Rural Friends Circle

Chapter 493: Asking for Help

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Qin Xiaoman quickly replied: "Actually, it's nothing. It's just that the students who went to the anatomy class became irritable. In just two months, seven serious fights occurred there."

Tang Feng was slightly disappointed: "It's not a big deal if students fight, right?"

While talking, Tang Feng took out the bottle of wronged souls and played with it in his hand. He was thinking about how to take the next step, which could achieve the goal and be watertight so as not to cause any panic in society.

"Because I am in charge of student affairs, I have been involved in handling every incident. I found that the disputes they had were all caused by very small things. When I asked them about the details of the incident during the investigation, they said But they couldn't explain it. They all said that it was a trivial matter that was not worth arguing about in hindsight, but at the time they started to fight out of control. "

Only then did Tang Feng understand what Qin Xiaoman meant and immediately replied: "So you suspect they were affected by something?"

"Yes, at that time I had a vague idea of ​​whether they were possessed by ghosts. You will find it ridiculous when I say this. A person who was educated in materialism and atheism would actually have such an idea when encountering strange things. ”

It seemed that Qin Xiaoman was still a little confused.

Tang Feng smiled slightly. What atheism is, it's just that these people don't understand many things. Don’t you still know if there are gods or not? I actually know several gods and goddesses, and I am even in love with a goddess!

Tang Feng was thinking this in his heart while typing with his fingers quickly: "You can't not believe the theory of ghosts and gods, nor can you believe it completely. It is true that many people used this deception and were exposed, which made this superstition become Everyone calls for beatings, but there are many masters in this world who actually know how to communicate with ghosts and gods.”

"You are such an expert, right?"

From this sentence, Tang Feng could almost see Qin Xiaoman's admiring eyes. He couldn't help but feel even more proud. When he was about to reply, Qin Xiaoman sent another sentence: "I always felt that this This worldly expert should be an old man with an immortal spirit, you are really beyond my expectation. "

Tang Feng replied somewhat amusingly: "Actually, I'm over two hundred years old, but I've become an immortal, so I look just like a young man."

"Really? I'm so sorry. I was so rude. You should be older than my great-grandfather. I really shouldn't have spoken to you like this."

Seeing what Qin Xiaoman meant, it seemed that he really believed Tang Feng's words.

Tang Feng laughed so hard that he could hardly breathe. He put down his cell phone and laughed while holding his stomach.

It wasn't until the phone rang again, indicating that there was new news, that Tang Feng reluctantly stopped laughing and picked up the phone to read. It was still the message from Qin Xiaoman: "Mr. Tang, please help me."

Tang Feng's smile stopped.

He seemed to be able to see Qin Xiaoman's eyes asking for help.

It seemed that Qin Xiaoman thought of asking him for help because he really encountered some problem.

In fact, the two of them just met and didn't even exchange a few words. Moreover, she was an atheist university teacher before. For her to be able to do this, this matter must be very important and very difficult.

Tang Feng suddenly felt that the joke he just made was inappropriate, and quickly replied: "Teacher Qin, you don't have to be polite. I was joking just now. Please don't mind. If you have anything to do, just say it, I can do it. help."

"Thank you." Qin Xiaoman sent these two simple words.

Tang Feng understood that she must be thinking about how to tell him this matter.

In fact, as long as Tang Feng enters Qin Xiaoman's circle of friends, he can immediately know the troubles in her heart. But he didn't do this. Instead, he opened the browser and searched for news about Wu Jingjing.

Several months have passed since Wu Jingjing's incident, and the heat has long since dissipated.

Although it blew up the circle of friends and caused a lot of uproar at the time, at this moment, she has been forgotten. Those who were concerned about this matter at the beginning just regarded it as a small episode in their lives, and now they have returned to the right path. Probably only those who donated large sums of money and were responsible for investigating this matter are still paying attention to it.

There is a complete introduction to Wu Jingjing's incident on the Internet. The more Tang Feng reads, the more angry he becomes, because everything shows that Lin Mengjia's speculation is not wrong. From the beginning, Wu Jingjing's parents did not want to save her, but just wanted to use her. Collect as much money as possible and trick her into saying in front of the media that she would not blame her parents even if she could not be saved.

When the whole thing was exposed, Wu Jingjing's parents realized that it was impossible to get more money and might lose the money they had defrauded, so they decided to abandon the pawn to save the car and let Wu Jingjing die at this time to divert public attention. Moreover, under the premise that Wu Jingjing's body did not meet the donation requirements at all, she insisted on donating it and contacted the media first to force the recipient to accept it.

It would be a mercy for these two people to let them die easily!

Tang Feng frowned, thinking about how to solve this problem.

About ten minutes later, Qin Xiaoman sent another message: "I suspect that my fiancé is possessed by a ghost."

Tang Feng was stunned for five seconds when he received the news.

He got two messages from it: the first one was that Qin Xiaoman was engaged and had a fiancé; the second one was that there seemed to be some hidden secrets for her, otherwise she wouldn't have sent such a short message after such a long time.

"Teacher Qin, please tell me more details."

Tang Feng didn't care about the fact that Qin Xiaoman had a fiancé.

Even if there was no possibility of further development between the two of them, being friends was a good thing. If the problem Qin Xiaoman encountered could be solved by herself, it would be just a piece of cake to save her trouble, so why not do it?

After a long time, Qin Xiaoman sent another message: "The situation between me and my fiancé is a little complicated. We met through a blind date. He has a good family background, but he is a bit unfaithful. I felt that he was not a reliable person at the time, so I hesitated. But he was always very enthusiastic in pursuing me. I rejected him several times, but he didn't care at all and still treated me as before. Later, something happened in my family, and he ran around and took out a large sum of money. My parents were very satisfied with him, so I got engaged to him." Seeing this long message, Tang Feng's mouth corners slightly raised, revealing an unfathomable smile.

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