Sailing: Captain, Raftel is Here

Chapter 262 Roronoa, Has He Reached This Point Yet (Sixth Watch Is Coming)

Although the situation of the Straw Hats is not very optimistic at this time, their lives are not in danger.

Let me talk about Zoro first.

At this time, Zoro is already in the three-sword style mode, constantly using one move after another. However, Dauberman Vice Admiral is also a swordsman with extremely high sword skills, and he easily blocked Zoro's moves.

"Huh! As expected, Naval Headquarters Vice Admiral, I thought the ghost spider was already very powerful, but I didn't expect you to be so strong!"

Zoro was panting, obviously exhausted.

But Dauberman didn't say a word, silently staring at Zoro's movements, trying to find a flaw.

Fortunately, Zoro's swordsmanship is very mature, and his armed color and knowledge color have also been trained very well, so he basically won't suffer a disadvantage against Dao Berman.

This also made Dauberman very depressed.

At the beginning, Dauberman heard the ghost spider talk about Roronoa Zoro and Blackfoot Sanji, and gave a high evaluation, thinking that these two people will become the mainstay of the Straw Hats.

Originally thought that the ghost spider was exaggerating, but now it seems that the evaluation is very good.

Moreover, the time from Logue town to the capital of seven waters shouldn't be too long, but Roronoa Zoro has grown enough to rival the Vice Admiral of the headquarters, so it shouldn't be too monstrous.

You must know that in Logue town, you were beaten twice by ghost spiders!

"Roronoa‧ Zoro, since you have such a talent in swordsmanship, why do you want to become a pirate!" Dauberman Vice Admiral couldn't help questioning.

"Hehe, it's not thanks to Marine, I didn't intend to be a pirate at the beginning!"

Zoro said with a smile: "But it seems that there is nothing wrong with it now. Being a pirate can improve my strength faster, and the reward order of Marine will also make me famous!"

When Dauberman heard this, his complexion was extremely ugly.

According to Roronoa, it was because of Marine that he became a pirate, and now Roronoa seems to be enjoying it, he is slapping Marine hard!

What idiot did it!

If I knew it, I would have killed that bastard!

Bellumebo, who was hiding in a corner with Kebi, couldn't help but sneezed, thinking he had a cold.

Kebi has been watching Luffy who is fighting with Kizaru all the time. He didn't expect that Luffy has really become this strong. It turns out that the newspaper reports are not fake!

"Luffy-san, you are really amazing! When will I reach that level «||!"

No matter what Keby thinks, it will not affect the situation of the battle anyway.

Zoro used one-sword style, two-sword style, and three-sword style alternately, constantly confronting Dauberman Vice Admiral.

And the longer the battle, the more frightened Dauberman Vice Admiral became.

He found that Zoro's swordsmanship is still growing, not only making up for the existing loopholes in swordsmanship, but also constantly creating new moves. In addition, Zoro's physical strength seems to be endless, and his strength is also extremely large, which is shocking.

"If this goes on, I won't be able to hold on anymore!"

Dauberman Vice Admiral muttered a sentence in his heart, and then suddenly accelerated his attack speed.

Zoro also saw the thoughts of Dauberman Vice Admiral, suddenly his feet sank, his body exuded a ghostly aura, and his whole body turned into three heads and six arms, and the three knives seemed to be dyed black by Haki

"Ghost Qi Nine Swordsmanship! Yiwuyin!"

At this time, the ghost aura seemed to permeate like a mist, hindering Dauberman Vice Admiral's senses.

A silver light flashed, and Zoro's three knives had reached Dauberman Vice Admiral's chest. Hearing a puff, Dauberman Vice Admiral bleeds from his chest, and finally falls to the ground magnificently.

"He, has grown again!"

Dauberman Vice Admiral was in a trance and passed out completely.

Zoro panted heavily, only feeling his face turn pale, obviously exhausted. Moreover, the wound on his body was still bleeding. He had suffered a lot from the fight against Dauberman Vice Admiral before. If Zoro hadn't been young and strong, he might have fallen down long ago.

Dauberman Vice Admiral was defeated, immediately sparking riots in Marine.

The surrounding sailors looked at Zoro in horror, with disbelief in their eyes.

"How, how is this possible?! He beat Dauberman Vice Admiral!"

"This is not true, Dauberman Vice Admiral is so strong, and the Pirate Hunter is only so young, how could he do it!"

"But, Dauberman Vice Admiral did fall!"

Marine's morale was immediately hit hard.

Dauberman Vice Admiral is very famous in the headquarters. Almost all the sailors know that Dauberman Vice Admiral is very powerful and has the qualifications of advanced quasi-Admiral. However, such a person was defeated by the pirate hunters of the Straw Hats!

"Oh, has it reached this level? Roronoa Zoro, I'm waiting for you to come to me!" Hawkeye was obviously very satisfied.

"...Is that the swordsman on Ace's younger brother's ship? It's really powerful!" Foil Vesta was also full of fighting spirit.

"Roronoa..." The ghost spider had the most complicated expression on his face.

Back then Zoro was able to awaken Armament Haki, thanks to his ghost spider. At that time, the ghost spider judged that Roronoa Zoro had excellent aptitude, and sooner or later he would become the enemy of Marine

Now it really came true.

Unexpectedly, even Dauberman Vice Admiral can beat it!

Sengoku's face became even more ugly, but he quickly picked up the phone and said: "What are you afraid of! We are a righteous Marine, and we will never lose to the filthy pirates! The Straw Hats are the real power of the Five Emperors, This point has long been confirmed, and it is not surprising that Dauberman Vice Admiral was defeated. However, justice cannot be defeated, and everyone should not let justice be ashamed!

As Sengoku's words fell, Marine's morale rose again.

Whitebeard glanced at Sengoku with a smile, "This old guy Sengoku is still so good at inspiring (Li Zhaohao) people's hearts!"

However, Whitebeard's strength against the Straw Hats is also very obvious.

I thought Carl and Luffy were good at first, but I didn't expect that the others were not bad either. As Sengoku said, there is no doubt that the Straw Hats are already the real strength of the Five Emperors.

"Really, why are you so anxious at such a young age, this sea is huge!"

Although Whitebeard said that, he had a smile on his face, and looked at the straw hat on Luffy's back, remembering what the redhead said at the time.

I bet this arm on the New Age!

"Is this the one you chose, redhead? It's really good, I really want to see how far he can go!"

But Whitebeard soon became sullen again. He had already decided his destination, so he could only regret it. This sea will be dominated by young people after all, it is time for the older generation to step down!.

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