Sailing: Captain, Raftel is Here

Chapter 324 Army Admiral, What A Coat (This Old Kizaru)

On the warship at this time, Kizaru was sitting on a deck chair and cutting his nails.

Momousagi and Teafish stood behind Kizaru with displeased faces, but they were not displeased with Kizaru, but displeased with a self-righteous guy in the bow.

"Hei Teng, there is something wrong with this formation."

Momousagi couldn't help but shouted: "Sure enough, the army is the army, and they don't know how to use warships to fight at all! Such an arrangement not only can't surround the Straw Hat Crew, but also because the troops are too scattered, they will easily break through the encirclement. Those warships are also easy to fight. Taken!"

Hei Sheng said with disdain, "Momousagi, are you questioning my battle plan? Don't forget, this time I am the commander in chief!"

When Momousagi and the tea dolphin heard this, they couldn't help but stare.

As for Kizaru, he still cut his nails leisurely.

Marshal Sengoku originally wanted Kizaru to be the commander-in-chief this time, but was intercepted by Hei Sheng.

This was exactly what Kizaru wanted, so he gave up the position of commander-in-chief without hesitation. Kizaru knows how difficult it is to deal with the Straw Hats, so the success rate of this siege is very low. Since someone wants to take the blame, how can Kizaru refuse to let it go?

Hei Teng shirked responsibility for the failure of the Summit War last time, let's see how he runs this time!

So Kizaru said: "Gion, Kaji, you have been doing Marine for so many years, don't you know that you have to obey the command of the commander-in-chief? This operation is fully entrusted to Hei Sheng Admiral, we only need to cooperate with Hei Teng Admiral's plan. , don't have any dissatisfaction and complaints, or you will go back!"

"But Kizaru Admiral..."

"No but, soldiers should obey the orders of their superiors!"

Kizaru's reprimand made Momousagi and the tea pig quiet down and stopped questioning anything.

Hei Teng laughed immediately, he was very satisfied with Kizaru's knowledge, and after he wiped out the Straw Hat Crew this time, he would not forget to bring Kizaru with him to receive the credit.

It's just that Hei Sheng didn't know that Kizaru had completely thrown the blame away.

On the island, Carl has already notified his partners. Everyone is gearing up and seems to be looking forward to this battle.

"Everyone try to cooperate and fight as much as possible, and don't disperse unless it is absolutely necessary, or you will really be caught. Luffy is on the way back now, as long as we persist for a while. With Mr. Rayleigh here, you don't have to worry too much."

Carl said, and smiled at Rayleigh.

Rayleigh was speechless, "Hey, hey, Carl boy, you took me for granted!"

Carl nodded, "That's for sure. You are our swordsmanship teacher. When you see your disciples being besieged, can you, Mr. Rayleigh, sit idly by?"

Rayleigh rolled his eyes, he really wanted to say that he could!

However, both the Straw Hat Crew and the Red Heart Group looked at him, making him not know how to answer the question.

That's all, if the situation is really critical, then I really can't just sit idly by, and it should be fine to take a proper shot at that time.

"That's it. I will stop Hei Sheng and Kizaru alone. As for the two quasi-Admiral, Zoro, Luo, Liji, and Mari, it's time for you to take the lead. As for the other Marines and the Army, this time they will lead There are not many Vice Admirals, so everyone will have no problems, if you are in danger, call Teacher Rayleigh, you know?"

"Oh!!!" Everyone responded loudly.

Rayleigh is full of black lines, and he feels that Carl is getting too much.

Zoro couldn't wait to say: "That Momousagi is a great swordsman, so leave it to me and Telaan. I didn't expect to fight against alternate Admiral so soon. It's really exciting."

Luo didn't speak, but he hugged the ghost tightly and cried.

This is their first confrontation with quasi-Admiral. It can be said that the pressure is not small, but if they can not die, it proves that their strength has reached a certain level, and they can run freely in New World.

Marie and Liji were very calm, as if what they were going to hunt next was trash fish.

"In this case, I will go to say hello to them first, everyone pay attention to safety!"

Carl said, stepping on the giant sword on the door and flew towards the warship where Kizaru and Hei Sheng were. As for the boats of the Straw Hats and the Hearts, they had been coated last night, and they had been dragged to a hidden place by Moo Moo.

So, let's fight!

Carl was very fast and reached the shore in the blink of an eye. He raised his hand and released dense arcs. The arcs were arranged and moved according to certain rules, and a strong magnetic force was formed immediately, and the warships that were closer were immediately sucked into the air.

Warships are strong because they are reinforced with iron plates. Even if there are not many iron plates, they will be controlled by magnetism.

So, Carl came up and played a big one!

...asking for flowers...

The two warships were sucked into the sky, and then flung towards the warship where Kizaru and Hei Sheng were, and Marine was in a mess.

"Hey, hello, isn't it too much for you to say hello this morning? These are the elite sailors of two warships. How can you make such a disaster?"

Kizaru was talking nonchalantly, and the whole person turned into light particles and appeared in front of Carl, condensing the lightsaber from the middle and slashing at Carl.

Black Widow was not idle either, and saw a pair of small wings growing from his back, and quickly flew up, wrapping around Haki's fist and greeting Carl's head.

Carl smiled and drew out his two knives to block the attacks of the two.

But Carl still took a look at Hei Sheng's wings, "So that's it, is it a flying snake? It looks like it's either a phantom beast or an ancient one. Army Admiral is really a coat!"

Kizaru suddenly became speechless] This guy actually copied his lines!

"You can laugh now, but you will cry later!" Hei Teng cursed and continued to attack.

As for the two warships that were left behind, the two quasi-Admirals had to figure out a solution.

"Really, this Lightning Great Swordsman is really troublesome!"

The tea dolphin couldn't help complaining, jumped into the air, kicked the two warships, and kicked them away. The two warships turned over in the air, and finally the bottom of the ship hit the sea.

Fortunately, the warship is strong, otherwise it is estimated that the bottom of the ship will be directly smashed and leaked.

The faces of the sailors on the boat were all pale. The roller coaster just now was too exciting, but fortunately they held on tightly, not only did not one die, but no one fell into the water.

The quality of these sailors is really good!

However, at this moment, explosions were heard from the coast in other directions.

The tea dolphin's expression changed immediately, "Oops! This Carl deliberately appeared to intercept us, Straw Hat Crew wants to break through from other directions!"

Momousagi's complexion is not good, "I said earlier that this formation is not good, how can Straw Hat Crew be surrounded so easily! There are only two Vice Admirals over there, and they can't stop Roronoa at all. Zoro and Trafalgar. Luo , Straw Hat Crew is about to break out!"

However, the two complained and complained, but they still rushed to the coast where the accident happened. .

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