Sailing: Captain, Raftel is Here

Chapter 325 T-Bone Captain: I Hate Curved Swordsmanship The Most (Midnight)

After Carl flew away, Straw Hat Crew also started to act.

The clever Luo chose a direction, and everyone ran together, and was quickly diverted by Zoro, a road idiot, but fortunately, they reached the coast smoothly.

There are two warships wandering not far from the shore, each with a Vice Admiral guarding the ship.

"Since that's the case, I'll take the initiative first and show the Marines the power of the super robot General Franky!"

Franky raised his right palm as he spoke, and saw that the palm of his hand was filled with light, and a laser shot out in the next second, hitting one of the warships.

Boom! The warship was blown out of a big hole.

"Enemy Attack! Enemy Attack! It's Straw Hat Crew!"

The Marines of the two warships were in a mess, and the two Vice Admirals rushed ashore decisively on the Moonwalk, followed by several Rear Admirals and Commodores, and even a few Captains.

Although being attacked by the Straw Hat Crew did not make Marine timid.

The Straw Hat Crew is military merit in the eyes of the marine generals, so naturally they have to actively face it, even if they know that the opponent is the Five Emperors, they don't hesitate.

The quality of these Marines is really good!

"It's a laser! Franky is amazing!" Chopper and Beppo's eyes lit up.

"Super——" Franky displayed his own exclusive POSS.

At this time, Franky has changed a lot. The original ordinary iron skin has also been replaced by a pacifist alloy. Laser devices are installed everywhere on his body, and his whole body has become much taller and stronger. More importantly, Franky's energy is different from that of pacifists. He uses Coke. At this time, there are three Cokes in his stomach, which is enough for Franky to roar for several days.

Franky has developed a technology that directly connects the body with the water shell, so it doesn't need to be so troublesome to pour out Berry's Coke.

"Look at my super invincible General Franky Iron Cloud Sword!"

I saw Franky pull out the iron cloud knife behind his back and sweep forward, the iron cloud knife suddenly lengthened like a whip, and directly swept several Captains who came stepping on Moonwalk in midair.

These Captains are not flexible enough, so naturally they cannot avoid Franky's surprise attack.

"Isn't this the Iron Cloud Knife!" Chopper and Bebo couldn't help complaining.

But seeing the enemy coming, everyone didn't have the time to joke around, and started to fight one after another.

"Judo Strengthening! Kung Fu Reindeer! Ah Hi!"

Chopper quickly changed shape, and the measurements of the whole body became wider, and he chose a Captain to start working. I saw that his moves were swift and swift, and immediately he hit the Captain with no strength to fight back.

Bei Bo cooperated with Xia Qi and Pei Jin, and the two of them formed a three-stage kick with a bear, kicking several Commodores in turn.

At this time, a masked Vice Admiral rushed to Zoro with a big knife.

"Die, Roronoa Zoro! I am Bastiyo, 'Zhanjiao'!"

After the sword was cut down, it was easily taken over by Zoro with three swords.

Zoro smiled and said, "Oh, he's still a Vice Admiral, and his strength is pretty good. But I don't have time to play with you today. My opponent is Momousagi, a great swordsman. You can go!"

"Hmph! Just because you still want to fight Momousagi Vice Admiral, it doesn't matter!"

Bastiyu sneered in disdain, and slashed wildly with the big knife in his hand. The knife technique was extremely fierce, and it should be the knife technique he learned when he killed the Sea Kings.

But Zoro still just used a knife to deal with it, and didn't feel it was difficult.

He wants to warm up before Momousagi arrives, so this guy who kills dragons is really suitable.

As for the other Vice Admiral, it was undoubtedly blocked by Luo. This Vice Admiral was called Mozambique, and he was also a swordsman, but his strength seemed to be mediocre.

Fortunately, the number of Marine generals is quite large, and the Straw Hat Crew is basically many to one, but this is only a 50-50 situation.

Even vaguely fell into a disadvantage!

At this time, the two warships also began to dock, and a large number of sailors rushed down to encircle the Straw Hat Crew.

"Justice sailors, come with me and destroy the evil pirates!"

A tall, ugly man with a face like a skeleton yelled loudly, then drew his double-edged sword and rushed towards Tashigi, apparently having already chosen his target.

Tashigi knocked out several sailors with the back of his sword, and also locked on the other side.

"T-bone Captain!"

Tashigi has also heard about this Captain.

Despite his scary appearance, he is an upright and gentle military officer who takes great care of his subordinates and is also very gentle to the common people. In addition, the strength is also very extraordinary.

Tashigi really doesn't want to face such a person....

"Marine traitor Tashigi, watch me T-bone bring you to justice!"

T-bone Captain's big sword drew a square slash in the air, "I am an upright person, and I hate curved swordsmanship the most. Watch me slash at a right angle!"

Tashigi didn't dare to neglect, he flicked the black knife Qiushui in his hand, and immediately sent out a flying slash.

With a bang, the flying slash and right-angle slash collided and exploded in mid-air. However, the T-bone Captain kept on stepping, his long legs accelerated him, and within two breaths he was at Wosiqi's feet.

The double-edged sword went straight to Tashigi's head!

Tashigi sighed helplessly, held the knife in both hands and drew a sword flower, and with a slash, Shiyu immediately chopped the T-bone Captain to the ground.

She really doesn't want to hurt such a person, but she is fighting now, if she doesn't defeat the opponent, she will fall down herself.

"Oh, it's so difficult to be an undercover agent, and you want to hurt your own people!"

Tashigi felt annoyed, but immediately took a few steps back to let the sailors come up to rescue him. It's just that Tashigi didn't expect that those sailors didn't care about the T-bone Captain at all, but continued to come.

"No, save people quickly..."

"Shut up! Traitor Tashigi! We will avenge Captain T-Bone!"

Tashigi was stunned by these words. Captain T-bone was only injured, not dead at all. If you want to take revenge, you have to drag him down for treatment first.

Otherwise, you will really die later!

What's going on with these sailors? 4.8, they seem to be of good quality, but they do things like this!

Tashigi was very angry, and the consequences were naturally very serious. She pulled out Huazhou again, brandishing two knives and shuttled among the sea soldiers, and the sea soldiers fell to the ground one after another as she passed.

She doesn't even use the back of her knife now, let these sailors be injured, let them know the importance of timely treatment!

On the other side, Robin and Nami cooperate with each other.

Robin was responsible for restraining these sailors, and Nami was responsible for thundering, and it didn't take long for a large group of sailors to fall to the ground. Some Marine officers wanted to rush up, but the same happened

If the strength is not at the level of Commodore, it is impossible to break through to Luo Fu and Nami!

As for Marie, at this moment she was still eating biscuits on Li Kei's back, and she didn't seem to have the slightest interest in fighting. If a sea soldier rushed up, basically they couldn't escape Liji's claws. .

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