To put it bluntly, he didn't expect everyone to stay.

Because the disclosure of Mercedes-Benz's joining conditions is just a screening process.

Those who left were short-sighted and only cared about immediate interests.

Such a partner is not what Mercedes-Benz wants.

Those who stayed under such domineering terms showed that they really wanted to represent Mercedes-Benz.

Only people like them can manage the Mercedes-Benz brand better.

"Awen, are we still leaving?"

Li Guoqing was also about to pull his son out of the conference room.

Although he doesn't know much about the auto industry, he also thinks that Mercedes-Benz's joining conditions are too harsh.

In this case, acting as an agent for Mercedes-Benz will not make much money at all.

Mercedes-Benz is too greedy.

"Dad, don't worry!"

Li Lewen had no intention of leaving.

"Think about it! Didn't the Mercedes-Benz company think of such a harsh condition?"

"But why did they bring it up?"

Li Lewen analyzed with his father: "Mr. Xue in the stands is so calm, obviously he has expected this situation."

"Since he knew it would happen, why did he do it? There must be other reasons."

"Take a step back, anyway, we haven't signed the contract yet, so if we are not satisfied, we can simply not sign it."

There was an inexplicable light in Li Lewen's eyes, "Besides, that Yuan Guotong is gone, wouldn't we lose a strong competitor if we want to represent Mercedes-Benz in Shencheng?"

"Awen, you are still smarter!"

"It was right to train you to go to college in the first place!"

After listening to his son's analysis, Li Guoqing nodded again and again.

"Let's take a look first!"

A few minutes later, the originally very lively and crowded conference room suddenly became a little deserted.

There were at least five or six hundred people before, but now there are only about two hundred left.

"Since you can still stay, it means that you are very sincere and want to represent our Mercedes-Benz!"

Xue Cheng, who was originally calm, suddenly showed a gentle smile,

"Then, let's talk about the specific content of joining Mercedes-Benz."


Everyone's eyes lit up when they heard Xue Cheng's words.

"Our company recruits agents, so naturally we won't let everyone lose money or have no money to earn."


Xue Cheng immediately confessed: "The joining conditions mentioned earlier have not changed, but I still have some things to add."

Everyone immediately listened to Xue Cheng's speech seriously.

Because they know that what they are going to say next should be related to their interests.

"Our Mercedes-Benz company attaches great importance to brand management, and also attaches great importance to service."

"The reason why those franchise conditions are customized is to build a good Mercedes-Benz brand and quickly increase the recognition and favorability of consumers."

"And the profits you lack, we will make up for you in other places, and even earn more than other 4S stores."

"Do you know how much profit we make from a Mercedes-Benz C?"

Xue Cheng looked at the people below and asked.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, but they all had an approximate value in their hearts.

"One hundred thousand before tax!"

Before everyone could answer, Xue Cheng stretched out a finger and said.


There was an uproar in the audience, everyone was shocked by the profit.

They have already imagined that the profit of Mercedes-Benz C is very high, but they did not expect it to be so high.

"So, even if the profits come down layer by layer, you can still earn a lot of money."

Xue Cheng didn't say anything more, but everyone is a shrewd person, so this account will naturally be settled.

In fact, what Xue Cheng said was conservative, and the profit of Mercedes-Benz is more than that.

Mercedes-Benz is a self-developed technology, and there is no technology transfer fee like those joint ventures, which is also a large profit.

"I'm here to assure everyone that every time a Mercedes-Benz is sold, the car's sales profit will be at least 10,000 yuan. This is determined according to different models."

"We have lowered your profits in after-sales maintenance, and naturally we will make up for you in other places, or even more."

"There is also a rebate at the end of the year. The amount of this rebate is determined according to your sales volume and service level."

"For the issue of service level, you will know when you read the contract later."

"As for repair parts, our company will also reduce some wholesale prices accordingly."

"Don't look at your maintenance profit has dropped a lot, but there will definitely be more customers coming to the store for maintenance"

If the maintenance cost of Mercedes-Benz is only a little more expensive than that of outside auto repair shops, many people will definitely still choose to go to 4S shops.

After hearing what Xue Cheng said, everyone's eyes became brighter and brighter.

They are all bosses, so they will naturally settle the account.

Calculated in this way, as long as their sales are good, their profits will definitely be much higher than those of other 4s stores.

In the final analysis, Mercedes-Benz does this because it wants to do a good job in branding and after-sales service.

As long as you serve well, you will definitely earn more.

Thinking about it this way, everyone found out that Mercedes-Benz's agency conditions are harsh.

Mercedes-Benz is simply a conscientious manufacturer!

All the people present were immediately thankful that they did not leave, and there was a three-minute silence for those who left.

If you miss this time, it will be even more difficult to become an agent next time.

"Awen, we have decided on this agent!"

At this moment, Li Guoqing and his son were also very excited.

Fortunately, they stayed, but Yuan Guotong left.

"Let me tell you another news, our Mercedes-Benz company will soon release another SUV model, and you don't have to worry about too few models in the store."

Xue Cheng smiled and said to everyone: "Congratulations to everyone joining the Mercedes-Benz family, and hope we can have a happy cooperation!"


Immediately there was warm applause from the audience.

At noon that day, Xue Cheng invited all the agents to eat in the canteen of Mercedes-Benz.

In the afternoon, Mercedes-Benz was also ready to sign the contract.

As the boss of Mercedes-Benz, Lin Xuan also attended the signing meeting.

When everyone looked at Lin Xuan, they were amazed at his youth.

After confirming that there was no problem with the contract, all the agents signed their names.

After signing the agency contract, these dealers must pay the deposit within three days.

This time, Mercedes-Benz signed a total of more than 300 4S stores.

This store is not very large compared to other car brands, but it also covers all the provinces of Longguo.

Every province has at least five or six 4S stores, and there are more than a dozen.

The deposit received by Mercedes-Benz alone is worth one billion yuan!


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