Rural Friends Circle

Chapter 492 Travel Plan

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Tang Cuicui also smiled and nodded quickly: "Okay, just as you said. However, I guess one tutor is not enough. We need three teachers for English, mathematics, and Chinese!"

"Okay, then hire three." As long as the eldest sister can let go of this burden, Tang Feng is willing to hire a hundred tutors. Anyway, for him now, money is not a problem at all. "Then take the little girls to Disneyland first during this winter vacation, and parents will go with them. Let's go to Shanghai for a trip. I will make arrangements."

"Okay, listen to you." Tang Lao San looked happy, "I've been bored staying at home for a while, and I also want to go out and play, travel around the country, and when I have traveled all over the country, I want to go abroad to play!"

If it were before, these things were things that Tang Lao San would not even dare to think about. Not to mention anything else, just being paralyzed in bed cut off all his hopes of going out. But now it's different. Since drinking the medicinal wine given to him by Tang Feng, his health has been getting better and better, and he even feels like he has regained his youth. Now that he is in good health, his son is filial, and the family has everything they need, it's time to go out and have fun.

Tang Feng nodded in agreement: "Dad, this idea is very good. Now we can make a plan. You and mom can travel around. If you want to travel by car, drive yourself, and I will send someone to protect you. If you want to follow a tour group, we will report the most expensive one with the best service, and we guarantee that you will have fun!"

Qin Yueying, who was preparing snacks in the kitchen, heard the laughter of several people in the living room, and couldn't help but walk in and asked: "What are you talking about, so happy?"

"Mom, Dad said he wants to take you out for a trip! Come over quickly and discuss where you want to go." Tang Feng smiled at Qin Yueying.

Qin Yueying waved her hand with a smile: "You guys discuss it! Wherever your dad says to go, I'll go! I'm still baking chiffon cakes over there, I have to watch!" After that, she went back to the kitchen with a smile.

Tang Cuicui saw Tang Feng's puzzled face and said with a smile: "Our mother learned baking from the chef Xiao Sun. Now she is very interested in it. She bakes cakes and bread every day. Her skills are pretty good."

Seeing his parents so happy and finding something interesting to do, Tang Feng also smiled.

And Tang Lao San was still enthusiastically making his own travel plan, and he would put it into practice after the New Year.

After chatting for a while, Tang Feng went back to his room and said he was going to rest.

In fact, he was anxious to see the cats he bought.

After arriving in Pingyang in the morning, Tang Feng went to several pet stores and bought all the ragdoll cats there.

Pingyang is not a big city, and the pet industry is not well developed. Ragdoll cats are rare in pet shops. The little girl bought Tang Bao'er because it was sick, so the pet dealer disposed of it. Therefore, Tang Feng ran around for a whole morning, almost visiting all the pet shops, and only bought sixteen.

He put all the kittens in the Xianyun bracelet, and placed enough cat food and Yaochi fairy water in the space where they were, and then went to find Lin Mengjia. Although nearly a day had passed, Tang Feng did not need to worry about the kittens being hungry or having any accidents.

When Tang Feng released the sixteen kittens from the Xianyun bracelet, he thought he would see a very warm and heartwarming situation, but what he saw was that these little guys were meowing and crawling around the room, crawling under the bed, under the cabinet, jumping on the bed and the table, and moving everything that could be moved on the ground. Two of them fight together, or three or more fight in a group.

Fortunately, the sound insulation of this building is good enough, so Tang Feng doesn't have to worry about his family hearing the noise, but he is still very upset. These kittens look cute, but they are so destructive.

According to Tang Feng's understanding of kittens, they should not have such good jumping ability to jump from the ground to a table more than one meter high, and then jump to the chandelier - at this moment, Tang Feng looked up and looked at the kitten swinging with the swaying chandelier in silence, and he almost wanted to vomit three liters of blood.

It seems that this should be the effect of them drinking the fairy water of Yaochi.

Tang Feng's face was dark, and he caught these kittens one by one and put them back into the fairy cloud bracelet, and silently swore in his heart that he would give them to Xiaobai when he returned, and he would never be alone with them again.

After cleaning up the fight scene of the kittens, Tang Feng lay on the bed and took out his mobile phone.

He opened WeChat and saw Qin Xiaoman among the new contacts. He clicked on it and sent her a message: "Teacher Qin, hello, do you have time to chat for a while?"

A minute later, Qin Xiaoman replied: "Hello, Assistant Tang, what can I do for you? I am screening student information, and combined with the final exam results, I can select poor students who can get scholarships."

Her reply was all about work, and her tone seemed polite and distant, nothing special.

After all, it was the first time for the two to meet, and it was in such a public place, and there was not much conversation. The contact between the two was also based on work. There was nothing wrong with Qin Xiaoman's reaction.

Tang Feng thought for a moment and replied, "I want to ask about Wu Jingjing. Why did you think of her immediately?"

This time, Qin Xiaoman did not reply quickly.

After about ten minutes, Tang Feng almost thought that she would not reply to him. When he wanted to check her circle of friends to see what she was thinking, she replied.

This time, Qin Xiaoman sent a long message: "I don't know how to say this. After all, as a teacher, you shouldn't believe in such things. But after Wu Jingjing's body was transported to our school, I felt that something bad had happened, but these things did not cause much impact, so I felt that I was suspicious. When I heard you talk about it today, I immediately thought of the strange things during this period. Assistant Tang, can you really see ghosts? I know I shouldn't question you, after all, you have solved the big trouble of the school, but I still want to know the exact answer."

Tang Feng replied immediately: "Yes, I can answer you exactly, I can see it."

Then, he immediately sent another message: "What happened in the school before?"

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