Sailing: Captain, Raftel is Here

Chapter 175 Enel, You Are Not A God (Welcome To Subscribe And Reward)

As for Carl, he was already on top of the highest clouds.

There is a huge and majestic golden clock in front of you. Even if you don't understand anything, you can feel the weight and vicissitudes of history, and your heart can't help but shake.

With the camera in hand, I chose several angles to take pictures.

Although the golden clock cannot be taken away in the end, the photos can be kept. Especially the historical text below the golden clock, and Roger's inscription on the golden pillar, can be preserved in the photo.

After finishing these, Carl began to learn from Marie, drinking tea and eating snacks silently.

However, he has been observing the whole Ahduo with knowledge and knowledge.

Carl's knowledge is not inferior to Enel's. After all, Enel relies on his own fruit ability to sense radio waves, so he can hear people talking from far away, and the scope of knowledge has also been expanded. Carl's ability is also "five six seven" electricity, although it is weaker than Thunder Fruit, but Carl has developed it well.

Moreover, Carl understands the principle of sound transmission, and knowledge supplements the shortcomings of fruit's lack of ability.

Not to mention eavesdropping on other people's conversations with knowledge and knowledge, it is possible to eavesdrop on phone bugs, but Carl has never tried it.

"Well, these reactions are probably Robin and the others. With their strength, it shouldn't be a problem to get here, as long as Enel doesn't make trouble. However, Enel doesn't seem to be very quiet, should we just give this guy... ...."

Carl thought, and took a sip of tea.

He raised his eyes to see a big stupid man appearing in front of him, and couldn't help but roll his eyes.

He just said that Enel was restless, but he didn't expect to run in front of him. It was the middle of the night when the lights were on in the hut, and he wanted to die!

This silly big man with a silly face, wrapped in a white turban, and gold jewelry hanging from his long earlobes. And there are four taiko drums with three hooks on the back, and a gold stick in his hand, which looks like an upstart.

"Ahahahaha! I didn't expect that there is a beautiful golden clock here. I haven't found it all this time!"

Enel laughed wildly.

I saw him carefully looking at the golden clock, his eyes were full of greed and possessiveness.

Then Enel looked at Carl who was drinking tea, and said with a smile: "I would also like to thank you for helping me find this golden clock. As an omnipotent Almighty God, I can grant one of your wishes."

Carl chuckled: "Wish? How about it, can you die now?"

Enel's face suddenly darkened.

"It seems that you don't have the slightest reverence for God, Qinghai people. But it doesn't matter, you will soon know how powerful God is, so powerful that it makes you despair, and makes you want to worship hahahaha!"

"Then let me see."

Carl shrugged, nonchalantly.

Enel pointed directly at Carl, and saw a thunderbolt appearing above Carl's head, which looked very dangerous.


Lightning crackled on Carl.

However, Carl didn't respond at all. The lightning swam over Carl's body once, and all of them were sucked into Carl's body.

As a person with the power of the electric fruit, if the body is not immune to lightning, wouldn't it be self-discharge? Therefore, Enel's discharge does not harm Carl in any way, and it is equivalent to charging Carl.

Enel was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, "It seems that you managed to avoid it."

Carl looked at Enel expressionlessly, "Don't deceive yourself, under the net of your heart, don't you know if I really avoided it? And from the beginning to the end, did I move?"

Enel's expression darkened upon hearing this.

Indeed, under the network of his heart, he clearly saw the other party being hit by electric shock. But now the other party is safe and sound, which makes him unable to believe this fact, so he feels that the other party has avoided it.

However, the other party came over with a word and slapped him directly in the face!

If you don't dodge, you are immune to lightning. How could there be such a person!

"Twenty million volts. God's punishment!"

Boom! Enel's hand aimed at Carl and released the thunder pillar, but the thunder pillar was sucked completely when it met Carl.

"Thirty million volts. Thunderbird!"

Enel hit the taiko drum on his back with a golden stick, and the thunder and lightning immediately formed a huge thunderbird and rushed towards Carl. However, Thunderbird directly followed in Lei Zhu's footsteps.

Carl burped directly, because he charged too much all of a sudden, and he was a little bloated.

"How is it possible?! How is this possible! What the hell are you, why aren't you afraid of my lightning!"

Enel's eyes flashed with surprise...

In fact, this guy is arrogant and arrogant relying on his own ability, but his psychology is very fragile. Once he encounters an unbelievable failure, the whole person will directly collapse.

The panic on his face is too obvious now, and he can't even hide it.

Carl said leisurely: "Nothing is impossible, it's just that your knowledge is too shallow, and you are just a frog in a well."

As he spoke, he stood up slowly, and suddenly stepped in front of Enel, and punched Enel in the face.

Enel also said to himself: "Although I can't hurt you, it's impossible for you to hurt me. I'm a thunderbolt, an almighty god, how could I be mortal...․Pfft

With a punch right in the door, Enel was sent flying.

Blood shot from the mouth and nose, and the whole person looked very miserable.

"Ahhh! It hurts! How could it hurt so much! Why did you hit me! Why!"

"I am Thunder itself, I am Thor, how could you hurt me!"

Enel was a little crazy throughout, obviously doubting his life after being punched. Indeed, since he ate the Thunder Fruit, he probably hasn't been injured again. Now that he was suddenly beaten with blood all over his face, he must have thought it was a dream.

But the reality is like this, and escaping doesn't work.

Carl sat back to drink tea again, and said slowly: "There is nothing impossible, because you are not a god, just a person who ate Thunder Fruit. The 0.1 power in the sea is not absolute, you don't understand the principle of mutual generation and mutual restraint, no Who is absolutely powerful? You are just an arrogant frog in a well, you have no idea that there are countless strong people in the sea, and those who can kill you cannot be counted with ten hands!"

"I don't believe it! I don't believe it! Go to hell! Go to hell! Thor!"

Enel's whole body was wrapped in lightning, turning into a chubby thunder man, rushing towards Carl.

Carl directly pulled out the Third Generation Guiche, and hit Enel in the face with the back of the knife, directly breaking his Thor mode and knocking him out half of his teeth.

"Look, I haven't exerted any force yet, and you're falling down."

Enel, who was about to get up, was shocked by a sentence and collapsed on the spot.

In the end, he turned into a thunderbolt and ran down the clouds, and rushed towards a certain direction without returning to his shrine of the gods. .

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