over with a smile on his face.

Lin Mengjia nodded to him, looked around the office, and showed a smile of approval on his face: "Zheng Guagua, you have quite good taste. This 'Meandering Water Slice' is very elegant."

Hearing Lin Mengjia's praise, Zheng Guagua smiled "hehe": "I asked Master Lin, and he said that if there is water here, there should also be water here." As he spoke, he pointed at the aquarium, and then Pointing to the "curved water cup" in front of the sofa: "This is called water flowing in a natural way, and it is a very good Feng Shui tactic."

Tang Feng heard the conversation between the two people and then noticed that the coffee table in front of the sofa was carved from a whole piece of jade. There was a winding gully on it, and water was flowing slowly.

What a good thing! If such a whole piece of jade was placed in his own valley, it would definitely form a more powerful spiritual energy gathering. It was actually carved into a coffee table. It was really a waste of heaven's gift!

Looking at the "Qushui Liushang", Tang Feng couldn't help but smack his lips and touch his chin, feeling extremely entangled.

Zheng Guagua looked at Tang Feng excitedly: "Brother Tang, you like it too!"

"I like it, I like it." Tang Feng nodded, and finally decided to give it a more important task than being a coffee table: "Send it to the farm for me later."

"Ah?" Zheng Guagua was stunned. He was waiting for Tang Feng to praise him, but he didn't expect him to say such a thing.

Lin Mengjia smiled secretly, "It seems that your brother Tang really likes it very much. He likes it so much that he can't let it go. He wants to hide it on the farm immediately. Why don't you send someone to deliver it over quickly?"

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