Sailing: Captain, Raftel is Here

Chapter 125 The Unicorn Fairy: I Am The Forest Warrior Hercules (Please Subscribe)

"Boing Islands! Fantasy Island! Here we come!"

"Oh oh oh!"

“Delicious food! Here we come!”

"Oh oh oh!"

Luffy took the lead in booing, Usopp, Chopper, Zang Gao and Xiao 3 followed suit, making people's brains hurt from the quarrel.

Fortunately, Li Kei obediently lay on the deck and was not led by these guys, otherwise Carl would probably beat him up. Liji, the spare ingredient, is to be cultivated in the direction of Jack, one of the three kanbans of the Hundred Beasts, and he must be prudent.

Well, although Jack is not stable, but Li Kei is not Jack.

As long as Liji develops Jack's combat effectiveness and maintains a steady personality, he can become one of the pillars of the Straw Hats.

In the entire Straw Hat group, Carl is most optimistic about Zoro and Liji. As for Sanji, he often makes mistakes because of his beauty, so he still needs to beat him hard.

Before everyone could react, Luffy had rushed into the island with four guys who agreed with him.

The others ignored Luffy and the others, and silently looked at the Boeing area.

"This is, a flower?" Nami's face was full of curiosity.

"Mr. Carl said that this is a carnivorous plant that uses delicious food as a trap to hunt, but it doesn't seem so scary." Tashigi looked around nervously

"Ah, is it a carnivorous plant? It's the first time I've seen it. Will we be eaten later?" Robin casually said something terrible.

As for the others, there was not much reaction.

Zoro yawned and wanted to sleep, and he didn't seem to have much desire to explore the island.

Marie was still gnawing on the biscuits, as if she could never finish them.

Sanji moved his nose, as if he smelled something. Naturally, Sanji was also very interested in the food growing on the island.

"It's useless to talk too much, we'll find out after we go in and have a look."

As Carl said, he landed on the island first.

Others naturally followed up, including the red heart group and the three of them. The task of watching the ship was naturally handed over to Momoo and the other medical staff of the Red Heart Squad.

On Luffy's side, four people and one reindeer rushed towards the depths of the island screaming.

A smell of food came out from nowhere, making the five guys' stomachs growl and they couldn't stop their saliva.

"Wow! It smells so good!"

"Luffy look, Ramen Falls!"

"There are also sausage fruit, chicken drumsticks and corn. They actually grow food, and they smell very delicious. Are these really okay...Hey, how did you eat them?

Luffy and Chopper were stuffing the food into their mouths like crazy.

And it seems that it can't stop, eat whatever it catches, and quickly wipe out a large piece of food, and then move to other directions.

Naturally, Usopp, Zangao, and Little 3 couldn't resist the temptation of delicious food, and they also started to eat crazily. The food here seemed to be endless, which made the five guys very happy.

"Wow! This is so delicious!"

"Oops! Can't stop! I'm going to keep eating!"

"Hahaha! I can finally let go and eat! This is indeed a fantasy island, I am so happy!"

Not long after, the five guys in Luffy had grown into big fat people, and it was difficult for them to move. But they still eat it, like an addiction.

At this moment, a man wearing a black unicorn costume suddenly appeared.

Seeing that these five fat people were still eating, they were startled, and quickly reminded them: "My friends, don't eat any more, it will be very dangerous! Also, my name is Heike Liz!"

"I'm Luffy, I'm sorry! What's the danger?"

Luffy was already chubby at this time, but she didn't forget to respond to Hercules.

Hercules quickly explained: "This island is using delicious food to attract beasts, and when the beasts get fat and cannot escape, they will devour the beasts. Now you must get active and consume excess calories. Otherwise, it will be dangerous later! Also, I am Hercules, the warrior of the forest!"

"Oh, that's right, thank you for reminding me."

Luffy and the others politely thanked each other, but couldn't stop eating.

Hercules is very helpless about this, he can persuade others, but he cannot hinder others from their own actions.

At this time, Carl and the others also arrived here, and they were all shocked when they saw the five fat Luffys who had become chubby.

Hercules immediately said: "Hello everyone! Are these your companions? Let them run quickly, they will be dangerous if they are too fat! Also, my name is Hercules

"Oh, hello Hercules...we are the Straw Hat Pirates."

Carl greeted the unicorn warrior with a smile, and brazenly introduced the Red Heart Group into the Straw Hat Group.

But Luo and the others didn't say anything, but looked at everything around them in surprise, smelling the tempting fragrance, and they were a little ready to move. But the danger that the one-horned fairy said made it easy for them.

"These idiots! They became fat so quickly!" Zoro couldn't help cursing.

"Ah, it's really delicious food. I'm a little hungry." Robin said with a smile, but he didn't eat anything rashly.

"Mr. Carl, this biscuit leaf is delicious." Marie had already picked a few biscuit leaves and started eating.

"You guys..." Nami was very helpless, and could only press Liji not to move.

Nami knew the danger was real, because Carl and the unicorn aborigine had said the same thing, so she thought it was better to be on the safe side. Press Liji to prevent Liji from getting fat, and when there is danger, he will ride Liji and run away.

Sanji frowned, because this kind of place where food grows directly is not friendly to chefs.

If the ingredients don't need to be processed, and there is food directly, wouldn't their chefs be useless?

But it smells really good!

One couldn't hold back, Sanji picked up a sausage fruit and ate it, his eyes lit up immediately. Then he thought about what happened to 0.1, and immediately lay down on the ground with a black line on his face.

"Hey, what's the matter with you, perverted cook?" Zoro asked curiously.

"Damn it! This sausage fruit is so delicious, it's almost as good as what I made!" Sanji was a little skeptical about life.

If you live in this kind of place, don't you need a chef, this island is the best chef!

Over there, Luo looked at Beibo, Xia Qi, and Pei Jin who were already eating with some speechlessness. The three secretly ate while he was not paying attention, and then stuffed the food into their mouths suddenly uncontrollably.

"Hey! Don't eat it, you guys!"

Luo reprimanded loudly, but Bepo and the others didn't listen.

"Captain, it's so delicious, we can't control our hands and mouths!"

"Captain, you can eat too, it's really delicious!"

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