Sailing: Captain, Raftel is Here

Chapter 126 Bastard Carl, You Abandoned Us (Where Are The Flowers)

Not long after, the three Beibos also became fat, but they were still eating, as if they couldn't get enough.

Luo saw the corners of his eyes twitching.

What the hell kind of place is this, what the hell kind of place is this!

"Carl, is it really okay to go on like this? Straw hats are very fat!" Luo couldn't help asking Carl.

"Hehe, it's fine to let them suffer a bit, as long as they don't die!"

As Carl said, he also picked out some food and ate it, and invited others to eat together.

However, Carl still urged everyone to resist the temptation and eat in moderation, which is also a test of willpower.

Now that Carl has started to eat, the rest of the people are also worried, but they will not refuse the food. It's just that it is really difficult to control appetite, smell the tempting aroma, and feel the deliciousness in your mouth.

Carl saw Marie reaching for a cake, and immediately slapped the little guy's hand off.

"Mr. Carl, I want to eat cake." Marie said aggrievedly.

"If you want to become fat, you can eat it, and I won't stop you!" Carl said quietly.

Sure enough, when he heard that he would become a fat man, 21 Marie immediately withdrew his hand. Although the cake is very tempting, for girls, fat is the biggest natural enemy, even if they starve to death, they must maintain their figure. In this regard, the willpower of girls is the strongest!

Tashigi, who was eating pasta, asked curiously: "Mr. Carl, you said that this island is dangerous, but we got in easily and didn't encounter any beasts. Where is the danger?"

Zoro, Luo, Nami and Robin also looked at Carl.

Carl shrugged: "You can try to get out of the island, and then you will understand."

out of the island?

Tashigi was puzzled, but immediately put down the spaghetti and walked out of the island.

Before taking a few steps, a huge ant blocked the way.

Startled, Tashigi pulled out Huazhou and slashed out, but was blocked by the forelimb of the huge ant. Tashigi was startled suddenly, and he dodged to the side of the giant ant, and successfully chopped off the ant's head with one knife.

"So that's the case, will you be blocked by monsters if you want to leave the island?"

Tashigi muttered to himself, and continued to walk forward.

Then, a huge earthworm opened its mouth and swallowed Tashigi. Tashigi was startled, closed his eyes and chopped the earthworm into two pieces.

Long worms and the like are very unfriendly to girls.

Carl explained at this time: "There are many beasts and monsters scattered around the island. They will not prevent us from entering the island, but they will not let us leave the island. Unless we are strong, we will not be able to leave at all!"

"They are cooperating with the island's predation!" Luo immediately understood the situation of the island.

Sure enough, it made sense for the Carl Jin family to choose this island.

There is unlimited food to eat, and you can fight monsters when you are full, and constantly enhance your strength and physical body. I have to say that this is indeed a good place to practice.

And, with so much food, it's time for a medicated bath plan!

On the way to the Boing Islands, Luo and Chopper had tested the medicinal bath and thought it was feasible. Therefore, the medicated bath plan will definitely be implemented.

As for the effect, it depends on after the medicated bath.

At this moment, the aroma of the food is strong.

There was a sudden roar on the outskirts of the island, and then huge sea beasts came ashore, coming towards the delicious food. And the birds in the sky also quickly landed on the island, eating frantically.

"Even sea beasts can be attracted here, the appetite of this island is really not small!"

Zoro and the others were very surprised, watching those sea beasts rushing forward with a look of wariness.

I saw that these sea beasts were 20 to 30 meters high, and they were about to catch up with Liji. Let alone their strength, it would take a lot of effort to defeat such a guy.

"Licky, transform into...Licky?"

Nami is shocked to find that Liji is not by her side.

Looking around again, they found that Liji and Carl were standing on the giant sword on the door panel, and the giant sword quickly flew high into the sky.

"Mr. Carl?"

"Hahaha! Friends, the training has officially started, everyone must survive! I'm going to sleep on the boat, and I can take a medicinal bath whenever I come out, really don't die!"

Carl smiled and waved to everyone [then flew off the island without hesitation.

As for why he brought Liji, Carl had his own plans.

"Bastard Carl! You abandoned us!" Nami couldn't help but growled, baring his ferocious fangs.

"Ah, are we going to die? I don't know if it's better to be trampled into meatloaf or to be swallowed up by this island." Robin still said scary words casually.

Zoro and Luo pulled out their knives helplessly.

Since Carl said that the training has started, he will not show any mercy. This is not the first time they have experienced the methods of this demon instructor. Therefore, complaining is useless.

More and more sea beasts climbed ashore, and it didn't take long for the island to be surrounded by walls, making it difficult to escape.

"Mix the colors! Friends' yellow and green!"

Marie directly took out the palette, quickly drew a pattern on a sea beast, and then became friends with the sea beast. The sea beast immediately bent down and let Marie climb up.

"Nesmari! Let us also....Mari?"

Nami's face was about to collapse with joy, because after Mari got on the back of the sea beast, she let the sea beast run 357 without her Nami [return to partner?

Marie gnawed on the biscuit and said: "Nami, Teacher Carl told me in private, don't help others until you are in a death situation, otherwise you won't achieve the training effect. So, I'm sorry Nami, I can't do anything, you have to rely on your own ability to survive."

Robin also said: "Ah, Carl seems to have told me too.

Zoro nodded: "I've said it, especially Nami, Chopper and Usopp. I said that the three of them are too timid to exercise!"

Even Sanji said: "Nami-san, I'm really sorry, I can't help you as a knight this time, it's for Nami-san's good. But don't worry, if your life is in danger, your knight will definitely show up in time! "

Nami suddenly wanted to cry but had no tears.

Co-authoring her, Chopper and Usopp, the timid trio was deliberately targeted by Carl?!

At this moment, Nami wanted to rush directly to the Merry and beat Carl up, but it was not easy for her to leave the island now.

Facing the huge sea beasts that surround the sky and cover the sky, it is difficult to escape now!

At this moment, the island suddenly shook, and then everyone noticed that the ground began to tilt, as if they were going to dump all of them, including the sea beast, into the interior of the island.

"Wow!!! The island is moving!"

Zoro, Nami and the others immediately ran up. .

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