Sailing: The Kingdom Of God I Created Has Been Exposed!

145. Crazy New List! Akainu: Where's My Magma? ! (Must See! Please Subscribe!)

Everybody look at that Six Paths breath!

It's like my heart has been ravaged six times by a violent storm!

Many of them literally forgot this for a moment!

Because there are so many shocking things about Longguo's education!

The current breakthrough, a king-level talent! Four super-class talents! A top-level talent!

Plus the previous new legion leader and fifteen high-end combat power!

Dragon Kingdom currently has a total of twenty-two high-end combat forces!

In the true sense, it can be compared with the world where no strong man fell before!!

And some of them are stronger!

That's when Whitebeard dropped another bombshell!

【Whitebeard: The students have made a breakthrough. I don’t know if the captains have made a breakthrough. Many captains have already stepped into the super-class realm with half a foot!】

Many people looked at this bullet screen, and their hearts trembled immediately!

It seems impossible!!

【Kaido: This should not be very likely. A top-level powerhouse and a super-class powerhouse are not as simple as being one or two times stronger! It’s not that easy to break through!】

【Ochoku: I believe in Kaido's judgment, he was hammered by super-class combat power!】

【Kaido: Thank you for your trust!】

【Golden Lion: I didn't feel a stronger breakthrough just now!】

【Kizaru: With their control over their own strength, even if they break through, they can control it very well! We don’t want people to perceive it, so naturally we don’t know!】

One word from Kizaru silenced everyone!

Because it is!

So is there any top powerhouse in the Dragon Kingdom who has broken through to the super class?

If yes, how many are there?

They don't know! But the more they don't know!

Feeling more and more anxious inside!

【Bonney: Are you afraid? Actually, it’s not necessary at all, just join the Dragon Kingdom! The future must be the era of the Dragon Kingdom!】

【Morgans: It is also a good way out】

Before, his position was neutral, and he lived very freely!

I don't feel the need to depend on anyone to survive!

But whether the future will still be so free is hard to say!" "Two One Seven"

Gao Yang also got 1500 world source...

The total world source has 5200 points!

And at this time, the sky lit up with new information!

[This education ranking is over, and the next Kingdom ranking will start broadcasting in three days! Advance notice, the next broadcast will be the Kingdom tragedy ranking!]

【This ranking involves the past and the future, and three representative kingdoms will be selected!】

[The top Three Kingdoms in the Kingdom Tragedy Ranking!]

【NO.1: Dragon Kingdom!】

【NO.2: Egherd. D. Kingdom!】

【NO.3: Ohara!】

Watching this preview, people all over the world fell into deathly silence!

Some people wipe their eyes several times in disbelief!

Thought I was wrong!

The Tragedy Kingdom Ranking?! The Dragon Kingdom ranks No. 1!

Still the first to play!!

"Damn it!!!" Im excitedly jumped up from the throne!!

The Five Elders also stood up suddenly!!

Fuck Fuck Fuck!!

What kind of kingdom tragedy list did Dragon Kingdom actually make it to!?

This this...….

"Could it be that we successfully killed the Dragon Kingdom in the future?!"

"How did you do it?!"

If the miraculous kingdom of the future Dragon Kingdom really falls!

So how do they do it?!

Im Five Elders had given up all hope!

I feel that the Dragon Kingdom is absolutely impossible to defeat!

Surrender is the only way they can survive!

And this way out, the hope is very slim!

Why is there such a big surprise all of a sudden!

They were so excited that they forgot the second kingdom!

They were extremely fearful, and they were also the existence that dominated the world for a long time!

"Hahaha!!!" Jupiter couldn't help laughing out loud!

This is really a bright future!!

But now they even saw the leaderboard!

I dare not laugh out loud on the barrage!

Because Dragon Kingdom is now in full swing!

It should be a matter of the future for Dragon Kingdom to become the number one tragedy!

Now the leaderboard is out!

Maybe the Dragon Council will have some kind of stress reaction!

Can't stimulate the Dragon Kingdom!

But after Im, Jin Xing and others were horrified!

All smiling!

Because this means that they have a high probability of becoming the final winner!

This is his madness!!

This is really good news that has been finalized since the Dragon Kingdom came out!

The leaderboard has been played so many times, never miss it!

"This list only appeared after we surrendered to the Dragon Kingdom. Could it be that this is telling us that surrendering to the Dragon Kingdom is our only way out!?" Jupiter analyzed!

Venus: "Definitely yes"

"This..." Originally, Im was contradictory!

But right now, it seems that there are iron-like future facts in front of their eyes!

Is Five Elders' method really a good method?

[Morgans: Damn! I thought I had read the education rankings and saw more than 20 high-end talented students gathered together. No matter what rankings are played in the future, no matter what happens, there should be no more shocks and surprises. up!

Unexpectedly, I was wrong!! This world is too magical!! I can’t imagine how such a powerful existence of the Dragon Kingdom can become the representative of the Tragedy Kingdom, and even rank first! 1

【Bonney: Damn it, it’s impossible, it’s impossible! How could the Dragon Kingdom become a tragedy! It must be the World Government’s fault!! Master Gao Yang, in order to prevent this future

Completely wipe out the people of the World government!!]

【Luo: That's right!! The ruler of the world government must not be allowed to survive!】

【Whitebeard: I agree!】

【Roger: I agree! I can help!】

【King of the Giant Race: It is my duty to kill the World Government!】

Im and the Five Elders haven't been happy for long!

I saw the barrage that almost filled the sky with murderous intent!!

For a while, I was even a little apprehensive!

Because they are really afraid that Dragon Kingdom will be stimulated!

Doubt them!

Don't give any chance to surrender!

Kill them completely in the cradle!

Complete silence and low profile now!

But you must not provoke the Dragon Kingdom...

After all, I and others still have hope in the future!

All stigma is acceptable now!

If you can't see hope! Go back early!

They even sent someone to kill one or two of them who were making a lot of noise!

【Rocks: Such a list cannot be placed casually!】

【Cobra: The Dragon Kingdom should not be a representative of tragedy!】

【Vivi: No matter what help Dragon Kingdom needs in the future, we, Alabasta, will do our best to help!】

[Nepton: Why do beautiful things always end in tragedy!? I can't accept it!]

The world is going crazy with this new list right now!

But some are ecstatic!

Some are crazy worried!

At this moment, many people from the Dragon Kingdom also showed surprise!

Gao Yang's eyes narrowed slightly!

Boss Bai, Arturia, Hui Hui and others immediately cast worried glances at Gao Yang.

Suddenly Gao Yang thought of something!

Look back at Thor!

Thor, who looked worried and dazed, suddenly thought of something!

On a certain night, they had a good time!!

Assuming such a situation.....

Because Thor is a true long-lived species!

Already lived Ten Thousand Years!

I have seen the change of countless dynasties!

Perhaps... what this video shows is exactly the kind of future they imagined and arranged!

So Gao Yang went through the initial astonishment.

Just calm down!

"Relax! Have confidence in ourselves."

Gao Yang comforted with a smile!

【Beckman: This is obviously a video of the future, but how far is the future? Maybe five hundred years, maybe a thousand years, a kingdom can last for a thousand years and then end, it is already very remarkable

【Roger: This seems to be the case too!!】

【Kaido: If that's the case, it's normal, but it may be very short-lived!!】

[Rocks: What's the use of guessing here? We won't know until the rankings start broadcasting! But let me tell you, if the future of Dragon Kingdom really ends in a very short time! It must have something to do with the World government!]

【Rayleigh: Your Excellency Gao Yang doesn't look nervous at all!】

【Jabba: His psychological quality is too strong, I don't even suspect that there is nothing in this world that can make him nervous!】

【Bonney: I'm still comforting the captains at this moment, woohoo... How can Mr. Gao Yang be so nice!】

【Roger: I was resurrected in the New World, and I will go to the Dragon Kingdom with all my strength. I will tell the Dragon Kingdom all the information about Im!! I want to see a Dragon Kingdom that can be glorious for a longer time, and I hope you can open up a new era. !!】

"Made! Meddlesome guy!!" But Im knew it would be useless to send someone to intercept him!

Roger can tell everyone on the sky!

I didn't do that at this time! I guess I'm still afraid of their World government's revenge on their bloodline!

After all, the whole world knows, and let some people know!

The result is still different!!

【Garp: I didn't expect this list to be like this!】

【Aokiji: I don’t know how far Dragon Kingdom can go?】

【Kizaru: Oh Cassine, with the current strength of the Dragon Kingdom, if it is within a hundred or two hundred years, it is absolutely impossible for any force to threaten them!】

【Sengoku: It's really hard to say about this thing. No one is an opponent in the front, but it's destroying it secretly...】

[Red Hair: You will know when the list starts broadcasting in three days!]

【Morgans: I even doubt whether the Holy Land can survive three days, the fleet of the Dragon Kingdom is advancing so fast!】

【Kaido: Remember to broadcast live when the war starts!】

These are the ones in prison!

The only thing that can be used for entertainment!

Some don't even mind being put to death by Dragon Nation!

Just to see the world government fall!

They are so happy!

【Morgans: Of course, don't doubt the determination of a journalist!】

【Buggy: It's gone! Let's watch it in three days. Anyway, I believe that the Dragon Kingdom will be able to create another miracle. I would rather believe that there is a problem with the sky, and it is impossible for the Dragon Kingdom to have a problem!】

whoosh whoosh!

Misaka Mikoto and other students flew over from the direction of the school and landed next to Gao Yang!

Everyone felt like they had witnessed the birth of a legend!

These are the top students of Dragon Kingdom!

From the video, they watched many students grow up!

Now we can see that they have become an existence capable of dominating one side!

This feeling is quite complicated!

Especially Whitebeard Rayleigh and others, the feeling that they are the remnants of the old era is becoming more and more obvious!

"I can help in the future, don't treat me as a student anymore!" Mikoto Misaka said carelessly......

Everyone in the world knows that she has made a breakthrough! But they don't know to what extent!

There were too many breaths just now, and they were mixed together!

"Um.....Okay!" Gao Yang knew, they are coming now!

still see the list

, I have worries in my heart!

Misaka Mikoto is also taking care of herself!

But... she can't say anything nasty!

But Gao Yang can tell she cares at a glance!

After all, it has entered her subconscious mind!

Know what kind of person she is!

She looks carefree, but she is emotionally awkward and extremely insincere!

Claire: "I am the sword of the Dragon Kingdom! I will remove all obstacles for the Dragon Kingdom!"

Kurosaki Ichigo: "I will protect Dragon Kingdom!"

Uchiha Sasuke: "Kill the enemies!"

Locke Lee: "I will break my body and bones for the Dragon Kingdom, and I will not hesitate!"

Oak: "I request to catch up with the large army and wipe out the World government!"

They are all using their own methods to solve Gao Yang's problems!

It is also threatening the heroes of the world!!

They already have this qualification and strength!

The world saw this scene!

My heart shivered slightly!

Also envious!!

These are excellent students who can go through fire and water for the Dragon Kingdom!!

Nobody wants to have it!

"Oh, actually, you don't have to worry about it... Thor laughed!

I was about to say something, but was blocked by Gao Yang's eyes!

Because just now, Huihui comforted Gao Yang in her own way.

"In case we don't live long, I'll help you realize your biggest dream ever...  

"What dream?"

"Didn't you always want Boss Bai and Dai Mao to be together..." Hui Hui whispered.

Fuck!! How did this come to be seen?

"Cough cough... nothing."

At such a close distance, the sky can't catch it, but Xiaobai and the others who are so close can hear it!

Gao Yang suddenly enjoyed this feeling of being comforted!

Thor, don't let your mouth slip!

The next three days!

Gao Yang is indeed living more comfortably than usual!

Boss Bai, Arturia, Robin and others are all clinging to themselves!

Also more gentle! Cherish the days together more and more!

That's when Robin saw the name of that kingdom for the first time!

I feel a little down!

But at night it recovers!

During this period, Fuyangjing really completed the first step of life dream!

Why is it the first step!

Because Megumin first matched Robin and Nami!

Bai Ya has not succeeded yet...

Gao Yang felt that he had once fallen into a fool!

Fortunately, after a whole night of adaptation, my mood returned to calm!

"It's not a bad day to be worried and cared about..."

"Hmph!" Dragon Maid Thor snorted angrily!

And in the afternoon of the second day!

A major event that affects the world has happened!!

Morgans is live!

The Dragon Kingdom Fleet has arrived in the sea directly in front of the Holy Land!!

Focus on Sabaody Archipelago and the surrounding sea!

World government built the first line of defense here with Akainu, Mercury and others!!

Yamamoto Motoyanagi Shigekuni is leaning on a wooden stick 3.7, looking at thousands of fleets of all kinds on the sea!

"Legion Commander of the Dragon Kingdom, we don't want to start another war with the Dragon Kingdom, everything can be settled!" Mercury said!

"I haven't received any orders in this regard!! My duty is to crusade!" Yuan Liuzhai Chongguo said lightly.

Then Zanpakutō Ryūjin Jakka was pulled out!

War is inevitable!!

Akainu took a deep look and told the truth! He didn't want to fight this battle!

He is not a foolish and loyal person! It's just that he is still a member of the World government now!

His position is destined to be his duty and the World government is willing to negotiate!

The other party is unwilling to talk about it, war is inevitable!

"The war has begun!!"

High in the sky in the distance, Morgans flapped his wings and held a video phone bug with an excited expression on his face!

The Crusade against the Holy Land has begun!!

"Meteor Volcano!!" Since the war is unavoidable, we have to fight!

Akainu adjusts his mentality and sends out a large-scale meteor mountain every day!!

Try to disrupt the formation of the crusading army first!

Because he knows how terrible the cooperation of the Dragon Kingdom is!

Without disturbing the formation of their fleet, that kind of advanced battleship will cooperate again!

People on their side will suffer heavy casualties!!


Hundreds of lava volcanic bombs rained down!! With piercing sound!!

Yuan Liuzhai Chongguo looked up indifferently!

Draw your sword, Shikai! Ryūjin Jakka!

"The city is on fire!"

Flames poured out all over the sky!

Akainu, who is the high-ranking fruit of the flame, thought that his volcanic bomb would break through the flame and continue to smash down!!

But after encountering this sea of ​​fire, it was like a stone sinking into the sea, after a slight ripple appeared!

Never show up again!

"Where is my magma?!" Akainu was instantly stunned!

(Please subscribe! Don't worry, the main theme of the cool article will not change, it just cuts in from a different angle, so that everyone will feel fresh when reading it, so as to avoid aesthetic fatigue!).

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