Chapter 060 Naval Movements

Meeting room of the Navy Headquarters.

Sengoku, Garp, Kizaru, Akainu, Aokiji and other high-ranking naval officers gathered in the meeting room for a meeting.

Garp had a large bag of senbei in his left hand, chewing them with relish.

Kizaru and Aokiji were panting heavily, looking like they were still sleepy. From time to time, they glanced helplessly at Garp, and their meaning was very clear.

"Hey, you're eating too loudly! You're disturbing my sleep."

Akainu was still normal, waiting for Marshal Sengoku to speak.

Sengoku looked at these people, feeling helpless. He cleared his throat and

"Just now the World Government sent a message."

"There was a Tianlong who was beaten half to death in Luoge Town, East Sea."

"Everyone, tell us what you think and how to deal with it."

Garp put down the senbei and said cheerfully,

"Awesome! You are worthy of being a man from the East China Sea!"

"If I wasn't a marine, I would have wanted to fight the Celestial Dragons a long time ago!"

"What the hell, a bunch of idiots, it makes me angry just looking at them!"

"What a pity, he is only half dead!"

Zhan Guo saw that Garp was not serious, so he interrupted immediately.

"Kuzan, Borsalino, you two should also say something!"

Kizaru wiped his nose and said perfunctorily,

""Okay, I agree."

Aokiji was still as lazy as ever.

"No problem, I have no objection."

Seeing that Sengoku's face was livid, Akainu spoke up for the sake of the overall situation.

"Logically speaking, the East China Sea is the safest sea area."

"With Colonel Smoker in charge of Rogue Town, there will definitely be no problem."


"Since the World Government has officially notified us, for the sake of the government's reputation, I think it would be enough to send a lieutenant general to handle it."

Zhan Guo slapped the table.

"I mean that too."

"Then let Vice Admiral Taotu go! Just consider it as a holiday for her."

"Meeting adjourned!"


Taotu's office.

Taotu put down the Den Den Mushi and muttered to herself,

"East Sea Roge Town?"

"It’s this legendary city again. It seems like I haven’t been there for a long time!"

"I really miss it!"

"In One Piece Gol·D·The city where Roger was executed, beating the Celestial Dragon to his knees in the street, it was really interesting"

"No wonder those old guys in the World Government can't sit still"

"This is not just a slap in the face, this is stepping on the face"

"I just don't know."

"A guy with such courage can last a few rounds under my hands. I hope he is not too weak."

While Taotu was still thinking secretly, her private Den Den Mushi rang again

"Hello, Taotu, I just heard that our headquarters asked you to go on a mission to Rogge Town in the East China Sea?"

"Sister He, I just wanted to say hello to you before I left. Unexpectedly, you beat me to it."

"I won't say much else. I trust your ability. But there is one thing I want to ask you."

"Sister He, what can I do for you?"

"Isn't Smoker stationed in Rogue Town? You know, he is Zephyr's student. Although Zephyr left the Navy, Zephyr and I are of the same age. Smoker has a stubborn temper, so for my sake, Taotu, you should take care of him a little."Taotu nodded, and immediately thought of the scene of Smoker smoking and cursing in her mind.

What a straightforward guy who is a headache,

"Okay. But Sister He, you also know that guy's temper. He never takes anyone seriously."

"That guy is really a headache, otherwise he wouldn't have been assigned to the East China Sea. That's it!"

Taotu put down the Den Den Mushi, packed up a little, and prepared to set off.


Rogue Town Naval Base.

Smoker was very angry. He usually smoked two cigarettes at a time.

But now, he was smoking three cigarettes at the same time.


"Why are there so many bad things happening lately, one after another, seemingly endless!"

"Just before we were asked to arrest three women,"

"Now we have to capture this man and this woman, and some little human race"

"They even sent Lieutenant General Taotu over!"

"Which deity has come to our Rogue Town and made me restless!"

Dashiqi stood upwind of Smoker, pushed his glasses and replied,

"Colonel, I have already investigated everything."

"It's all the same thing."

Smoker was smoking a cigarette, his voice was a little unclear.

"The same thing?"

"What happened? Tell me in detail."

Dashiqi handed Smoker a photo.

"All these things were caused by this celestial dragon, Chalmako Saint."


"The conflict with the three women of the pirate Nami was also instigated by this Celestial Dragon's men."

"this time,"

"It was because this Celestial Dragon was beaten that the headquarters sent Vice Admiral Taotu here."

After hearing this, Smoker didn't care.


"It turns out it was because of a celestial dragon."

"Why don't these idiots stay in Marijoa and come out for no reason?"

"You can run away if you want, but why the hell did you come to the East China Sea for no reason?"

"If you want to come to the East China Sea, just come to the East China Sea, but why are you running to Rogue Town for no reason?"

"If you want to come to Rogue Town, just come to Rogue Town, but don’t you dare cause trouble on my territory!"

"You are looking for trouble yourself, who else should I hit if not you?"

"well played!"

"These idiots deserve to be punished! They act like they are worth a lot of money. If I wasn't a marine, I would have taken action a long time ago."

Tashigi saw that Smoker was getting more and more ridiculous.

"Colonel! Watch your words!"

"What are you afraid of! This is my territory, I can't just talk nonsense!"

Dashiqi crossed her arms in front of her chest, a little speechless.

"Colonel, what should we do next?"

"What should I do? Just do whatever you want! Or continue to look for someone, what can I do!"

Smoker thought of something and ordered,

"Also, send some people to the vicinity of that Tianlong's residence to make a gesture."

"It would be a real problem if this idiot was really beaten to death!"

"Also, let's find out who beat the Celestial Dragons? What are their backgrounds?"

"I'm quite curious, who has the guts to beat up a celestial dragon in the street? He's a real man!"

"There is one more thing."

"Before Vice Admiral Taotu arrives, let's not act rashly!"

Dashiqi went out to make arrangements and started investigating Lu En.

Smoker's mood inexplicably improved, and he even hummed a song. I wonder if he was happy that the Celestial Dragon was beaten? Or was he curious about the person who beat the Celestial Dragon?

"They actually sent Lieutenant General Taotu here!"

"Taotu is not an ordinary lieutenant general, he is a real substitute for the general!"

"Things are really becoming more and more interesting!"

"Who on earth could have made such a big noise? I can't wait to meet you!"...........................................................

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