Sailing: Captain, Raftel is Here

Chapter 176 Usopp: In Fact, I Have Awakened The Color Of Knowledge (For Subscription)

Carl didn't go after Enel, but continued to drink tea.

"Heh, it's still a god, the heart is so fragile. But it's time to find the proverbs of the ark, just to save me from asking, and grab the spaceship directly when the time comes!"

Anyway, Enel is a very annoying person, and there is no discussion about robbing him.

But Enel's taste makes people speechless, especially the proverbs of the ark are very ugly. At that time, the ship will be no longer needed, and all the gold will be stripped off.

Carl took care of everything and continued to sit and drink tea.

If Enel wants to run away, he can catch it himself when the time comes. It's not like he can't fly, so there's no need to worry at all.

Carl is comfortable here, everyone else is fighting.

Nami was still fighting Braham at this time.

Braham's combat experience is very rich, every time he shoots, he directly uses the wind-jet shoes to move at full speed, and does not give Nami any chance at all.

Fortunately, Nami temporarily put aside the matter of gold at this time, and settled down to fight Braham.

With Nami's mind and heart united, 21 seemed to have sensed Braham's movements in the dark. It may not be sure at first, but after a long time [Nami realized his own

She was able to predict Braham's next move!

This discovery made Nami ecstatic, and Nami knew that she had successfully awakened!

"Shave!" Nami disappeared in a flash.

Braham was startled, and when he came to his senses, he found himself actively appearing beside Nami, and then facing Nami's iron rod, he didn't even have time to dodge.

Bang! Braham was thrown down with a stick.

Nami was worried that he was not strong enough, so he used Armament Haki and successfully knocked Braham unconscious.

After poking Braham with an iron rod for a long time, he found that he had indeed fainted. Nami heaved a sigh of relief, with a smile on his lips. Nami didn't even think that she is now the owner of two-color Haki.

It is incredible to know that some Marine Rear Admirals do not necessarily have two-color Haki.

Nami experienced it carefully again, and was pleasantly surprised to find that Observation Haki can capture changes in the air more clearly, which is of great help to her navigation skills.

"This Observation Haki is much more practical than the Armament Haki, and you don't have to be afraid of storms when you're at sea!"

Nami was in a good mood, carrying the iron rod and humming a song, and continued to walk towards the giant bean vine. She couldn't wait to get the gold, and couldn't wait to share her harvest.

The team led by Robin is four people, a reindeer, a white bear and a lion. Now except for the lion Liji, basically all of them are coming towards the giant bean vine.

As for Liji, he had already pressed the giant python to the ground and beat him countless times.

The giant python can be regarded as honest, and Liji is also very tired.

Li Kei hasn't felt tired since he ate Devil Fruit, and it's not wrong, except that he will be tired when he wears a seastone collar for exercise on weekdays, he won't feel tired on weekdays

I didn't expect to be so tired this time.

This giant python is not only huge in size, but also has rough skin and thick flesh, it doesn't hurt to be beaten for a long time.

It took Li Ji a lot of effort to subdue the giant python. Now that the giant python has called himself his younger brother, the battle is naturally over.

Looking at the messy environment around him, Liji couldn't find a partner for a while, and the smell in the forest was a bit weird, so it was difficult to find everyone by smell.

After a long time, I remembered the Douman that everyone was talking about, so I directly turned into the body and sat on the head of the giant python, and asked the giant python to take me to the Douman.

Here on the Merry.

At this time, we arrived at a dense forest again. The entire dense forest was very quiet, as if there were no living things.

At this moment, the slash shell in Luffy's hand aimed at the front and sent out a slash. He didn't seem to get tired of playing all the way. It's just that after sending out the slash this time, a strange sound was heard, as if something had been cut off.

Not only Luffy heard it, but Zoro, Sanji and Luo also heard it.

"Luffy, there's something here." Zoro became alert.

"It seems to be a kind of thread, and it spreads all over the dense forest. It should be a trap." Luo looked carefully.

"Thread? The thread is a thin rope, which means that this may be the place where the rope is tested?" Zangao said, "But it seems that the priest has not been seen."

Usopp pulled down the binoculars on his head and said with a smile, "Zango, don't judge by eyes alone. If I, Captain Usopp, guessed correctly, that priest is hiding there!"

Pointing to somewhere in the dense forest, the tone was very decisive.

Zangao couldn't help baring his fangs and roaring: "Don't you judge with your own eyes! Also, you are not the captain!"

Usopp shook his head at Zangao, with an expression that you don't understand my realm, "Zangao, I just used the eyepiece just for appearance, in fact, I first perceived the opponent's position with the color of knowledge, and then used the eyepiece to see. "

"Liar, when did you wake up to be knowledgeable?"

Not only Zan Gao didn't believe it, but other people didn't believe it either.

Usopp was very hurt, "You guys, although I usually lie to people occasionally, but when I tell the truth, you don't believe it."

Everyone shook their heads: "You are lying, you can't believe it, and you are not lying to people occasionally, but always.

Usopp can't help it, no one believes him.

Sanji looked at the densely packed thin lines and said: "This should be the trial of the rope, yes, who will come this time?"

Both Zoro and Luo looked indifferent. If no one came to 127, then it would be fine for them to do it themselves. It was all a one-shot thing anyway.

"Hahaha! I didn't expect to be discovered by you. You have some strength, people from Qinghai!"

An arrogant male voice came, and then a three-foot bird that looked like a vulture flew up from the forest, and a middle-aged man was riding on the bird's back.

The man was dressed as a pilot, with a mustache and a knight gun in his hand.

"I'm Shura, the priest who serves the gods, and I'm in charge of the trial of rope with a survival rate of 3%. If you can defeat Shadley and Gaedaz, it shows that you have some strength. But if you come to me, you will never pass it! "

Priest Shura finished speaking, and then waited for the Straw Hats' reaction.

However, the reaction of the Straw Hats was unexpected.

"Who's this guy?" Luffy asked, picking his nostrils.

"He said he called Priest Shura, who was in charge of the trial." Sanji replied, lighting a cigarette.

"The survival rate is 3%, isn't that a bit arrogant, the strength is mediocre." Zoro didn't give it a straight look.

Luo was leaning on the mast with his arms in his arms and weeping. He was not interested in doing anything with such a guy, but he was just a guy with a big tone but not much ability.

Usopp said helplessly: "Hey, hey, he is also a priest anyway, so can't he show some face?".

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