Chapter 059 Celestial Dragons? I'm fighting Celestial Dragons!

That's right, the man who came was the master of the group of people who just fell down.

The whole thing is actually not complicated.

On his way to visit the Kingdom of Goa in the East Sea, the Celestial Dragon Saint Chalmaco passed through Rogue Town and spent 300 million Baileys to buy Arrietty of the Dongdata tribe in an underground auction.

However, just after the auction ended, Arrietty unexpectedly escaped.


Chalmaco arranged for the tall and thin butler to dig three feet underground to find Arrietty.

The butler tracked the auctioneer all the way to the food store just now through the tracking equipment of the auctioneer.

Thinking that it was a sure thing, he immediately sent someone to inform the master to take credit.

Unexpectedly, this happened to be seen by Lu En.

Chalmaco Saint looked at the fallen guards and butler, and then looked at Lu En and Makino.

Without saying a word, he took out a pistol and was about to shoot at Lu En.

A similar scene reappeared again.

All the guards around Saint Chalmar fell down instantly.

Saint Chalmar himself was suppressed and knelt on the ground, facing Lu En.

The pistol had already fallen to the ground.

In his current state, he even had difficulty speaking.

This was because Lu En was holding back.

Saint Chalmar was a celestial dragon, and he was used to being domineering.

He had never been treated like this before.

"I am a high and mighty celestial dragon!"

"If you dare to do this to me, you're dead!"

"I want the Navy, CP0……"

The reason why Lu En didn't knock down Saint Chalmers all at once was to personally deal with this guy who thought he was the best.


Lu En punched the square hood of Charles Mark Saint and shattered the glass.

The shattered braids were all over his head.

The crowd watched from a distance and dared not approach.

"Am I seeing things? Is the person kneeling on the ground really a celestial dragon?"

"That's right, it's the Celestial Dragons. The world's noble Celestial Dragons!"

"Who else but a celestial dragon would wear a hood on his head?"

"Oh my god! This handsome guy is so fierce! He even dares to fight against the Celestial Dragons!"

"I think he is desperate! Beating up the Celestial Dragons in the street! I didn't even think twice, but he just did it!"

"The Celestial Dragon was beaten so badly! Look, his hood was blown off! His hair was messed up! His face was disfigured! He was kneeling in the street! It was so miserable! But I had a lot of fun watching it!"

"Now it's time to watch a good show! It's like the World Government has been slapped in the face! This is not going to end well!"

Lu En didn't have time to deal with the crowd's discussion at this moment.

He punched Saint Chalmar in the face with both fists.

The trouble was that Saint Chalmar was too weak to take a beating. Lu En needed to control the strength deliberately, otherwise he would be killed with one punch, which would be too boring.

"Celestial Dragon?"

"Are the Celestial Dragons so great?"

"I'm going to beat you, the Celestial Dragons!"

He just wanted to let the Celestial Dragons have a taste of being humiliated and oppressed.

Looking at the bruised and battered Saint Chalmaco,

Lu En felt very happy.

He suddenly thought of a word: a big headache, which was the most appropriate to describe the current Saint Chalmaco.

Lu En wiped the blood off his hands with his white coat, and then reached out to take Arrietty out.

"Arrietty, do you want to throw a few punches to vent your anger?"

Arrietty leaned over and saw that Chalmarco had collapsed to the ground, looking like a corpse.

She shook her head and thought about it, as if she would not feel relieved if she did not hit him a few times, but if she really had to hit him, she was reluctant to dirty her hands.


Arrietty made a move that surprised Lu En and Makino.

She actually spat at Chalmarco on the ground.

Just after spitting, she remembered that Lu En was also there, and Arrietty immediately fled back to Lu En's pocket in embarrassment.

Lu En thought it was quite funny.

If a girl could spit without caring about her image, it just showed that she hated a person very much.

Lu Lu En didn't care about Saint Charmaco anymore, and left directly with Makino and Arrietty.

It's not that Lu En didn't dare to kill the Celestial Dragons.

On the contrary, in the eyes of Lu En, a time traveler, nobles, Celestial Dragons and ordinary people are all the same, there is no difference.

The reason why he didn't kill Saint Charmaco is because there is no need to do so now, and it is not to the point where he must be killed.

If he really kills this guy, then the World Government will probably send at least a general-level person to capture and suppress him for the sake of face.

Lu En thinks it's troublesome, it's better to have less trouble than more.

The most important thing now is to find a place first and think about how to arrange Arrietty of the Dondatta tribe.


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