Sailing: Captain, Raftel is Here

Chapter 349 Hody Jones, Did You Really Kill Otohime?

Forest of the sea.

A group of unexpected guests came here suddenly.

The first one is the curly-haired great white shark man Hody Jones, and there are also the striped murloc Jeo, the octopus swordsman Leopard, the squid man Mushi, the moray man Hammond, and the cigar dharma murloc Dharma.

There were at least a thousand murlocs following behind, and it seemed that those who came were not kind.

Shark Star's expression became serious, and he asked, "Hody Jones, what are you trying to do?!"

"Hahahaha! What are you doing?"

Hody Jones laughed loudly and said: "Of course it is to eliminate you royal families who are friendly with the human race, and let The fish men island- stand up completely!"

Purge the royal family?

What are you kidding?!

"You are no longer worthy to rule the fish men island. You have forgotten the hatred between the fish men island and the human race, and you chose to attach yourself to the human race. You have completely forgotten how the human race treats our compatriots. So, this time, I want to catch your eldest prince And Princess Shirahoshi, force Neptune to abdicate, and I, Hody Jones, will lead The fish men island to a glorious future!"

Hody Jones opened his arms towards the sky and spoke his own declaration.

This sounds really interesting, but the Straw Hats on the opposite side directly set off Hoddy Jones like a clown.

"Who is this guy?" Luffy asked, picking his nose.

"It seems to be Hoddy Jones, but he is a murloc." Zoro had a very understanding expression.

"It's all about the weak. If you want to catch Princess Shirahoshi, you have to see if they have the ability. Princess Shirahoshi will be guarded by me!" Sanji said what anime male protagonists would say.

Howdy Jones naturally noticed the Straw Hat Crew.

Few people in The Fish Men Island don't know about the prestige of the Five Emperors, but Hody Jones thinks it's just bragging, and the fish men should be the strongest in the sea.

Especially a new murloc like him who has taken a lot of strong ES drugs!

"The rumored Straw Hat Crew of the Five Emperors? It's nothing more than a group of skinny monkeys. You can't stop my plan. If you are sensible, hide aside immediately. I guess I can leave you as a whole corpse!" Hody Jones was so crazy side.

But Luffy just looked at Hoddy Jones and didn't speak.

Straw Hat Crew just looked at Hoddy Jones like he was looking at a fool.

Shirahoshi's pupils shrank at this time, and he completely recognized Hody Jones, only to hear her trembling voice, "You, you are Hody Jones? The one who killed my mother?!"

Hody Jones was taken aback for a moment, and his eyes narrowed.

Sharkstar was shocked, "Shirahoshi, what are you talking about? Hody Jones is the one who killed his mother?!"

Shirahoshi's tears fell immediately, "Eight years ago, Mekaro saw it with his own eyes, and then told me. But my mother said, don't hate the assassin, so I haven't said it. But, but, blah blah blah. ………”

But a person who killed his mother, no matter how kind Shirahoshi is, it is impossible to forgive him!

Shark star was instantly outraged, he didn't expect Hody Jones to be the murderer who killed his mother, even if he had his mother's order, he would be willful this time.

Kill Hoddy Jones!


Shark star rushed over directly, and stabbed forward with the trident. It was the sound of piercing through the air that could be heard with all his strength.

It's just that Hody Jones didn't move at all, he just raised his hand and grabbed the trident, then threw Shark Star and the trident aside, with a look of disdain on his face.

"Oh! With your strength, you want to avenge Princess Otohime? As the princess of The fish men island, Otohime advocates peaceful coexistence with human beings. She has already betrayed The fish men island, let alone those who were killed by humans What's wrong with me killing her? Today I want to kill all the royal family. We don't need to be friends with humans, but we should remember hatred! Murlocs are the strongest race, why should they bow down to humans, why should they be killed by humans? slavery, so I will lead The fish men island to dominate the entire sea!"


Howdy Jones' declaration received cheers from a group of younger brothers.

It sounds like that, and Hody Jones looks like a hero of rebellion for national revival now, but it would be nice if that was the case.

This guy has ambitions of his own!

It is not so great that he instigates the hatred between human beings and The fish men island, but for his selfish desire to rule The fish men island!

"Did you really kill Otohime, Hody Jones?"

An old voice came, and Neptune with a painful face came on a whale mount.

Hody Jones and the others were taken aback immediately, thinking that their plan had been exposed, but when they looked around, they found that there were no other soldiers. They immediately knew that Neptune had come alone, and instantly regained their confidence.


It would be better if Neptune came, just force him to abdicate!

But before Hody Jones could do anything, Jinbei rushed over with a group of soldiers, and soon surrounded Haizhisen. The murlocs from Murloc Street were also here, as well as the murlocs and mermaids who heard the news and rushed over to watch the excitement.

After hearing Neptune's words, many people looked at Hody Jones in shock.

At the beginning, Hody Jones said on the spot that it was human beings who assassinated the princess, but now he did not expect that he did it himself.

This thief shouting "Catch Thief" is really fun!

But at the beginning, many people believed his nonsense!

Hody Jones stopped pretending, and laughed loudly: "I'm just trying to let the murlocs remember their hatred for humans. Is there something wrong?"

Such words made everyone gnash their teeth.

Jinbei stood at the forefront at this time, facing Hody Jones, and said earnestly: "Hoddy Jones, you don't understand the strength of the human race, nor the weakness of our murlocs. The princess has worked so hard to protect Our rights to The fish men island, yet you killed her!"

"Shut up!"

But Hody Jones retorted: "Boss Jinbei, I will call you boss at the end. As a warrior from The fish men island, you always support the human race and even attach yourself to the human race. You have forgotten the cruelty that the human race has done to our people." Is something wrong?! If so, you are also a damned person!"

Jinbei shook his head helplessly, "You are already terminally ill, there is no hope for salvation."

It's true that Hody Jones is terminally ill. He was fascinated by ambition, and he held up the banner of revenge on mankind for The Fish Men Island, but completely ignored the safety of The Fish Men Island.

He just wants to rule The fish men island, but he's no more!

"Since this is the case, I will be your opponent, and I will make you realize your mistakes!"

Jinbei said in a deep voice, and at the same time put on a posture.

Huang Xing and Crashing Xing also arrived at this time with a group of soldiers, joined up with the big prince Shark Xing, and surrounded Hody Jones' people tightly.

Neptune said wearily: "Jinbei, don't live, I will bear all the sins!".

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