Sailing: The Kingdom Of God I Created Has Been Exposed!

187. The Tragedy Of The Kingdom Of Legends! The Origin Of The Power Inheritance Of The Great Secret


Im no matter in this era when he was just killed by Dragon Kingdom!

Or in the future, his danger and his evil reputation will only exist in other people's mouths and rumors!

But the actual experience even makes people feel pity and pity!

It's so miserable. As the king of the world, he was killed by Gao Yang's sword!

If it is gone, it is gone. In the future, it will be imagined as a useful weapon for Gao Yang!

Resurrected seven times and killed by Tianji!!

Such a pitiful guy, except when he was still ruling the world at the beginning!

It can still make people a little scared, but now, who is still afraid of Im?!

no one!!

But the scene of the birth of Im in the ancient kingdom laboratory played so hard on people's hearts and led to crazy killings!

Let people truly understand what an evil and terrifying existence Im is!

[Sengoku: Im has always been strong, but the reason why he looks weak and miserable is because they encountered a dragon siege and had no chance to do evil! 】

Sengoku's words made everyone wake up!

[Garp: Killing people can only be done with a nod, but this guy Im is keen on playing with people's hearts, magnifying people's dark side to the ultimate level, and letting them have hope first, and then giving them despair. Im, you really deserve to die! 】

[Roger: This is what nature does, so the world is in chaos, because he needs this kind of nourishment!]

[Jabba: Fortunately, he has been killed by the Dragon Kingdom, otherwise this kind of mind manipulation and the ability to transform into anyone's life form, once it really attacks a certain force, no one can prevent it! 】

【Moria: Looking at Im like this, I feel really scary!】

[Buggy: Remember the benefits that the Dragon Kingdom has brought to you!! Without the Dragon Kingdom, who knows what kind of hell this world would become! 】

Many strong men nodded in approval!

This guy licks and licks, but some of his words do make sense!

But many people don’t know that this is just the beginning of the disaster!

The still weak Im didn't have many plans or plans.

For now, I’m just following my instincts and desires!

After devouring the laboratory, his dark matter spread around like pollutants!

Soon the entire city's land, forests, etc. were affected by the dark matter!

Everyone's eyes turned red in an instant!

The evil in their hearts is magnified to the Ultimate!

An entire city is killing each other!

Im stood on a high place, watching quietly, his strange and ruthless eyes were full of drama!

What a fragile group that just needs a little influence!

It’s completely under your control!

Blood and fire set off this disaster!

Soon the entire city fell, followed by several cities and most of the island!

At this time, Im only focused on strengthening himself!

We haven’t raised humans like leeks in the future!

Follow the path of sustainable development!

Now he is a natural disaster!

Such a big movement quickly attracted the attention of the Ancient Kingdom!

Send strong men and troops soon!

But they underestimated Im’s strength!

The first crusade against total annihilation! The dark spiritual network!

At this moment, it has already branched towards the surrounding islands!

In this sea area, several islands have taken root and survived!

The complete defeat of the war made both the ancient kingdom and the moon people pay more attention to it!

Once again, many top powerhouses were organized to attack Im, but they still failed!

Im already very powerful!

And countless humans have become his puppets and soldiers!

The Ancient Kingdom has nowhere to start, because this kingdom also attaches great importance to human rights!

At least in a relatively peaceful era, human life is still relatively valuable!

But after many top powerhouses fell or "rebelled"!

Joyboy realizes that this is more than just a war!

Rather, it is an unprecedented disaster that will most likely wipe out humans and all intelligent races in the sea!

He urgently mobilized all countries in the world! Mainly the Ancient Kingdom!

Joyboy led his people to personally fight against the heresy and disaster of Im!

[Apu: Damn it! This Im is too outrageous. At first, he used force to deal with the guards of the Academy of Sciences, but they seemed to be powerless. In just one or two months, through this inhuman evolution, , even the top experts can be killed!]

[Kid: It’s really terrifying, it suddenly became a doomsday disaster!]

[Bonney: He is not human in the first place, why should we use human standards to measure him!]

[Red-haired: I didn’t expect that Im was also beaten at that time! 】

[Kaido: Im's life form is too difficult to kill! He is strong and constantly evolving. Could it be said that he directly overthrew the ancient kingdom and established the World government at this time? 1

[Auntie: World government will not be established until almost a hundred years later! It is not established now. Of course, it is possible that it will win, but something may have happened in the past hundred years that the world government does not want people to know... .]

Roger, who knew the truth, had no explanation!

After all, the video is playing!

Soon everyone will know!

Joeyboy went on a personal expedition, bringing with him powerful men from many countries!

Wanokuni, Elbafa, Lunaria, Zofur, etc. are all here!!

The war lasted for five days and five nights!

In terms of firepower and the number of strong men at the beginning!

They have the advantage!

And in order to prevent the disaster from spreading to the whole world!

Those people who have been controlled by Im!

Under the general trend, they have no choice but to sacrifice!

But during the war, many people still lost their minds.

I couldn't see it clearly at the time, but I finally returned to the boat.

Civil unrest and killings began at night!

Let the Alliance Army suffer heavy losses!

Joyboy had to order a temporary retreat!

Then he thought of a new way and borrowed Uranus Pluton weapons and strong men from the moon people!

At the same time, we use the abilities of the princess, the fish men island princess!

Recruit super-large Sea Kings to help fight!

Because the only thoughts that Im can't interfere with are the many giant Sea Kings who only know how to obey the orders of the King of Sea Kings!

Known as the Ancient Weapon by later generations, this three-piece set is complete!

And some weapons have not just one, but multiple!

Cooperate with many top powerhouses and Joeyboy's super combat power!

Finally killed Im's body!

Solve this disaster that continues to spread pollution to the world!

It's just that they don't know what the essence of Im is yet!

Im’s spiritual seeds have already been planted in many people!

Many people are generals and kings of some kingdoms!

Among them were Dressrosa Alabasta and other later Earth Ten Kingdoms!

Im's main spirit is parasitic on the general of Dressrosa.

Returning to his home country through the general, he soon takes control of the whole of Dressrosa and takes control of the king!

[Brother Ming: Ma De, it turns out that my ancestor's business was originally Chen Puppet!]

Brother Ming couldn't help cursing!

He used to think that his ancestors were such a great existence!

Didn't realize it was a puppet!

Got wiped out once, kicking Em's survival instincts to Ultimate!

He didn't act recklessly this time, and absorbed energy wantonly!

Instead, reflect on what you have done, observe human beings, and control people's hearts!

Slowly, he also became more and more shrewd and cunning!

He strikes at the Old Kingdom again, but this time in a different way!

He did not use force directly, but through the identity of General Dressrosa!

Walk around the vassals of the Old Kingdom!

Picked more than a dozen kingdoms that are easily induced by the dark side and easy to control as your own strength!

Step by step to seduce, amplify their greed and desire!

Talk about all kinds of bad things about the ancient kingdom, and then completely control them in the end!

But there are also some kingdoms, he just made a preliminary test, and they automatically surrendered and belonged to them!

These are kingdoms with long ambitions!

Such as the Kingdom of Figalando and the Kingdom of the Five Elders!

[ Buggy: Fuck!! The kingdom where the Five Elders were originally located was actually a vassal state of the Old Kingdom? Isn’t this the same as slaves killing the master? Based on this, after they become victors, it is impossible for this paragraph to History is known to the world!]

[Ochoku: Other kingdoms are basically controlled and lured secretly, which is understandable, but the kingdoms of Five Elders do not need Im to use their ability to control them, they are voluntary, obviously the ancient kingdom treats them badly Lian!】

【 Kid: Hmph, some guys are born rebellious!】

【Rocks: If a person goes to a high place and can be the master of the main country, who cares about the generals, nobles, or even little kings of a subordinate country!】

【Rayleigh: These kingdoms secretly captured human beings, supported Im, and helped them regain their strength. Millions of human beings in Ten City suffered. This is really a dark and bloody time.

[Red Hair: They sent people to infiltrate the moon people, and they continued to assassinate the murloc princess, and other weapons control plans are also in progress! 】

【Whitebeard: This guy, Im, can really bear it. This time, he has waited for seventy or eighty years. The Allies of the Old Kingdom and the moon people are in danger this time! He has made too much preparation this time! There is something abnormal, but I don’t pay much attention to it!]

[Sengoku: Under normal circumstances, who would have thought that a dead person would still be playing tricks in secret, and there are many kingdoms covering him... Im's wisdom, growth work visible to the naked eye

【Bonney: No wonder Im and Five Elders threatened the Dragon Kingdom with humans, it worked in the first place!

He will say that even if he dies, he can destroy the world! He may even be destroyed, and he may turn light into darkness again! That would be much more troublesome than being in the light!]

【Aokiji: But no matter how cunning he is, it’s useless. He met a King of the Dragon Kingdom who was more cautious, more thorough and stronger than him, and he was completely wiped out in one go!】

[Silver Ax: From this video, I can see that Im is indeed a qualified king, and he is making rapid progress! His thinking is mature! But there are people beyond people, and there is a sky beyond the sky, Gao Yang is even more evil than him!】

[Roger: Many of the kingdoms that Im chose were greedy and did not obey the policies of the ancient kingdom, so they were so easy to be controlled. Only Queen Lily was chosen by Yim because of her powerful country, large land area, and large population. Mu used a lot of tricks to fool her...]

[Rayleigh: After all, Alabasta had a lot of cooperation with the Moonmen at that time! A wave of beasts broke out here, and the Moonmen sent the royal family and Pluton warships to help [Afterwards, there are ten banquet warships guarding this place all year round! The two royal families even swallowed together !】

And what happens next in the video.

It's pretty much exactly what everyone expected!

Im almost ready!

Let the multiple kingdoms you control do things around the world.

Distract the attention and forces of the Old Kingdom!

Im led many strong men to raid the ancient kingdom!

Along the way, many people were polluted and chose to betray!

Come to the palace soon!

Fortunately, Joey Boi is also extraordinary, and there are many strong people in the D royal family!

Joey Boye sees a short future at a critical moment!

If they fought to the death, they would all be wiped out


Then there will be no chance to gather strength to deal with Im again!

For the future of the people of the world, he gathers all the powerful to break through from one direction!

After paying a lot of clansmen and strong men, they finally succeeded in breaking through!

But that night, the entire kingdom was slaughtered and everything became Im's nourishment!

Im a short win!!

Many Ancient Weapons fell into their hands!

The murloc princess was also hit hard!

Joey Boi was furious, and immediately called for a joint crusade against Im!

But many kingdoms have long been infiltrated by Im!

Immediately, many kingdoms publicly declared the Old Kingdom to be a tyrannical kingdom! Break away from the Old Kingdom!

But there are also some kingdoms that don't exist, the moon people are not controlled, and the technology is too high, Im very afraid!

And don't understand many technologies! Don't dare to infiltrate rashly!

But in fact, there are still more kingdoms on the side of the Old Kingdom!

It's just that he lost this time and lost too many things!

Soon on a certain island, the ancient kingdom formed a crusade against the allies again! (Li Lehao

This time the battle was bigger, but the Old Kingdom was defeated!!

At the critical moment, it was supposed to be checked as a kingdom that would not betray!

The well-hidden kingdom of the Five Elders!

Stabbed the Old Kingdom!!

Because their thoughts are indeed not polluted, not controlled by interference!

They are voluntary!!

In this battle, the murloc princess died in battle!

Many members of the D royal family died in battle!

But the performance is amazing, constantly breaking through in crazy battles!

Almost killed Im again!

Especially when Joey Boy almost died with Im!

That made Im terrified!

But in the end, in the defeat, Joey Boy was rescued by the Moonman in time!

Since then, Im's forces have been chasing and killing everyone related to the Old Kingdom!

As well as destroying all science facilities that might threaten them!!

Im in control!!

He started to absorb energy crazily!

Countless islands are under the influence of Im's indulgence and thinking!

War and chaos break out!

In those years, more than 50% of the world's population died in various wars and massacres of Im...

Im's madness makes everyone feel terrified every day!!

They are afraid that if this continues, it will be their turn soon!

That is a dark age level that no historian dares to record!

Im not letting them record it either!

And the escaped Joey Boy, the moon man, and some powerful people from other countries!

Research new powers and new weapons while hiding and hiding!

Trying to create gods so that Im can be completely wiped out!!

This process has been going on for years!!

Until Joey Boy and others created it, it is hoped that the power of Im will be completely obliterated!!

It is also a great secret treasure that was left behind as an inheritance!!

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