Sailing: The Kingdom Of God I Created Has Been Exposed!

188. The First Person In The Fifth Gear! Great Secret Treasure Wish Power! The Will That Never Dies!

[Rocks: A kingdom that was supposed to leave a rich and colorful history, under the plan of Im and his henchmen, has almost ceased to exist. Even now, if you don’t understand the historical text, no one even knows about history!】

【Whitebeard: Time is the most terrifying force in the world. If the Dragon Kingdom was defeated and the World government deliberately covered it up, people would not remember such a kingdom ever existed after hundreds of years, at most thousands of years!】

【Luo: Among those who follow Joy Boy, there are ancestors of our family!】

Waltie and D are taboos and incognito names who dare not reveal their poison to the world at will!

In the many battles in the sky screen video, he saw strong men who also carried these names!

A mainstay of the Old Kingdom!

【Kid: Is the ancient kingdom going to perish step by step like this?】

【Jin Xing: If it were really that simple, we wouldn't have to be careful for so long. The creativity of the Old Kingdom is extraordinary!】

Without waiting for everyone to ask, the sky screen video continued to play!

When Im is gradually grasping the overall situation of the world!

More and more people are surrendering!

But the arrogant Lunaria tribe will not surrender!

They didn't run away either, because they thought they would just jump somewhere else!

Not as good as Red Line's location!

This is a place that is easy to defend and difficult to attack, not afraid of any large fleet invasion!

It's just that they still underestimated Im's strength, even if the clan has many top experts!

But when this position is targeted by Im who is in full swing!

It was doomed to their downfall, and the Lunalia clan was wiped out soon!

Only a very small number of people who were not at home at the time escaped unharmed!

During this period, the lunar people used their advanced science and technology to build Sky Island above the clouds! High above the sky!

The cloud refining technology allows them to hide in the unknown clouds!

It's extremely difficult for even Im to find out about their existence!

【Urouge: Our Sky Island was originally built for refuge?!】

Urouge, who was born in Sky Island, was a little unexpected.

[Ganfur: Perhaps this is also the reason why some people in Sky Island yearn for the infinite land. They have suffered unprecedented persecution here, and naturally subconsciously want to return to their former homeland! And in the past so many years, perhaps the environment made has already improved!]

And Joey Boy and others who are the main force against Im!

At the beginning of being hunted down, he took Noah and brought people to The fish men island!

Of course it wasn’t called The fish men island at the time!

This place was discovered by the murlocs by accident!

With the sea as a barrier, and the murlocs who are good at sea battles are on their side!

And they are not completely incapable of fighting!

If Im dares to come rashly, the combat environment will be favorable to them!

Of course, Im wasn't strong enough to monitor the whole world at this time!

It is also here that Yin Yiboi and others have developed the new power emperor against Im!

"I have worked hard for you during this time. I owe you too much. I not only let you gather resources, but also let you hide in this place where you can't really see the sun!"

"Wait for me! I will liberate the whole world, and then everyone can live together in the sun again!"

After fleeing and taking refuge for more than ten years, Joey Boy felt that he owed the murlocs too much!

Afterwards, before going out for the expedition, he went to see the grave of his dead wife!

As he was leaving, he saw a couple of oversized Sea Kings wandering outside!

"Our king will not disappear, she will come back again!"

"It's always been like this!"

"We will keep our promise, wait for your return, and then use Noah's Ark to bring the murlocs back to the sun to survive!"

Joey Boy listens to the supersized Sea Kings!

Slightly frowning, he still can't fully understand some words at this moment!

Then on to the journey again!

Gathered the powerful scattered all over the world!

When the screen changes, war breaks out!!

Im's most dangerous ability is that any intelligent creature has negative emotions!

He can try to influence! Try to control!

Even while fighting, use the spirit of the enemy as a source of strength!

Even before Aizen, Genryuzai Shigekuni was much stronger than Imou!

Also absorbed negative emotions at first! As his source of strength!

So this time the power of the Great Secret Treasure!!

It's Joey Boy who brings positivity, optimism, and more into Devil Fruit!

Take it, and then fully integrate with your own spiritual will power!

Form a mental barrier that resists all thinking invasions!

Simultaneously imitate the birth of Im, and transform your positive emotions into real combat power!

As long as it is not killed by someone at once!

Those who control this power still have faith and hope in their hearts!

Theoretically, it can continue to evolve and become stronger like Im!

Even if you encounter a desperate situation, as long as you are not really desperate!

If you can continue to fight, this power can satisfy your wishes!

Make you stronger!

This power is called the Great Secret Treasure by Joey Boy and others!

It is a great secret treasure that only belongs to the intelligent race! The power of this secret treasure is called [Hope]!

Not vain hopes!

But the true power of infinite possibilities!

Im's natural enemy!!

"It's Master Joyboy, they're calling back!!"

"I don't want to be eaten!!"

"Master Joyboy is not dead! He is still alive!!"

"He's come to save us!"

"He has led people to take down dozens of kingdoms! He has liberated countless people! He has regrouped many strong men and legions, and fought all the way to Im!"

"In the past, we were in the midst of blessings and didn't know the blessings!! Now think about how happy we were during the reign of Master Joyboy!"

"For myself! In order to fight for a future for future generations, I also want to join Joey Boy's army, because I will kill Im!

Even Joyboy has the power to knock Im down!

But now there are many strong men under Im's command!

Fortunately, the influence of their kingdom is still there!

Raise your arms and call out, followers are like clouds!

For the past ten years, it has been unimaginably dark for people all over the world!

Only about 30% of the population is left!

Many of the living were thrown into bloody arenas across the islands!

Endless fighting every day!

Before Mariejois on the Red Line was built!

Im staying in Dressrosa the whole time!

Here too, an arena is built!

And because the time is not short!

Some things naturally leave their mark here too!

Recorded by the later Donquixote family!

[King Liku: So that’s how our Dressrosa Arena came about! It’s so bloody, and we’ve still used this place to this day, and now we’re going to demolish this place immediately! 1

This is one of the symbolic buildings of Dressrosa!

But look at those slaves of all races who are locked in the arena and forced to fight to the death every day!

Also includes multiple carnages for fun!

For the first time, King Riku felt that the arena was so disgusting!!

Among those ethnic groups, there is also the Dong Tata clan!

They too were enslaved!

But we are about to see a lot of heroes fighting to liberate them!

One of them liberated them, so that their clan was not completely complete!

"Em!! You devil!!! You made the world like this!!"

As soon as the screen changed, Joey Boi became the owner of the first generation Sun God Nika Fruit!

He perfectly controls the fifth gear, his hair turns white, and the drum of liberation is roaring! Although he is furious!

But he was laughing wildly, because he borrowed the power of the great secret treasure 【Hope】!

Outside of one's own will, a spiritual barrier has been constructed!

It's just that Nika fruit is just an introduction for now!

The true source of power exists in his heart!

That is a mass of colorful Madara energy!

In stark contrast to Im's darkness!

The decisive moment has arrived!!

Joey Boy's strength is already extremely powerful!

The reason why I lost to Im!

The most important thing is that Im's life form is too weird.

It's too hard to kill, one person is equivalent to having multiple lives!

And during the battle, it can continue to invade your own mind!

But it’s different now!

And the form of Joyboy is also known to the world, and the legend of the warrior who liberated the slaves has been spread in later generations!

But there is no information about the identity of this freedom fighter!

Everything you need to know about Joey Boy’s true identity!

Im probably not particularly concerned!

But the Five Elders will never allow it to exist!

As long as one appears, they will eliminate one!

The king versus king battle begins!

Im sure enough, I encountered obstacles in front of this power!

You can no longer rely on the enemy's power as easily as before!

Can't influence Joey Boy!

An invisible spiritual network under the power of the great secret treasure [Hope]!

Spread to the entire battlefield!

"Please believe it!! Justice will prevail!!"

"In any despair! As long as there is hope!! Everything is there!!"

"Help me destroy the devil!!"


Joy Boy has formed a spiritual network with many powerful people!

Strength instantly increased a lot!!

Im in a head-on confrontation!

Under this power! Life forms cannot be maintained well!

There are special fluctuations that are interfering with his life form!

If he is the embodiment of darkness and evil!

Then this power is light, and it is seeping in little by little at this moment!

It affects the stability of his life form!

Unable to use my strength well!

And every punch from Joey Boy hit the mountain of flesh that turned into his real body!

All caused real harm!!

Im using his own spiritual network to draw strength crazily to make up for it!

But he still keeps getting beaten up!!

After all, Joeyboy now also knows how to draw power from the mental network!

[Rocks: Is this the power of the Great Secret Treasure?! If I hope it exists, I can continue to grow stronger! A terrifying power! There is no limit to growth! 】

[Whitebeard: Im actually suppressed! If this continues, if nothing happens, Im might be killed! 】

【Rayleigh: Judging from the results, there was an accident!】

[Sengoku: The Joyboys of the Old Kingdom are so terrifying! No wonder after the establishment of the World Government, they are still afraid of the D clan and have been persecuting them!]

The battle took a turn for the worse at the next moment!

Joey Boy is very powerful!

But the Five Elders and other strong men who follow Im are more numerous!

Because those who dissatisfied were almost killed by Im!

The overall battlefield begins to lose!

Many people were ambushed!!

Moreover, Im also cracked the weapons of the moon people!

They can also control the Ancient Weapon perfectly!

"How is it possible?! You actually broke

Understand the core technology of the Lunar Man?"

"In front of me, even the top experts, as long as I am willing to pay a certain price, the so-called core secrets in their minds are no longer secrets to me!"

"You have grown to this extent!!"

"I've known for a long time that you would come back! You are still too anxious. Maybe if you study for a few more decades and get rid of the stage of relying on the strength of others, you might really be able to kill me.

But there is no if in reality!”

Joyboy has not yet been defeated! But at sea, the army and strong men on the island have been completely defeated!

Being killed! Being slaughtered!

Because in this era, the population is too small!

Although there are top experts in the new generation, their number is very small!

Many top powerhouses of the older generation were killed by Im long ago!

The power of hope of the strong is the most useful!

But there are not enough strong people now! The power is not strong enough!

Although it also liberated many people!

But it’s still far from complete victory!

As a large number of subordinates died!

Joyboy's power also begins to decline!

His hope and will alone are not enough!!

At least not enough to fight Im!!

But at this time, Im actually used a new method!

More than a dozen rare Devil Fruits that are compatible with him are perfectly controlled by him!

The situation reversed instantly!!

Joey Boy was forced into a desperate situation!

"Is there no hope for mankind?" When this idea comes to mind!

Joyboy felt deeply bad! Because this power is the most unshakable!

His strength was indeed a bit weaker! One of his arms just left his body!

"There must be hope!! How can people become extinct if they have lasted for Ten Thousand Years!!!"

Joyboy's eyes widened in his madness, and all his strength exceeded the limit at this moment!

His knowledge and color are looking towards the future, and his listening power is also listening to the future!

Faintly, he saw it!!

A man wearing a straw hat controls the power of the sun god Nika and the hope and wish of the great secret treasure!

Defeated Im!!

He has countless followers!!

"Hahaha!! People will not perish! Hope is not in the present!! But in the future!"

"In a prosperous era with many powerful powers!"

In this era, there is not enough environment to give birth to so many strong men!

I hope my will will not reach its strongest level!

"I can't die now!! I have to pass hope to the future!!"

"Im!! You can't be eternal!! You will eventually be eliminated! D's will! Our hope! It will never be extinct!!"

Joyboy's hope is rekindled and his strength becomes stronger!

Then he wrapped up the remaining subordinates and disappeared from Im in front of him in a whoosh!

Im's face was extremely gloomy, that prophecy was like a curse!

Let his murderous intent skyrocket to Ultimate!

"Send out all the strong men to search the whole world! Completely kill all the D clan bloodline!!! As soon as you find traces of Joeyboy, report it immediately! No matter what he just saw

What?! I want them to have no future!!"

"As commanded!!"

[Garp: The future that Joey Boy just saw seemed to be Luffy?!]

Because that was the moment when the power of the Great Secret Treasure evolved!

So the world can see it!

It’s just that Garp is a little unsure!

Is my grandson so awesome!?

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