Sailing: The Kingdom Of God I Created Has Been Exposed!

189. King And King's Final Confrontation! All The Truth Is Completely Clear! (Please Subscribe!

【Dragon: It's really Luffy! I saw it too!】

【Red Hair: That means, even if there is no Dragon Kingdom, in a certain future, Im will be killed by Luffy! This is going further than I thought!】

【Im: I am Nima!!】

Dare to feel that no matter which future you are in, you will definitely die~ okay?

Damn it! If only Joey Boy's backhands could be completely wiped out!!

Perhaps there will be no such future!

【 Kaido: Fuck! I know this one well!! Im! From this point of view, at least you can accept losing to Longguo! After all, losing to a brat would be even uglier! 1

How similar it was to him!

Im not talking!

This is true, although losing to Longguo is not decent at all!

But at least the strength of the Dragon Kingdom is well known!

Who in the whole sea dares to say that the Dragon Kingdom is weak?

【Luo: It turns out that Garp’s grandson has such talent and possibility. No wonder he will be cultivated by Mr. Gao Yang as the main force after Ten Thousand Years!】

【 Kid: After the victory of the war, that guy also recovered his memory. He knew that he was modified by Gao Yang Hypnosis. Of course, it was voluntary by them. After that, he continued to take a group of partners to take risks! He is a man against power. People who are not interested! I didn’t expect to overthrow Im’s rule!]

【Kira: It must be that Im can't tolerate him! Finally ask for trouble!】

[Beckman: Joey Boy is a great man! He was able to develop the power to restrain Im, but it was a pity that he lost in the era! If there were more strong men and more subordinates in that era! Let his combat power Continue for a little longer! The result may be completely different!]

【Ochoku: Indeed!!】

【Buggy: Although he can't be compared with Mr. Gao Yang, he is indeed a great guy!】

[Bonney: In the end, I became a deserter for the sake of the future! I think it should be to create a historical article, to ensure that the truth can be spread, to ensure that someone in the future can get the big secret treasure again! And let those who know the truth understand the true face of the World government, so go Overthrow them!]

With all these things in front!

They have already been able to guess a rough idea of ​​many things in the future!

Canopy is playing!

Joey Boye led people to escape to an island in East Blue!

Didn't escape to The fish men island by myself!

He wants to spread people out in as many places as possible!

This will increase your chances of surviving!

And Im will never let himself go!

If I don't die for a day, this world will be full of blood, darkness and turmoil every day!

And all the craziest!

in the next year!

Joy Boy and the Moonman in the most dangerous waters of the New World!

left behind many precious things

Everyone in front of the sky saw the gold and silver treasures transported to this island by spaceship after spaceship!

A lab base sits beneath the center of the island!

Above this laboratory, there is the energy core of the lunar people, a holy mountain!

There is also this holy mountain in Dragon Kingdom!

It is also the most precious thing left of the Moonman!

More precious than Ancient Weapon!!

Naturally, there are also in the laboratory after the previous war

Two Uranus, two Pluton survived!

Then Joey Boy spent several years laying various traps in this sea area!

Im noticed it, but was a little apprehensive!

Because Joey Boye took the initiative before!

The main battlefield is on Im's side!

Joey Boy is now on a deserted island doing something drastic!

And the news has spread!

On the contrary, Im was a little afraid to attack rashly!

I'm afraid that Joeyboy may have researched something that might be aimed at him!

"Im didn't come!" The leader of the moon people looked at the island that had been transformed by Joyboy in countless ways!

For a while, I had to admire Joey Boy's talent.

Not only is he familiar with all the means of his kingdom!

Even the methods and civilization of their moon people, he has mastered them all!

An extremely terrifying killing array has been laid here!!

There are many ways, if Im comes here rashly!

You will suffer a big loss!

If you take it lightly, you might even be able to kill him!

However, Im is very cautious and will not give them this opportunity!

"He will come! It's just a matter of time!" Joey Boy is sure!

No matter how cautious Im!

At least come and try it out for yourself!

This is a conspiracy!

And he has to take advantage of this opportunity!

Im must be severely injured, and he must not dare to risk setting foot here again for a long time!

Only in this way can they ensure their future!

"You will die. That power has been taken away and preserved by you! You can only borrow it now!" said the leader of the moon people!

"There is no use for me to live! We have bet all our hopes on the future. Maybe one day in the future, I can briefly meet the successor!"

"A completely reborn Devil Fruit may not necessarily have the will of the previous generation of capable users. Our research on this is not thorough enough!"

"But we have no choice! There is hope in the future, so we must do our best!"


"How's everything else going?" Joey Boy asked.

"You guessed it right. Im and the others are really starting to cover up the truth. Now anyone who mentions our name in the sea will be killed on the spot at worst, or imprisoned for life at worst. The history books of the past have also been revised. If this continues In less than a hundred or two hundred years, no one will remember our existence on this sea!"

Hearing this, Joyboy was not surprised at all: "After all, this is not as simple as victory and defeat, this is a crisis of genocide! That's why we need to use indestructible stones to record everything that happened in this era [heavy to a A person who is strong and inherits our will will appear, and I believe that person will bring peace and true freedom to the world!"

"According to what you said, I scattered the stones that recorded Wanokuni's special secret messages around the world. Some of them are still guarded, but most of the tribes are inconspicuous and will not attract Im's attention!"

"This is all thanks to Queen Lily. She seems not to have been completely deceived and controlled by Im. If she hadn't risked her life to advise Im to stop killing, maybe everyone in the world would have been killed!

But the current situation is not much different from the subjugation of the country and the annihilation of the species! Im agreed, but he is just worried that intelligent creatures are really extinct. He will not be able to draw power and achieve immortality. Now all intelligent groups in the sea are actually equivalent to being kept in captivity. !”

"And one day, if he finds an evolution method that doesn't need to absorb human thoughts and emotions, maybe many groups of people in the sea will become extinct!"

Joyboy's heart is extremely heavy!

All because of their inability to destroy Im!

"Indeed, but at least we have bought time. The current ethnic group has not been exterminated, and there is still hope in the future. Im may even allow them to develop well before harvesting the world!

"But people don't know the truth! The world is no longer free!"

"He who will be free will bring hope once again!"

"It will definitely happen!" Both of them believe this!

"Have I brought my letter of apology to the fish people's habitat? I can't get close to it rashly anymore. Im has moved into the Holy Land and announced the establishment of a World government! It's too close to the fish people's habitat!"

"Bring it here!"

"Alas, it's all my fault for my incompetence. I failed to fulfill Alice's final regrets, failed to let the fish people live a peaceful and stable life, and failed to fulfill the agreement with the fish people and bring them to live under the sun again!

But..... If there is really reincarnation, and the thought is passed on, Alice will hope to see this letter of apology! I'm sorry, Alice!"

Joy Boy isn't sure about that, not sure if what those giant Poseidons are saying is true or not!

After all, in this sea, different races have different genetic secrets!

They didn't study it thoroughly!

But he hoped it was true!

Because when I saw the man in the straw hat!

There seems to be someone from the fish-men clan around him!

Maybe it really is her!

Joey Boy: "You should go, you will have a hard time in the future!"

"I have left a legacy on Sky Island, and if one day our people forget where they came from, I hope it reminds them that beyond this world full of seas, there is another world full of land. The world exists! There is hometown!!”

【Enel: Did you build the temple?!】

"Of course someone will remember! As long as human beings are alive! The footsteps and will to pursue freedom will not stop, nor will it disappear!" Joey Boy has a hot light in his eyes!

"But isn't the condition you set at the end a bit of a joke? Shouldn't inheritors pay more attention to talent and strength? Isn't the test of optimism you designed a bit off-point? And if this one fails, the others will not pass." use!"



【Auntie: What?! Is there such a limit to get the big secret treasure?】

"It's not child's play. The future world is probably full of disasters and disasters. Only by maintaining an optimistic and positive heart in the midst of disasters can we better control this force!" Joey Boi firmly said!

"It seems to make sense, I have already taught you the technique of hiding in Moon Shadow!"

"It will be hard for you to take care of other people in the future!"

"I try my best, but I can't live long." The leader of the moon people was the former battle king!

He has already been seriously injured, and now he is only able to breathe a sigh of relief by relying on more advanced medical technology!

Not all civilizations, or kingdoms, after all!

Anyone can research Angel Potion!

Moreover, some attacks have residual power, which cannot be cleaned up and recovered!

"Feel sorry."

"Why bother to apologize, we have already regarded this place as our second home! How is it possible

Then the screen changed!

After Im sending people to test several times to no avail!

Finally, venture out and find out for yourself!

But this meeting was extremely short-lived!

Joey Boy only took one blow! It made Im very afraid of this place in the future!

He temporarily borrowed the wish power of [Hope] that was sealed on the holy mountain!

At the same time burning his own life, soul!!

As well as the hope for the future, let his combat power return to the previous peak state for a short time!

Hit Em with one blow!

It exploded his body and severely damaged Im!

It made his spiritual network black for a while, almost completely destroying it!!

"Damn it!! He wants to die with me! What about the island? How did it disappear?"

Im clearly saw the outline of an island before!

But after the terrible big bang, it can't disappear!

Im trying to get close!

Suddenly, a strange wave came from somewhere!

Im's life form is unstable!

At the same time, the gunfire from Uranus and Pluton is coming!

Im was taken aback, he had been severely injured!

And the life form is unstable, if it is set on fire again, in case Joey Boy is not dead


The possibility of a fatal blow is reserved!

He might actually be pulled along on the road!

After all, they already know themselves very well!

Im not betting on it!!

His instinct is not to gamble either!

Get out of here quickly!

Then recuperate for many years!

If not very necessary!

He's not going to venture into this place again!

As long as you don't come, no matter what trap Joey Boy has set up!

It's useless to yourself!

Of course, Im didn't expect Joey Boy to leave such a big hidden danger at the beginning!

Until he knows!

Im still has lingering fears, after all, he suffered many losses under the hands of the Old Kingdom!

And that kind of power must be very difficult to obtain!

Joey Boy must have put some insurance against himself!

The existence of my own life form!

If you forcefully find that island!

Try to master it, there is a high probability that the power will reject you, and then explode yourself!

It's easy to break after all!

Of course, it's not that I don't have the possibility of success, but it's not high!

But in the case of not being sure about the power of self-explosion, and with serious injuries!

Im not taking any chances!

No need to take risks either!

Because the world is in your hands!

No one can fight against yourself!

Just beware of some remnants to get this power!

Unless one day you meet an existence that you can't fight against!

He has the need to take risks......

This video ends here!

Because the king of the legendary ancient kingdom has fallen!

World government has been established! The old days are gone!

It has become a tragic kingdom that makes people sigh!

【 Sengoku: What a pity! If there is no Im, the collision of the civilizations of the ancient kingdom and the moon will definitely bring Blue Star to unprecedented heights!

People's lives will become more convenient and prosperous! Instead of the many wars that occurred in those one hundred years, bringing such bloody and dark disasters!]

【Dragon: Not all kingdoms can be like Dragon Kingdom!】

[Garp: In the darkest moment, more than 70% of the world's population disappeared. Hasn't Im been soft-hearted after killing so many people? What a monster! 1

【Silver Axe: Raftel can be hidden in the moon shadow! Who would have thought that even if they got the specific coordinates, they would come here! They might not be able to find it. People's first reaction

You must have been cheated!]

【Roger: Oh, this, you can perceive it if you have the ability to hear everything... 】

【Rocks: Don't take such a rare ability for granted!】

【Kaido: I am Cao!! What does this mean?! I feel that the big secret treasure is specially designed for some people. How dare we all be a group of clowns to play with?!】

【Golden Lion: Why do you think so much? Anyway, you are all prisoners now, even if you don’t have these conditions! We don’t have a chance to get the big secret treasure! I want to open it!】

[Im: Damn it, I still don’t know if Joyboy shot a feint after his death, and if I arrive at the island hidden in the shadow of the moon, will it come to itself?


[Venus: Lord Im, it’s pointless to be entangled with this. Even if we didn’t blew ourselves up, even if we got it carefully, it may be equivalent to a king-level combat power at most, but Dragon Kingdom

More than one, even Lord Gao Yang is stronger!]

【Im: That's true......】

Im can only accept his fate helplessly!

How brilliant he was!

Until I met Longguo! It was completely reduced to a joke and a background board!

How can there be such a kingdom in this world!!

【Im: Speaking of which, aren't you already in Raftel? Is there any hope of getting the big secret treasure?】

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