Sailing: The Kingdom Of God I Created Has Been Exposed!

144. List Rewards! Shock! Many Students Advanced To The Top Level! (Seeking Subscription)

【Rocks: World government is completely crazy!!】

If it was said that the World government is crazy!

That's an exaggerated adjective at best.

But now looking at Jin Xing's obviously flattering barrage that tends to lick dogs!

At this moment, they really think that the World government is crazy!

【Kaido: The World government has been facing the monster Dragon Kingdom, and now there is a nest of little monsters behind this monster, it's not surprising to be scared crazy!】

【Bonney: Are you scared now? Why did you go early!!】

[Luo: No matter what, the forces that pose a slight threat to the Dragon Kingdom cannot fall into the eyes of the World Government. Regardless of their pity now, how many islands and kingdoms they had in the past were wiped out by them! I suggest that the Dragon Kingdom control the ancient demon king! 】

【Buggy: Yes!!】

【Whitebeard: I never thought that you guys would be so afraid of dying to this point!!】

【Auntie: Hey, you are the noble Celestial Dragons! Don’t be a licking dog like that Buggy-ah?!】


Four Emperors know nothing, what's wrong with Yangou!?

【Jupiter: Stupid, what good is war! The peace promoted by the Dragon Kingdom is an example that the world should learn from!】

【Roger: Another Crazy One!!】

【Rayleigh: Hahaha!】

【Jabba: Hahaha!!】

"These bastards!!" Jin Xing and the others looked at the pirates who mocked them!

His face was extremely ugly, but he could only hold back his breath!

These damned pirates!!

If there is no Dragon Kingdom, how would these pirates dare to mock themselves and others!

At this time, the summary of Alesia's education list is also out!

[Kingdom Education List NO.2: The person who has the greatest influence on the education system, Gordon!]

There is only one teaching and one learning left in a kingdom!

This honor naturally falls to the person who taught it!

The fish men island, the third episode of Wood Expulsion line, will start airing soon!!

Everyone sat down and watched!

Because after this video! Coming soon to the question bonus!

The sky screen video rotates, and a beautiful fairy-tale island in the sea of ​​10,000 meters is in the eyes of the world!

【Civilian A: My God!! Is The fish men island so beautiful?!】

【Civilian B: It's like a fairy tale kingdom, so many beautiful mermaids!】

[Civilian C: Now that I know that the murlocs don’t have any so-called diseases, I must go to The fish men island in my lifetime!]

in the video!

The relationship between murlocs and humans is not good!

Clans hate each other!

And the main field of vision soon fell on Otohime.

She is committed to improving the prejudices of humans and murlocs!

She gave speeches across the country, promoting peaceful coexistence of people!

Lead by example, personally save many human beings in distress, and establish a good relationship between the two!

But it was not accepted by the murlocs at first!

The prejudice against each other is already very deep!!

She was also distressed and disappointed, but she is still working hard!

In a drunken vent-like speech! On the contrary, he convinced many clansmen.

And let them sign an agreement that they are willing to go to land to live in peace with humans!

But because Fisher Tiger escaped from the Holy Land and revealed the true face of the World government!

The murlocs were once again resistant to humans, and they wanted their signed documents back one after another!

Change the murloc for the first time, fight for the future of The fish men island - fail!

For this reason, Princess Otohime has been missing for a long time.

But she didn't give up, and continued day after day, year after year... …

【Bonney: It turns out that it is so difficult for two ethnic groups to understand each other!】

Then the video turned to the scene before Fisher Tiger died!

On the surface, he still hopes that humans and murlocs can coexist peacefully!

But he who was a slave to the Celestial Dragons!

I don't believe in any human beings in my bones!

I would rather die myself than survive with human blood!

This scene shocked countless people!

【Bonney: Celestial Dragons is damn it!】

【Luo: Human beings are not all bad!】

【Whitebeard: Let people who have been persecuted recognize the so-called coexistence, it is as difficult as heaven!】

【Rayleigh: I would rather die than use human blood!】

And in the video, under the insistence of Princess Otohime for many years!

The murlocs were once again persuaded by Princess Otohime, group!

Because Princess Otohime not only said, she also did!

It is believed that she really wants a better future for The fish men island!

I hope that the murlocs can live under the real sunshine on an equal footing with humans!

During this period, even the hatred and prejudice between murlocs and humans will not continue.

Rescue the Celestial Dragons in distress!

You must know that many murlocs were captured and became the playthings of Celestial Dragons!

And what about Fisher Tiger, the murlocs hate Celestial Dragons!

But Princess Otohime still insisted on doing so!

【Boss Bai: Repaying complaints with kindness, she is an amazing person!】

Those who can do this are amazing and great!

Because this kind of thing is really not something that ordinary people can do, nor can it be understood by ordinary people!

Maybe it's not because she doesn't hate, but because of the overall situation, she has to do so!

And doing so has indeed turned things around.

She escorted the Celestial Dragons back to the Holy Land and got the agreement approved!

A new round of signature collection has begun, but everything is developing for the better!

The murlocs are full of hope to live on it!

A gunshot shattered all hope!

Princess Otohime was shot and killed! The murderer even hyped that it was done by humans!

And killed a pirate human!

Let the murlocs resist setting foot on land again!

But this scene was completely played by the sky screen video at this moment!

【Nepton: Hody Jones!!! So you did it! No human did it at all! You bastard!! You ruined all of Otohime's hard work!!】

【Camie: How could this happen?!】

【Murloc A: Captain Hodi, it was you who killed Otohime!】

【Jinbei: Why didn't I doubt you back then!!】

At this moment, many murlocs suddenly realized!!

It turns out that they have misunderstood human beings all along!

【Hody Jones: So what am I doing? We are such a noble race, why do we need to coexist with any human beings, just conquer them! Foolish Otohime!!】

【Rocks: So crazy?! Could it be very strong?】

【Aunt: Did you see your shadow in him?】

【Buggy: It's so hard! In order for the two ethnic groups to coexist peacefully and equally, Princess Otohime has worked hard for more than ten or twenty years, but in the end she died, and the ideal has still not been realized!】

【Luo: What a pity!】

[Bonney: Before Longguo only used two videos to cooperate with the publicity, this problem was solved. I thought it was not difficult! Look now! This is more than difficult

It is estimated that it is not so difficult to become a super-class combat force!]

【Marco: That's why the Dragon Kingdom is great and a miracle!】

【Hawkins: No wonder the reaction from the king of The fish men island was so big. I thought it was exaggerated before, but looking at it now, not only is it not exaggerated, but it is also conservative!】

【Stussy: What the Dragon Kingdom does easily is a dream and a miracle that is difficult to realize in other kingdoms!】

【Whitebeard: Although Princess Otohime is dead, the murlocs have not forgotten her teachings. Most murlocs have no ill will toward the humans who arrived on The fish men island, although they don’t have much affection! Her thoughts have always existed among the murlocs. Heart! On the contrary, human beings are still persecuting The fish men island!】

Be the protector of The fish men island!

Of course Whitebeard knew the real situation!

【Kaido: Just now there was a picture of the little mermaid princess, that is... summoned Sea Kings!?】

The eyes of some strong men who knew something about it were fixed!

But no one said it directly!

However, even Ancient Weapon Poseidon!

What is it in front of the Dragon Kingdom!

Hey...don't worry about what you shouldn't have!

Then the screen changed, and the future was involved!

Monkey D. Luffy came to The fish men island and defeated Hody Jones and others!

Solve The fish men island and become The fish men island hero!

When Jinbei transfused blood, people seemed to see the reincarnation of fate!

I thought of Fisher Tiger, but this time it was a different result!

A bridge is built between the two!

Then I saw Princess Shirahoshi, who participated in the World Summit, being rescued by the Celestial Dragons that Princess Otohime had saved!

It's like another cycle!

【Garp: What kind of seeds to plant, what kind of wishes!】

【Kaido: The grandson of Garp actually saved The fish men island on a certain line in the future!】

[Buggy: Although it is quite powerful! But in the Dragon Kingdom, the murlocs not only realize their dream of living on land, but also enjoy the right and education to live on an equal footing with other ethnic groups!]

[Stussy: The most important thing is that Princess Othime has been changing the prejudices of the two ethnic groups for ten years. She is the most important person. Although she is gone, her thoughts have been influencing them. With this foundation, Garp Grandchildren can further change The fish men island! Otherwise, a few more Garp grandchildren will be useless!]

And then comes the summary of the education list!

Also affirmed Princess Otohime's contribution!

Although she died, her thoughts and education to the murlocs have always influenced the entire The fish men island!

Her spirit is alive!!

[Kingdom Education Ranking NO.3: The person who has the most influence on the education system, Otohime!]

This is the first dead person to be honored on the sky screen list!

[Now enter the questioning session, what is the essence of education?]

As soon as this question was asked, countless answers flew through everyone's minds instantly!

Because there are so many that I don't know which answer is correct at this time!

No one is in a hurry to answer at all, mainly because they are completely uncertain!

And the range is huge!

[Kobra: Any kingdom has its purpose in promoting education, and most of the time it is to cultivate talents who are loyal to their own kingdom!

……ask for flowers…

But His Excellency Gao Yang is different, he can even say that if the Dragon Kingdom is not good enough and will be destroyed, then it is not only about cultivating loyalty, but more like enlightening wisdom?]

【Buggy: Let's learn knowledge!】

【Luo: This must be included, but it should be more than that!】

【Sengoku: To cultivate the future and foundation of a country?!】

【Vegapunk: It is the pursuit of truth, it is for the development of science!】

【Rayleigh: What you said makes sense, but I think it should be for children to have their own ability to survive and judge?】

【Red Hair: Is it to teach the children what kind of person to be and pass on their will?】

【Ochoku: Fuck! So many answers? My brain is going to explode! This is not a topic I can touch!】

Although everyone was hesitant and uncertain, they still gave their own answers!

【Roger: Why do you make such a simple question so complicated? It’s all about education, it must be educating people and casting souls!】

[Garp: It seems to make sense! Whether it is for the country, for oneself, enlightenment, or the pursuit of truth and science, this is a process of educating people and casting their hearts and souls!! As for the future, what kind of people they can become depends on What achievement, that is the result of education!]

【Whitebeard: This direct solution? Is it correct?!】

Facts tell Whitebeard!

Sometimes seemingly esoteric questions!

Often the answer is literally!

[The correct answer is educating people and casting souls! The correct answer to this round of questions is Gol·D·Roger!】

[Random rewards are now given to those who answer correctly... Reward the resurrection of the dead!!]

【Sengoku: Can you answer this right?!】

【Garp: Damn it! The bastard Roger is alive again!】

【Rayleigh: Captain!!】

【Red Hair: Captain!!】

【Buggy: Woohoo! Captain!!】

【Morgans: One Piece is back! The sea will rise again!】



Resurgence? There is Dragon Kingdom!

The world government has to bow down now!?

You are a One Piece who has no influence, how can you still think of the situation!!

If you dare to make trouble, Longguo will break your legs and drag you to mine!

Even Roger watched Morgans' barrage!

Silence for a moment!


Morgons soon thought of that too!

A little embarrassing for a while!

【Morgans: Ahem.........Sorry, occupational habits! Occupational habits】

He almost forgot that the times were different!

【All viewers are requested to vote for the kingdom they recognize!】

But this time, the approval rate of Dragon Kingdom was as high as 99.9%!!

Basically everyone who voted voted for Dragon Kingdom!

With this video of both kingdoms!

People are more and more aware that the great Yamato of Dragon Kingdom is extraordinary!

【Jin Xing: We also voted for Dragon Kingdom just now. It was because of some misunderstandings before, but now we have fully realized the real Dragon Kingdom!】

【 Kid: Fuck! A new licking dog is really born!】

【Morgans: They may not have really voted, but this attitude is very intriguing! What are they trying to do?!】

Gao Yang checked the system messages and got three extra resurrection rewards!

And another 20% improvement in all aspects of the kingdom!

This time there is no need to wait any longer!

Because the previous total improvement was 100%!

Now this reward goes up!

The strength of many people is about to break through!

This is a process of qualitative change!

The overall strength of Longguo will go up to a new level!!

So Gao Yang used it directly!

Anyway, now they are the only ones who bully others!

Don't be afraid of being researched!!

Boom boom boom boom boom!!

Suddenly, the location of the Longguo Academy area!

With the terrifying breath of Six Paths, I can no longer control my power zone!

Instantly broke through to the top level!!

Those auras are like bright lights in the dark night! Very conspicuous!

Kurosaki Ichigo, Uchiha Sasuke, Misaka Mikoto, Roke Lee, Claire, Omi!

There are already first-class strong students in these videos!

Breakthrough now!

And look at the Six Paths top-notch aura suddenly rising from the Dragon Kingdom!

Through the secondary screen, many people suddenly came to their senses at this time!

【Morgans: Fuck!!】

【Rocks: Fuck!!】

【Garp: Damn it!!】

【Aunt: Six top experts were born in one fell swoop!!】

【Em: Made!!】

[Dragon: Everyone watched the video so deeply that you all forgot the video we saw, but it was a thing of the past!! Now the Dragon Kingdom has won awards many times! With the talents of those monster students, if you don’t overwhelm , I’m afraid I broke through before! Now I broke through because I couldn’t control it completely!]

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