Sailing: Captain, Raftel is Here

Chapter 261 Old Man, Let's Say Goodbye Here

Carl was really horrible.

Sengoku finally found the breakthrough of Scuyad, and Akainu also managed to fool Scuyad, but at the critical moment, Carl turned out to be a bad guy.

Gion and Kake were too weak, leaving Carl with the energy to take care of other things.

But Sengoku can't blame Gion and Kake, because Carl is so brutal that even Akainu can fight, and even if Gion and Kake join forces, they can't stop Carl.

Now that this plan has failed, it's time to implement the next plan.

On the Moby Dick, Whitebeard glanced at Carl who was in the middle of the square, and then looked sleepily at the big knife on his chest.

At this time, the big knife was no longer restrained by the small black sword, but Scuyard trembled and could no longer stab, and Scuyard also knew that once Whitebeard noticed, sneak attack was no longer possible.

He is dead!

At this time, Marco, who got rid of Aokiji, flew back first.

Marko furiously pressed Scuyad on the bow, "Skuyad! You bastard dare to shoot at Dad! Dad can't forgive you!"

Skuyard argued loudly: "Why not! Dad and Marine discussed it, "Take us forty-three pirates in exchange for Ace's life!"

The volume of these words was not small, almost spreading throughout Marineford.

Those who belonged to the Pirates suddenly looked at each other. Some people firmly did not believe it, while others were suspicious. After all, if it wasn't true, how could Scuyard risk getting killed to do so?

Whitebeard narrowed his eyes, "Who told you that?"

But Skuyard roared: "Isn't it? Marine's shells have been only targeting us all the time, and there is almost no harm in the bay! And Dad knows that Ace is Roger's son, and also knows that Roger and I have a grudge, why do you want to hide it?" Follow me!"

"Stupid thing! You actually shot at your parents, you know what the consequences will be!"

Whitebeard reprimanded loudly, reaching out to Scuyard.

Scuyad closed his eyes in horror, waiting for the arrival of death.

However, in the next second, Scuyad was hugged into a broad embrace. Only to hear Whitebeard say in a low voice: "Even if you are a fool, you are still my dear son!"

One sentence immediately made Scuyad burst into tears.

"Stop joking! You clearly want to trade our lives for..."

"Skuad, who is it that led your honest heart to darkness?"

"...It's Akainu! He said that as long as Whitebeard is assassinated, all our subsidiary pirates will be spared!"

"This is what Akainu said. Skuyad, I know the hatred between you and Roger the most, but ah, how ridiculous it is to pay the father's debt, you ask yourself, what is Ace sorry for you! You are not living together Have you ever died? Anyway, both of you are my sons, not only Ace is special, you are all my family!"

Scuyad was crying uncontrollably, and his mind was in a mess.

He actually assassinated his father who was so kind to him just now, what the hell was he doing?!

Whitebeard let go of Skuad, jumped out of the boat with Cong Yunqie in his hands, and shouted loudly: "Sons! Charge with me, save Ace!"


Since Whitebeard made the move himself, everyone naturally wanted to follow.

Everyone gathered behind Whitebeard, whether it was the captain or ordinary crew members, they all rushed to the square full of fighting spirit.

It's just that at this time, Akainu's hands on the high place have already turned into magma, and they are crazily launching towards the sky, only to see one after another arrogant volcanic bombs flying towards Jinei.

"Pop Volcano!"

Bang bang bang! The volcanic bomb fell on the ice, directly blasting the ice and melting it at the same time.

Many people were hit on the spot and died immediately without a whole body.

This doomsday-like scene was broadcast live, and the people watching the live broadcast everywhere were terrified. Even those lawless rookie pirates were silent, and even Kid didn't dare to speak big words.

Before long, almost all the ice in the bay melted.

Whitebeard looked back and found that many volcanic bombs had hit the Moby Dick, destroying the ship immediately. Fortunately, Scuyad seemed to be taken off the boat by someone, otherwise he would have suffered disaster.

"Sorry, old man, say goodbye here.

His love boat was destroyed, and Whitebeard felt sad, but also very helpless.

He still has to save his son now, he can't take care of that much anymore!

At this time, there was movement under his feet, and Whitebeard saw the shadow of the ship. Marco, Joz and other captains immediately called everyone to swim over here [including Zhongji's group of insiders.


In the next second, the remaining ice cubes were pushed away by a ship, and almost everyone caught the ship in an instant, and all boarded the ship successfully.

"There's still a boat!" Sengoku's face was very ugly.

"Koo la la la! We never said the boats were all out!"

Whitebeard laughed loudly, stood at the bow of the ship and punched the surrounding wall with a fist. There was a white halo on the fist, and when it touched the surrounding wall, a violent vibration erupted.

He only heard a bang from the surrounding walls, and was unexpectedly punched by Whitebeard.

The excess shock force rushed to the square, sending the sailors flying all the way.

"It actually broke the surrounding wall. This guy is really a monster! It is made of 930% thick steel, and even the shock wave of Marshal Sengoku may not be able to damage it!" Akainu's face became even more ugly.

Sure enough, Scuyard's failure to assassinate Whitebeard will greatly affect the battle situation!

Although Whitebeard was old and sick at this time, but without injury, his strength was very strong. Especially Armament Haki's external release, it can completely destroy thick steel.

If I knew it, I would have made it with seastone!

If the scientific research department knows what Akainu is saying, the scientific research department will probably cry. How can there be so many seastones!

Taking advantage of the breach of one surrounding wall, Little Ozzy immediately roared and crashed into the square with the big boat in his arms. The pirates who successfully reached the plaza suddenly let out cheers resounding through the sky.

"Little ones! Follow me!"

Whitebeard took the lead, and Cong Yun cut a white circle of light brewing, and with a wave forward, he actually opened the space with a mirror crack. Then the crack shattered, and a violent shock erupted, sweeping away the Marine hundreds of meters ahead.

Carl saw it and breathed a sigh of relief.

If Whitebeard is fine, then there is no need to worry too much, the Straw Hats should be worried.

Carl pulled his gaze back, scanned Zoro, Sanji and the others, and was very happy to find that everyone was safe and sound. He doesn't want to save Whitebeard himself, but put his friends in danger. .

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