Sailing: Captain, Raftel is Here

Chapter 348 Sexy Cook, Can't You Even Control Your Strength? (Please Reward And Ask For Flowers

"Hey, Luffy, I should be the one to fight this Van der Deyken, but you are robbing me!" Sanji complained dissatisfied.

"It doesn't matter, it's going to fly anyway."

Luffy said with a smirk on his face, "And I think it's too cheap to beat this guy directly, so I put a lot of water, let's go up together and beat him up to your heart's content!"

When did Luffy get this bad!

This idea flashed in the hearts of the partners, and then they saw Vander Daken IX planted on the ground, and wailed in pain. It seems that Luffy didn't release the water, but the sea, and he didn't even knock anyone out.

That's great, so everyone can have a share!

"Hey, don't hit too hard, give me the last punch!" Franky, who was helping to coat the film, shouted.

"Don't worry Franky, I use the back of the knife." Zoro smiled evilly.

"Indeed, it's too cheap to kill or stun such a scum directly. He should be taught a good lesson. I will also use the back of the knife this time." Tashigi's rare husband and wife.

"Agreed! Everyone, remember to keep your hands!" Xiao 3, Zangao, Chopper, Brook and others all agreed.

Then, Vander Dyken IX felt the deep malice of the Straw Hats. A group of people surrounded him, punched him, kicked him or stabbed him with a knife. 833 beat him up and screamed, but he never fought back.

Even Shark Star rushed up and punched him twice, finally venting his anger for many years!

Click! The cautious Franky put the seastone bracelet on Van der Daken IX, then crumpled him into a ball and hit the others like a volleyball.

"Hahaha! This is fun!" Luffy laughed and took the ball.

Little 3 was even more able to organize himself. He directly used his ability to create a simple volleyball court in an instant, and then the Straw Hats were automatically divided into two groups and started to play Vanderdeken volleyball.

Bebo, Jambalu and other members of the Red Heart Group who did not participate couldn't bear to look directly at it.

The kind-hearted Shirahoshi couldn't bear it, but seeing the Straw Hats having so much fun in the end, he couldn't help laughing through his tears. Anyway, Van der Daken IX has not been killed, so there should be no problem.

Sharkstar and the Murloc team were also stunned by the operation of the Straw Hats.

These guys are simply demons. They even hit people like volleyballs, which is more uncomfortable and painful than killing people directly. When Van der Daken IX encountered this group of demons, it can be said that he would not be miserable.

Vander Daken IX was so ashamed and angry that he wanted to commit suicide.

Now the anger in his heart was burning, no matter who the other party was, he immediately started to shout:

"See you in Mianjin! Kill them for me!"

However, his yelling did not shake the Straw Hats, and they continued to play volleyball happily. Not long after, a huge humanoid monster appeared with an angry expression

"Captain Van der Daken, here I come, which one should I fight this time..."

When Mianjin saw the Straw Hat Crew, he immediately stopped in fright, and then saw the little squid slowly emerging from the depths of the coral, and immediately turned and ran away in fright.

Van der Dyken IX was stunned, "See you in Mianjin! What the hell are you running for?!"

Mianjin didn't even look back, "Captain, these people are amazing, I'm no match!"

It's just that before Mianjin Jian ran away, the tentacles of the little squid had already entangled him, pressing him tightly to the ground, unable to move at all. Van der Dyken IX was also surprised when he saw the little squid. He remembered that this Kurakon belonged to Hody Jones. How come it became the subordinate of the Straw Hats now?!

"Huh? Isn't that what, that humanoid monster that was beaten away." Zoro recalled.

"It's the monster I encountered after crossing the submarine volcano, and was beaten away by the squid." Tashigi added thoughtfully.

"Hahaha! The little squid did a good job!"

Luffy is clearly in a good mood, after all playing volleyball does make him happy.

He even thought about how to buy a real volleyball, so that when the time comes, all the players will play together, and it will be even better if there is another game. Now when using a murloc as a ball, I dare not use too much force, for fear of killing the person directly. (ccde) Bang! Van der Dyken IX was hit by a smash ball and passed out completely.

"Sorry, I used too much force." Sanji apologized in his mouth, but there was no apology on his face.

"It's really useless, perverted cook, can't you even control your strength? Zoro didn't forget to take the opportunity to mock Sanji.

"Cut! That's because my love for Princess Shirahoshi is too deep, and my anger towards Van der Daken keeps growing, so I can't control my strength. This is a manifestation of my love, you don't understand anything at all It's called love!" Sanji replied.

"Heh! You don't have a woman in your heart, you draw your sword and you are a god of nature. It is because you are too lustful that you are at the bottom of the straw hat group.

"What are you talking about? Green Algae Head, don't be self-righteous. No matter how I look at it, he is the third combat force of the Straw Hats. This matter is not only recognized by the ship, but also recognized by the sea!"

"Really? Someone's reward is not high, but his tone is not small."

"Damn it! Chlorella head, let's compete now if you have the ability, I will definitely beat you to the ground!"

"Come on! I'm afraid you're a bad cook?!"

The two started arguing again, they rolled up their sleeves and wiped their fists to fight, but none of the others persuaded them to fight, anyway, this pair of happy enemies couldn't fight in the end.

Luffy picked up Van der Dyken IX and threw it to Sharkstar.

"Brother Xing, I will leave this guy to you. As I said, Cowardly Xing can come here whenever she wants, and she will no longer be in danger!"

"Thank you so much, Captain Straw Hat!"

Shark-eyed Kakuzu burst into tears, thinking that his sister was finally liberated, and felt happy for a while.

Shirahoshi is also very happy to thank, "Thank you Luffy-sama, thank you everyone!"

When Hai Zhisen dealt with Van der Daken IX, Jinbei had already surrounded Murloc Street with a group of Dragon Palace soldiers. Although it has not been confirmed to Princess Shirahoshi that Hody Jones is the real culprit who assassinated Princess Otohime, but the Ryugu banned drug was indeed stolen. Jinbei believes that Hody Jones is a potential hazard, so he chooses to make a quick decision.

Take Hoddy Jones himself!

The murlocs in Murloc Street couldn't help but panic when they found out that the soldiers were blocking it, but they couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when they saw Qiping.

For everyone, Jinbei is a very loyal and reasonable person, and he will not do anything to others casually, so there must be some reason this time.

"Boss Jinbei, what happened?"

"That's right, Boss Jinbei, whoever committed the crime, just tell me, and we will cooperate in the arrest!"

"Could it be Hody Jones and the others, they've been sneaking around lately and don't know what they're doing!"

Everyone in Murloc Street greeted Jinbei one after another.

However, Jinbei caught one of the sentences and immediately asked, "Where are Hody Jones and the others now?!".

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